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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Stabilizer setups

    I haven't really paid attention to that as I always have to settle in and move a little during my aiming process. What I was after was that on follow through after the release my bow would not tip to the side or forward. Instead it just stays put. I have a couple extras if you want one just pm me some mailing address or if you're near either avondale or Tempe you can swing by.
  2. mattys281

    What's the Problem?

    I think mines posted. I'm 35 & figure I got at least another 70 good years in me, then I'll probably slow down a little.
  3. mattys281

    Stabilizer setups

    I'm using a 10" sims stabilizer with an offset that I made in my garge/shop. Piece of aluminum, cnc machine tool, hard anodize & there you go. Balances the bow to where I have no side tip even with a quiver full of arrows, although I usually shoot without the quiver anyway.
  4. mattys281

    wild pig. N. California?

    I did quite a bit of digging on this topic a few years ago & gave it two different tries, both unsuccessfully. From what I read & was told by the ranger stations & Ca G&F, finding pigs on public land is hard to do. Most are on the private ranches with good feed & good water. If you're stuck on hunting public land, there's supposed to be some decent hunting around Lake Sonoma. I'm not sure how close that is to where you're going, but it's supposed to be one of the better public land options. Also, Ft. Hunter Ligget (not sure on the spelling) is a popular public land destination. Among private areas, Choppers Wild Hog Adventures used to be the hot ticket. I hunted there once & it happened to be during the worst spring they'd ever had. Out of the 8 guys there that weekend, only 2 got shots & nobody tagged one. Chopper closed it down for a few years afterwards to let the herd rebound & the last I heard was that his place was open again & doing pretty well. The Tejon Ranch is also pretty popular. Choppers place is bowhunting only, but the Tejon will let you use firearms I believe. The word I was given by some of the Ca hog gurus I talked to was that you'd have better chances of shooting a B&C blacktail deer than you do of getting a pig on public land. Good luck. Matt
  5. mattys281

    Fixed blade broadhead vs. mechanical

    I switched over to mechanicals last year. Have only hit one deer with it so far but it blew through that muley at 32 yards like he wasn't even there. The deer jumped the string a little so instead of getting a double lung shot my arrow went in a little far back and angled forward. Made a massive hole through guts liver and lung, exiting through the ribs. I was very impressed and plan to keep using them.
  6. mattys281

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    I think you missed the point. I never mentioned tattoos nor said that people with piercings are automatically bad folks. I did say that if you're going to present yourself as a potential employee, appearing professional goes a long way. It shows the potential employer that you take the job seriously and you value their time and the opportunity.
  7. mattys281

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    Have to disagree on this one. I'm more than happy to judge a person based on the way they present themselves. In fact its part of my job to interview prospective employees for my company and having done this hundreds of times over they years I can very quickly break a person down based on what i see and their responses to just a handful of simple questions. Douchieness is definetely visible. Incidently if you want to hide your douchieness during an interview here are a couple tips: take the metal crap out of your face, wear some clean non-torn clothes, and generally speaking dont come in to interview for any position with any company looking like you just rolled out of bed or possibly a trash can. Also dont keep checking your phone. I have excused myself and shown more than one person to the door after only a few minutes because they appeared to have more important things on their mind.
  8. mattys281

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    Taking offense to literally anything that is written by some keyboard commando hiding out behind an avatar on an internet forum. And if you try to tough guy talk them with threats of violence then you are a supersized d bag.
  9. mattys281

    knocked out a monster with an arrow

    +1. More than one person has made that mistake. I usually just miss them altogether when I suffer from the antler fever. And a couple of those misses have been in the 20 yard ballpark.
  10. mattys281

    How low do they go?

    Ive heard them buggling off the barnhardt trail a couple times. They're definitely up there in the mazatzal but I dont know how many. Thatd be a nasty pack out.
  11. mattys281

    Recommend me a new sleeping bag!

