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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    High Desert Mule Deer.. BBD!

    Great looking muley. Congrats!
  2. mattys281

    Culture change

    There in lies the problem. Our country was founded, built & originally governed by men who worked for a living, were successful at business & many of whom were soldiers. They wrote a constitution & structured a government to protect their country men who lived the same hard lives as they & had the same set of values. Now our country is ran by rich politicians, professional speakers, most of whom have never seen a speck of dirt under their manicured nails. They are as detached from the real world that we know & love as can be, so they have no understanding of guns or even life & death. These egomaniacs in their delusional throne rooms of political power are actually arrogant enough to look down on us, believing that we, in the real world of sweat, blood & dirt, don't know what is best for us & they sincerely think they can legislate away all of lifes dangers & fix things they don't even understand. If we ever want to see a change, it's got to start by voting back in working men. Politicians are not qualified to be in politics. Unfortunately, I think the whiners looking for a handout will continue to vote in every jackass who promises to steal from the evil business owners & entreprenuers so that they might toss some coins to the lazy. History has taught us that every empire eventually crumbles & so will this one. Eaten from the inside out by the laziness & apathy of the people.
  3. mattys281

    Pictures with permission sort of...

    This is definetely the polite thing to do. I'd not be happy if pics of me were thrown up on the web without my knowledge.
  4. I'll be spending a few days with the wife & dog up in Flagstaff for Christmas, but plan on pulling a 3day bivy trip before new years. Hopefully, I'll get a pic of one on the ground this time.
  5. Some nice looking bucks. Thanks for sharing the video.
  6. mattys281

    Hybrid's update!

    I was once lucky enough to see a white muley, up south of Prescott. Never had the chance to see a hybrid though. Great pics, thanks for sharing.
  7. He sure tried. You should've seen him circling around in those bushes trying to track that doe. Looked like my lab tearing the house apart searching for her frisbee!
  8. mattys281


    Guns are just inanimate peices of metal. It's the evil s.o.b.s holding them that are the problem. Take the guns away & they will find explosives or some other devices to bend to their designs. As tragic as this is, nobody in Washington will spend a moment pondering how to disuade future criminals, they will simply try to disarm all of us.
  9. It's the Canon EOS Rebel T3i w/ the 250mm zoom. They had a pretty sweet sale on them at Costco a couple weeks ago w/ a $150 instant rebate. Not sure if it's still on sale or not, but the kit came with camera, 2 lenses & a really nice case.
  10. mattys281

    NM Wilderness Coues

    Gorgeous buck. Congrats!
  11. I lived out in Superior for a few years & hunted rabbits quite often. Probably drilled 30 or so cottontails with the bow, but never connected on a jack. The cotton bunnys, while a little tough, are pretty tasty. I ate a bunck of them & never got sick. I've read that the trick is to get them cleaned & on ice immediately, other wise rigomortis starts to set in in a matter of minutes, due to their small body size. I found that it did make a difference to clean & ice them immediately, although that's a problem if you're too far from the car.
  12. mattys281

    Need a painter

    I've got a big house that I need painted. If anyone on here is a painter or knows somebody who does good work, please have them give me a ring after 5:00 pm, or email. I'd like to see some pictures of previous jobs, if possible. I also will be needing someone who does tile floors in a couple months. Thanks. Matt (602)908-2931 mattys281@yahoo.com
  13. mattys281

    Need a painter

    Discounts are good. I have about 1600 sq ft downstairs that will need covered, so I'll have to get the boss (aka, the wife) to settle on the size & color she wants.
  14. mattys281

    First Idaho buck

    Congrats on the beautiful buck. Enjoy that high country!
  15. Didn't really have much time to hunt this summer, but I made it out for a couple days. Never even got to draw back, but I got some decent pics & this video clip. These little guys acted like they were about to climb under that juniper with me until my camera batteries died & the thing started beeping & making all kinds of noise. they jumped a little, but I sat real still & they calmed down again. Their mama had other ideas, however, & blew out of there a minute or so later, taking them with her. This was the closest I've been to live deer that had no idea I was there, at least from the ground. Pretty cool experience. They closed in to about 10-12 feet before my camera gave it's death moan & scared them away.
  16. mattys281

    Arrow and Broadheads?

    I usually line them up, so that they'll fit in the quiver without the fletchings contacting each other, but have shot them at various orientations & noticed no grouping issues w/ helical fletching.
  17. Wow, you guys need to step of the road a little ways. I seldom even see another hunter, let alone have a confrontation over a hunting spot.
  18. mattys281

    Arrow and Broadheads?

    Orienting fixed blade broadheads used to be pretty important when everyone was shooting straight fletches, but even that doesn't make much difference anymore w/ helical fletching. If your arrow is spinning, it'll true up & hit pretty consistent, as long as the arrow is leaving the bow reasonably straight & not fishtailing all over the place.
  19. Amanda, you have a great site & are free to add anything I post up. Thanks & good luck this season. Matt
  20. mattys281

    My 2012 OTC Muley

    Nice looking muley. Great job! Matt
  21. mattys281

    Guns for Sale

    I'll take that single-shot 20 gauge off your hands if you still have it. Will call you in a couple hours on my afternoon break. Matt
  22. mattys281

    Why only UnGuided Hunting Stories?

    I'm glad to see people supporting the do-it-yourself mentality. I cancelled by subscriptions to every hunting mag I read a few years ago because I was sick of reading the same story over & over again. About 3-4 months ago, go an email w/ 75% discount on a couple that I used to read, so I figured what the heck & renewed. Big mistake!!! Still writing that same story over & over & over & over....
  23. mattys281

    Archery Stabilizer Offset Arms For Sale.

    TTT 3 gone, still have 7 for sale.
  24. Tried finding some of these a couple months ago, but couldn't find anything I liked online or in a local shop. So I made my own... Trying to get $15 each, or if a shop owner wants a batch we can talk discounts on 10+. The purpose is to offset the stabilizer to balance out the weight of the quiver full of arrows so you bow doesn't tip to the side after the shot. Made a pretty significant difference for me & my bow still balances fine when the quiver is detached. If any one local is interested in one, I've got 10 that aren't listed on ebay & someone local can swing by & pick one up (I live in AVondale & work in Tempe). Thanks for looking. Matt ebay item: 130738610142