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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    This post is for the dogs

    Here's a couple more of my lab... well..... being a lab. At least they're sweet!
  2. mattys281

    Texas Hog Hunt - Who Wants to Go?

    I would love to go, but my son is due to be born 4/21 so I'm home bound this spring. Have to save my vacation time for when the little man arrives. I'm sure you guys will have a great time, I've heard these hunts are a blast and it's still on my bucket list.
  3. mattys281

    Texas Hog Hunt - Who Wants to Go?

    Well, I waaaas interested... now? Not so much.
  4. mattys281

    Archery Headquarters

    Good. So its not just me. Nice shop btw. ive dropped a couple bucks in there and have no complaints.
  5. mattys281

    finally first lion with a bow

    Nice! Congrats!
  6. mattys281

    2014 buck done (updated)

    .I tried it out on this on because if i messed it up it would make me mad but i would not be heart broken but if i messed up a bigger one i would be pissed. So i used it as a learning experience. And i am not into shoulder mounts I like the shoulder mounts myself, but have a shortage of space plus the wife is not a fan of 'living in a wildlife museum' so im banned from mounting any more. These euro mounts look like a nice option to hang over the desk though without taking up a lot of room. I like it. Nice work.
  7. mattys281

    2014 buck done (updated)

    Some nice looking work. Next time I shoot one that doesn't rate a shoulder mount, I may have to give that a shot. Kinda makes me sorry I didn't keep the antlers off my forky from last year.
  8. mattys281

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    That's awful. Thoughts & prayer to him & his family.
  9. mattys281

    gas is $1.99 at Yorkshire Costco

    Good investment opportunity. Oil refiners like Holly Frontier & Valero have been taking it on the chin for the last few weeks... hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm..........
  10. mattys281

    Oregon Mule Deer. " Buck Norris "

    Buck Norris: because even chuck Norris needs a hero.
  11. mattys281

    Archery Headquarters

    Its a nice shop, but I have to voice a complaint about your dart range: the scoring system seems to be broken, im sure I hit more 12s than what it gives me credit for!
  12. mattys281

    Little of everything

    Take a good book, a big thick pad to sit on and settle in for the long haul. Im sure you'll let the air out of something. Seems like a nice little funnel for movement. Good luck!
  13. mattys281

    First Bull

    Nice bull congrats again!
  14. Makes perfect sense if you just dont think about it. Everyone knows that its only quiet guns that are dangerous.
  15. mattys281

    First Bull

    Congrats! If you need help uploading pics, you can email them to me and I'll see if I can post them. Mattys281@yahoo.com
  16. mattys281

    Rattling and calling coues

    I havent killed one that I called in yet, but I've called in a couple bucks that I blew the shot on and many, many does. Coues deer definitely will respond..... sometimes.
  17. I dont know much about wildlife management, but it seems to me like it must be a lose lose situation for the g&f pretty much every day. They increase tags to try to increase opportunity and foster new hunter recruitment = they're dummies that are ruining hunting. They lower tags to increase herd size or trophy quality = people start crying about never drawing a tag, your hunter retention plummets and forget about getting any newbies into the sport. Glad I dont have to make those decisions.
  18. mattys281

    24b success ? Anybody?

    The only ones I've ever seen in there were pretty low, the higher stuff seems to be more coues country. This guy was down in the rolly stuff paling around with a little spike buck and hounding a doe.
  19. mattys281

    shooting under stress

    Over the years I must have read a million articles that said you should shoot with both eyes open so I always did it that way, but wouldhave a pproblem punching the trigger in crunch time. After having Lasik surgery a few years ago though I ended up with vision that is slightly different in my two eyes. Still am glasses free, but it bugged me a lot shooting. So I simply started shooting with one eye closed. Makes it much easier for me to get the tunnel vision and immediately tightened up my groups at longer ranges. I also talk myself through every shot always, whether at a target or an animal. Draw - aim - squeeze..... WHACK! Dead deer, no more stress.
  20. mattys281

    Little of everything

    Nice pics!
  21. mattys281

    Early Double

    Looks like a heck of a good morning in the field. What kind of call were you using?
  22. mattys281

    Lifetime of waiting!!!

    Congrats on a great ram! I can't think of a better memory to have than helping grandpa fill a tag like that. Well done!
  23. mattys281


    Heck yes! I've got two of 'em!
  24. I picked one up today and man what an immediate difference! She surely is not a fan of the nose strap and I had to snug it up a bit to keep her from pawing it off, but was able to loosen it again after she settled down a little. I dont think I'll ever walk a dog with anything else again. My lab used to be very well trained to heel, but the last couple years we haven't had a lot of time to work with her and she barn soured on us. This contraption calmed her right down.