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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    WAR in Kentucky!

    Sad but true. I’m not qualified to comment on his timing or method, but bringing our troops home was a campaign promise, as was disentangling us from perpetual wars and making nato do their part. Again, these moves will draw criticism and have a cost no matter when or how they come about. If it’s really that much of a geopolitical concern than let France Germany and the rest send their people and spend their money. My tax dollars should be used for the United States, not for the entire world.
  2. mattys281

    WAR in Kentucky!

    I sure hope you’re wrong about the election. Every time I hear people say he can’t lose, I cringe: they said the same thing about Hillary! Yikes! Pride begets the fall.... the China deal was always going to be rough no matter what. Long term projects are always unpleasant and costly in the initial phases and you usually don’t start to see results until the tail end. And that term may not even be strong enough to use, it’s more like a complete restructuring and turn around of a business that’s on the verge of flopping. I think it was necessary though. Working in manufacturing I’ve been involved in competitive quotes where we had to compete against China, Mexico and Eastern Europe to get packages of parts that were worth millions of dollars. I’ve seen good money jobs leave to go over seas so customers can save a few bucks. If we’re going to compete globally, fine, but the playing field has to be level and it never has been. We’re not just competing against cheap labor, or lack of regulations, or cheaper process inputs, we’ve been competing against all of the above simultaneously. It was going to be ugly no matter who did it or when it happened, but it had to happen. i saw his speech the the other night where he said the first phase was done and should be documented and signed in a few weeks. He said farmers better buy some more land and get ready for some overtime. Man I hope he’s right. I think he has to be. They have to have those numbers going into the election.
  3. mattys281

    Happy Birthday CJ

    Happy birthday
  4. mattys281

    WAR in Kentucky!

    There was lots of dems that voted for trump in 2016 and lots of republicans who voted against him. Don’t give a pass to guys like Romney and McCain over party affiliation. The news likes to highlight radicalism on both sides, because they’re actually not in the business of reporting the news, but rather the business of selling ad space. That’s what you get with a for profit “media”. Each network pics a team and plays to their audience for money not virtue. To me this isn’t a my team your team election. There’s so much radicalism on the left, it’s a logic and sense vs. emotional rhetoric election. God, I hope logic wins. i disagree with our friend yotebuster on his evaluation of trump. As a business owner and workaholic, I’ve never seen a better economy, and I for one can tolerate some mistakes (he is human after all) for the good work being done on behalf of the American working man. I think he has put in all he can to keep his promising while fighting constant push back on... well ... literally everything. I do think we need a strong third party option though. Partisanship is terrible for the country’s cohesion and the only way to accomplish that viable third option is for people to bite the bullet and start voting for candidates they believe in even if they have little chance of winning. If the votes for independents or libertarians start rising, others will jump on the bandwagon. I don’t think this is the cycle to push that principle though. There’s too much to lose if one of the radicals on the left was to win.
  5. mattys281

    Happy Birthday Amanda!

    Happy birthday.
  6. mattys281

    3 for 3 One day at a time

    Outstanding! Congrats to all, that’s a great hunt.
  7. mattys281

    My Daughter is Officially a Marine

    Awesome! Congrats to her and to mom and dad
  8. My buddy & I were out scouting last weekend and ran into this little guy. He cam up to within 15-20 yards of us to check us out. Didn't seemed alarmed at all. Not sure where mama was, but somebody should tell him to stay the heck away from bipeds.
  9. mattys281

    Sons 2019 muley

    Congrats to him awesome buck!
  10. Great video. Thank you for sharing your tips. subscribed
  11. mattys281

    Wifeys AZ Rim Country Archery Bull (Pics)

    Very cool! Congrats to her
  12. mattys281

    First Az Archery Coues

    Congrats that’s a fantastic buck!
  13. mattys281

    In case you missed it :)

  14. mattys281

    Last Day Bull (pics)

    Congrats! Great bull on any day
  15. mattys281

    Wife gets it done

    Very nice congrats to her!
  16. mattys281

    24b sucks

    I’ve definitely not given up, just backed out for a few years. I’ve killed a couple in there and know it’s great habitat, just needs to quiet down a little. It’ll bounce back.
  17. mattys281

    24b sucks

    I agree with the op. No deer left, best to look elsewhere. in all seriousness I had a real decent honey hole tucked away in there that got found out a few years ago. No longer a honey hole. its a big unit though, I’m sure there’s lots of other decent spots. Good luck big10
  18. mattys281

    In case you missed it :)

    Of course she campaigns in the west. People get killed for voicing their opinions in most of those other places.
  19. mattys281

    In case you missed it :)

    Saddest part is that these emotional idiots don’t even realize they’re just pawns that the ‘environmentalist industry’ is playing to make money. Solar panels, windmills, hybrid/electric cars, recycling trash collection trucks, etc etc all cost money to buy and pollute the environment to produce and install with diesel burning tractors and cranes, aircraft, plowing new roads to maintain thousands of acres of these monstrosities, and on and on... being green earns corporations and their share holders hundreds of billions per year and causes way more damage to the environment than it prevents. Good job killing the Earth you bunch of rocket scientists. Seriously, how did NASA miss scooping up these geniuses right out of grade school???
  20. mattys281

    Curious little bear

    I’m no bear expert but to me it looked just about the size when mama chases them off so she can breed again. I would guess 80-100# size range. Looked pretty young too.
  21. Ran into this little bear yesterday on my way home from shooting. He wasn’t shy that’s for sure.
  22. mattys281

    Wounding bulls

    I think you raise another excellent point with the tracking. A bad hit with a tough tracking job can be soul crushing and demoralizing. It’s easy to want to quit. I’ve been on a couple that took hours and hours to finally find the animal. At times I thought his is pointless why bother? Kept going anyway and recovered them. I think one of the best things a person can do in this situation is call for help. Your buddy will be less emotional and more rational than you when they arrive on scene, plus having another person participate helps keep the motivation up to keep trying. It’s much harder for a person to quit in front of someone else than it is when you’re alone. My hunting partner has been crucial in helping me recover a couple animals. Could I have done it alone? Probably. But it was much easier and quicker with the help.
  23. mattys281

    first archery coues

    Man that is an awesome coues! Congrats!
  24. mattys281

    Wounding bulls

    I think Stanley nailed it. I bet 90% of these wounded bulls are straight up buck fever. I missed a buttload of deer before I ever learned how to calm down and shoot at an animal. Practice all you want, but paper and foam will never get adrenaline pumping like hide and horn does. Unfortunately the only way I know of to get good at shooting animals is to shoot animals. I killed more cottontail rabbits than I could count before I ever connected on my first deer
  25. mattys281

    Hey hunters, $20K reward *update*

    This guy really needs to find a new hobby