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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Redneck Hurst!!!!!

    Reminds me of the scene on National Lampoons Vacation when they strapped Granny to the roof of 'The Family Truckster'. Classic!
  2. mattys281

    Which GPS would you buy and why

    How does your battery hold up to that? Whenever I use gps functions on my galaxy 3 you can pretty much sit there and watch the battery indicator drop.
  3. mattys281


    You're not too sharp, are ya? Theres no criticism in what I wrote, just my old lady teasing me about hunters whining. If I was ever lucky enough to draw an elk tag I'd likely hunt them the same way: calling and hiking..... and crying about where all the elk have gone.
  4. mattys281


    I watched that video the other night on my tv before going to bed. My wife was there googling recipes or something on her tablet and she looks up when he's bellyaching about his shot and says, "geez, these guys have been crying through this whole video! I hope you dont act like that when you go hunting..." Guess I'll have to work on staying positive just so I dont disgust my significant other with my 'girly whining'.
  5. mattys281

    Bear Wallow Wilderness unit 27

    During the last two august archery hunts I could've killed about 50 turkeys. No toms at that point but lots of hens and baby turkeys. I dont know how theyre doing across the entire unit but theres plenty of deer elk and turkeys in the areas I've been hunting around the burn. Just dont forget your hard hat, because a lot of that dead timber hasn't fallen yet.
  6. mattys281

    Bear Wallow Wilderness unit 27

    P.s. back then it was the greenest and prettiest place in the state. Reminded me more of coastal Washington than any place I've ever seen in Arizona. Huge pines covered with moss and so thick in spots that the trail was cast in shadow at noon! Because of this it was pretty popular with hikers and other backpackers. You'd never be the only one in there on a weekend. Losing that area was a real tragedy. It'll never be the same again in my lifetime.
  7. mattys281

    Bear Wallow Wilderness unit 27

    Ive backpacked in there for years before the fire. I would see plenty of different critters from the trail and there was good bear country down along those creeks. The trail system was nasty and strewn with dead falls BEFORE the fire. Ive not been in since, but im sure its pretty messed up judging by all the fallen timber on the roads around the w.a.
  8. mattys281

    Browns on the ground!!

    First D-Bag Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What does he win? Other than the disdain and hate of the entire internet hunting community?
  9. mattys281

    Browns on the ground!!

    I knew it was bs, but I looked anyway.... and got a couple laughs out if it.
  10. mattys281

    NEW designs for 2015

    I like them. Pretty cool looking design.
  11. Thanks! Yea that buck is one of the most aggressive bucks I've seen in a while. I don't think I've ever seen a buck charge as many bucks as this guy and it wasn't just the bucks he was also mean to the all the does as well. That makes sense... he's been divorced, probably more than once. Now he's just out to fight everything.
  12. Great video! I love that busted up old buck with the broken tines. He's a scrapper!
  13. mattys281

    Back to back spot and stalk bucks

    Congrats! It doesn't get any tougher than spot & stalk coues deer. That's a great accomplishment!
  14. mattys281

    My archery goat finished up!

    Nice looking goat. Congrats on your trophy!
  15. mattys281


    For that kind of money, I'm sure there will be a team of guides involved.
  16. mattys281

    Tree stand help

    yes 55 ft.i was on the side of a steep hill, below me was a heavily used trail and on the top was another....in order for me to watch both and not get busted was to climb a tree in the middle, about dead center, that put me about 25 ft above the top trail. Im guessing you needed a healthy dose of dramamine for that sit, right? Ive never climbed that high but heard the stories from some old iowa tree sitters.
  17. mattys281

    37b HELP

    My son and I have 24B tags, and I swear they pigs have all run across the highway to 37B. Sorry bud, I dont have a tag this year so I can't chase them back over to you guys.
  18. mattys281

    37b HELP

    37b is absolutely loaded with pigs.... when I dont have a tag. When I do theyre all hiding across the hwy in 24b. Good luck!
  19. mattys281


    What a bunch of cheap skates, why not make it an even half million?
  20. mattys281

    A cool sight

    Nice! Theyer pretty funny things. Amazing where they turn up.
  21. mattys281

    Favorite Family Memories

    Congrats on your baby girl coosefan. You thought your life was exciting before, but just wait..... Here's one of my older girls. She just turned 14 and is tough as nails. Been backpacking with me for two winters already and started bowhunting this year. We haven't got her an opportunity at something with antlers yet, but it's coming. Waiting patiently..... This is a puppy we found way back in the sticks this January on the second day of what was supposed to be a four day hunt. I figure somebody must have dumped him off the side of the highway and he'd wandered into the wilderness. He was all skin & bones & getting eatin up by ticks & fleas, so we knew he'd been out there starving for a while. He wolfed down two of our pb&j sandwiches in about 30 seconds. Needless to say, we called the hunt early and packed him out to a flea bath, a good meal and then the animal shelter. This is my 2 year old baby girl. We're taking a little time to have a break and explore the forest some on our way up to a cabin in Greer.
  22. mattys281

    Tree stand help

    I used to use fixed position stands but the last couple summers have used only my Viper SD climber. It's the most comfortable tree stand I've ever been in. Maybe too comfortable, I may have caught a nap or two in it.... It's actually kinda fun to wake up in a tree with deer below you. As mentioned before by some of the other guys, I do all day sits, from before sun up until it's dark which is about 14 hours in August. The stand being comfy is essential or you won't be able to pull that off. At least not for more than one day.
  23. mattys281

    Got my 2014 Archery Deer Back!

    No doubt! He's a good guy and does great work. I'm going to be heading back over to him pretty soon to have my mule deer cleaned & touched up.
  24. mattys281

    Got my 2014 Archery Deer Back!

    I apologize for the crappy pictures. I hung him on the wall first, then took pictures, not accounting for how crappy the light is in the stairwell.... ohh well, too late now. Anyhow, I'm certainly no expert, but I think the taxi did a helluva a job for it being an old scraped up deer with a crappy august cape, and the velvet came out incredibly well. I've never had a fuzzy mount before, so I really didn't know what to expect. Overall, the deer looks exactly like he did in the field. A memory well preserved & I couldn't be happier. On a side note, the taxi also told me that this guys back teeth were very cupped out and worn to the point that he figured he probably didn't have more than a year or two left. Better to have him on my wall than in a wolf or coyotes belly!
  25. mattys281


    Garage shooting while I work. 13 yards with my p.o.s. PSE stick bow. No, I don't hunt with it...