    Ive got an REI sub kilo 0° bag I've used for years on backpacking trips and road camps alike. Cost about $350 at the time but it stuffs down to the size of a football and only weighs about 2 lbs. Can't beat it.
  12. mattys281

    Jesse Jackson

    Glad you brought that up. I gotta remember to do the app this weekend.
  13. mattys281

    Jesse Jackson

    This country grows weaker with every passing day because of too much tolerance. A house divided cannot stand, and neither can a society that has no common values or shared belief system, regardless of what those beliefs are. Aristotle said "tolerance is the last virtue of a dying culture." He had it right 2300 years ago and it has been proved over and over throughout history yet you moronic liberals still feel you can think your way into a higher station than the short sighted barbarians by spewing forth your sentimental rhetoric, but really all you're doing is regurgitating the same ideas that never worked before. This country was founded on hard work sweat blood and integrity. Those values have gone down the crappier with the break down of the family unit, and that break down is a direct result of over tolerance which by very definition means people can be or do whatever they want. Society is stronger and safer when the people in it fear the judgement of the rest of their group, their peers that is not their government. Without that you have no community just a bunch of people living next to each other.
  14. mattys281

    1st ever archery success!

    Congrats on the first kill.
  15. I don't think mine is so much crazy as careless but a few years ago I got the bright idea to go out camera in hand and try to call in some cow elk for pictures. I'm working my way down a ridge over in 27 and hear a branch pop behind me. I slowly turn to find a big ole black bear about 25-30 yards away coming right up behind me. I tried the waving my arms a yelling routine but he wasn't having it he just sat there staring at me. Finally I set down the camera and nicked an arrow and began to slowly back away. He stare for a few more seconds then backed off circled around me keeping his eyes on me the whole while and eventually dropped down off the hill. Whole scene probably didn't last two minutes but seemed like an hour. Lesson to remember here is elk drop their calves early in the summer and blackies like easy meals so you can call in more than cow elk with calf noises. The following year I walked up on a lion sleeping under a tree 40 yards away on the same ridge. I had a tag but all I had was a quiver full of blunts and field points so I took some snap shots of him with the little camera and walked on after he got tired of my attention and bailed.
  16. mattys281

    NM Barbary Sheep

    Ive put in a couple times but have yet to get a tag. I forgot about it and missed the deadline this year. Good luck db.
  17. mattys281

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    I don't shoot that far but I would have more buck fever over $40 than a deer. $40 is like 8 six packs of Shiner Bock or 2 bottles of Buffalo Trace. I was still thinking in terms of lap dances at petes, but yeah, that too.
  18. mattys281

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    I really don't have a problem with a guy killing stuff at 200 yards with his bow, if he's good enough to do it. 134 yards seems kinda long to me, but that's only because I can't hold steady enough to aim with that precision & I frankly do not have the eyesight to see well enough to hit something that far away without some sort of optical sight. In fact, I've been having a time of seeing the spots on my target at 80 yards lately, so I just shoot closer, because that's what works for me. I've recently gotten more involved in rifle shooting & right now, at my skill level, 200 yards looks pretty long. That doesn't make guys that kill stuff at 600+ evil or unethical, it just means that those ranges are currently beyond my personal ability. If it's a true story, then congrats to the hunter.
  19. mattys281

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    Haven't shot anything outside of petes but I may have tried to snare a cougar inside there once or twice.
  20. mattys281

    Backpacking hunt

    I always carry at least 50 feet of lightweight cord. It can save your life a hundred different ways, anything from shelter to snares and starting fires. Also makes it easier to tie up animals for field dressing and then securing the pieces onto your pack. I'm bad about not carrying a tent unless the forecast calls for weather but as I've had to employ my emergency shelter building skills twice in the last two years (Yahoo's weather stinks!) I do carry a light weight bivy sack from SOL. I think it weighs in at seven ounces. I keep thinking to try a water filter system but so far have relied on chlorine tablets. I've never gotten sick while using them but they take several hours to work so you have to remember to fill up your water at night so it will be ready in the morning. The upside is that they weigh next to nothing.
  21. mattys281

    Backpacking hunt

    My thermarest inflatable pad has been a life saver the last couple years. PUt down a foamey first to protect from rocks, sticker & provide insulation, then lay the inflatable on top of it. It's an extra pound that is worth 5 extra pounds in comfort when confronted with the hard Arizona ground.
  22. mattys281

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    I'm up to four deer and three javis, all with the bow.
  23. mattys281

    First bow kill

    Congrats on your first bow kill. Thats a real nice cousie!
  24. mattys281

    Do mule deer bucks smell during Rut?

    The first deer I ever shot was a rutty january muley and he was very very stinky. I gotta go get another one of those.
  25. mattys281

    First archery coues

    Congrats on both of your 'firsts'. I noticed the 'be the decoy' hat in your pic, how di d that work for you?