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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    American Sniper

    I cant find my copy since I moved. Since I have a couple all day sits in my future I guess I'll have to dig it out.
  2. mattys281

    2015 buck is down for the count

    Congrats! Truely impressive buck!
  3. mattys281

    American Sniper

    I'm leaving for a two week business trip to several ports in Asia next Weds, and was looking for some reading material for the long flights. Now I'm thinking I'll hold-off on the movie for now, and get the book to read on my trip! Then maybe catch the movie upon my return.... S. You'll b glad you did. Great book! If you like it you should also check out 98 confirmed kills about carlos Hitchcock. I actually liked it even better. 98 confirmed kills E everyone I loaned the book to could not put it down, including my mom. Carlos Hathcock not hitchcock That's the dang auto-correct on my 'smart-phone'... Gotta love technology!
  4. mattys281

    American Sniper

    I wouldn't even line a birdcage with that paper. It's literally not good enough to be crapped on.
  5. mattys281

    Kaibab ?

    p.s. if you're going to do the archer hunt, make sure you buy a turkey tag! Those things really are everywhere up there.
  6. mattys281

    Kaibab ?

    I hunted it the first time last summer. I think I drew the tag on my 2nd try (archery hunt in August). It's beautiful country and we saw a lot of nice bucks before season, but it gets pretty crowded. Areas that you think are out of the way & pretty secluded before the season can end up being quite popular during the season. This happened to my #1 & #2 spots. I'd suggest going up there during the hunt even if you don't draw the tag so you can see where the concentrations of people are. At least that way you'll know where the people are going to be when you do draw the tag. Also, we saw travel trailers set-up 2 weeks before season that were still there all through the deer hunt. Didn't look like they'd moved an inch. I don't believe the forest circus enforces the camping limit too strictly and people are very definitely claiming areas early. Don't believe all the stories about there being a giant deer in every meadow. We hunted hard for six days and came home without letting one arrow fly. I had the opportunity to kill a spike on the first day, but obviously you don't do that on 'the bab'. It's not at all a freebie. All in all, my hunting partner & I are already talking about giving it another go in the future now that we know more about it.
  7. mattys281

    American Sniper

    I'm leaving for a two week business trip to several ports in Asia next Weds, and was looking for some reading material for the long flights. Now I'm thinking I'll hold-off on the movie for now, and get the book to read on my trip! Then maybe catch the movie upon my return.... S. You'll b glad you did. Great book! If you like it you should also check out 98 confirmed kills about carlos Hitchcock. I actually liked it even better.
  8. mattys281

    New CouesWhitetail.com Tshirts are in!

    Nice try Amanda, but it's going to take a lot more than a free tshirt to get me on facebook. Good thing I have a daughter I can coerce & intimidate into doing it for me. Sweet shirts!
  9. mattys281

    Friends First Archery Buck

    Nice wide desert muley! Congrats to him.
  10. mattys281

    Are the Mule Deer still rutting?!?

    I glassed up some does out in 24b yesterday, but no buck action.
  11. mattys281

    pack goats in training/tree trimmers?

    I'd been told before goats can climb anything.... photo evidence. Good looking animals, when do you think they'll be ready to hunt with?
  12. mattys281

    What's the best rangefinder?

    I just picked up a leica rangemaster 1000 r and am very impressed. The optics on it are the best I've ever seen in a rangefinder. They're a little spend, but you get what you pay for. I was ranging rock piles across a canyon at 800+ this weekend and it repeats the exact measurement and does all the angle compensation etc. I still don't know how to use all the stuff on it need to read the owners manual and play around some more.
  13. mattys281

    Son's First Big Game With a Bow

    Congrats to you guys! Thats a heck of a nice pig!
  14. mattys281

    Wolverine in California

    My first thought is 'i hope they have a taste for liberals'
  15. mattys281

    Kuiu, Sitka, First Lite, Kryptek etc.

    My sitka gear has been great and lasted for years. Im still using the same stuff I bought back in 2007.
  16. mattys281

    Post your pics with scores

    From this last august. Taxidermist taped him at 113 gross.
  17. mattys281

    Getting Closer

    Im certainly no expert, but over the last seven or eight years I've had several opportunities to kill deer every single season, and I've managed to connect on five of them. I can tell from experience that the one single mistake I made that kept me from tagging deer earlier on is that I simply didnt give a spot enough time to produce. Regardless of your hunting style you have to give a spot enough time. Whether in the desert or high in the pines our deer move around a lot. The best deer spots I've ever found dont have bucks in them every day. I killed a b&c class buck this year in a spot that my trail cam only caught bucks in every 3-5 days. You just have to be there when they show up. If your spotting and stalking, you may have to glass the same area over and over for a few days before you find d them. If you're sitting ambushes, I think you have to dedicate a minimum of 3 consecutive all day sits before you can even start to consider moving. But thats just my .02. So have fun and good luck!
  18. Ill try to post them for you if you dont mind emailing them over. Id kinda like to see them too. mattys281@yahoo.com I know how to post pictures, but it wasn't working right. I was able to do it on my PC.Thanks for offering mattys281. I figured it was stubborn technology. Almost always is, especially with my 'smart phone' Congrats on a great buck!
  19. mattys281

    Leica Rangemaster 1000 R - Anybody using one???

    Pulled the trigger on it and bought one of these. Im truly amazed at how clear this thing is. The optics are so good I dont even plan on taking my binos when I treestand hunt any more. I cant wait until this weekend when I get to light up some deer with it!
  20. Wife has made a request for Christmas ideas, and I've been toying with the idea of upgrading my range finder. Anybody have any experience with one of these? I know they make some of the best glass, I'm just wondering how the battery life is and how durable they are. THanks. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007O2YF4Y/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=YZV88HD63L6R&coliid=I2X22T6PC6S49K
  21. mattys281


    I never shot an AR but I loved my old Diablo with the hybrid cams! Dang was that a great shooting bow! I gave it to a buddy of mine when he got interested in bowhunting a few years ago, so I still get to see it sometimes when we shoot the dart range.
  22. Ill try to post them for you if you dont mind emailing them over. Id kinda like to see them too. mattys281@yahoo.com
  23. mattys281

    Bye Bye Dish Network!!

    If you have wireless internet in your house you just buy the Roku box, plug it in to your tv and connect to your network. They have a selection of free channels you can watch and also some you can pay to subscribe to. I just watch the free ones. If you have a netflix subscription you can also watch netflix on your Roku. The little box is pretty cheap. I think we got ours for $50-70 at target. Can't really remember exactly how much. They've added new channels too as it seems to be getting more popular.
  24. mattys281

    Getting Closer

    Whenever you fellas start feeling really frustrated and feel like giving up, just find yourselves a nice saddle with a couple trails and sit down for a break. You'd be surprised how many of those deer that are impossible to stalk will simply walk right up to you if you sit still.
  25. mattys281

    Looking for advice??

    I also think he'll be back. I'm pretty sure that's not the first time that he's been chased out by predators, either two legged or four. His escape route worked and he survived = he thinks he's still got a good set-up.