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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    OTC Deer Question

    Yeah, the otc archery tag is good for all the nonpermit archery hunts. You get the january hunt, 3 weeks in the summer, then 2 weeks in December. Theres only a handful of units that require the draw tag (kaibab hunts and a few others).
  2. mattys281

    The long season?

    I agree, it's not the same level. I'm just saying that people always have some rationale for doing wrong, regardless of how wrong it is. As for the people described, I have a hard time begrudging anyone who sincerely does what they feel is necessary to feed their kids. However, if they think they are on hard times now, wait to see how the world looks if they get busted and are now facing charges, fines, legal fees and possibly even incarceration. those kids will get real hungry then. Seems like a lot of risk to expose ones family to. This working guy/gal in trouble, needs some temporary help to get back on their feet situation is exactly what the welfare system and a million charities are designed to help. I don't see how a guy could be too proud to ask for help, but be ok with breaking game laws. Especially if they've been paying into the system for years. If you paid in and need help, you deserve to get it. No shame in that. It's the lazy leaches that milk the system and have no intention of getting off of it that should be ashamed of themselves. Once again, however, the problem is sorting out who is who.
  3. mattys281

    pictures from theis weekend

    Naaah, most of those are of the same 3cats over and over. You know they have very large territories.
  4. mattys281

    The long season?

    I truly feel sad for any person who honestly puts in 100% and still cant manage to feed their little ones. The trouble is that most claim to put in all theyve got, but really they dont. I fire people for it. You talk to them and theyre the hardest working smartest sobs around they just have bad luck and can never catch a break. You talk to me and I'll tell you that they late to work x anount of times per month, theyve been in trouble over and over again for messing with their cell phones instead of aying attention to work and the only thing they can really be counted on for is missing at least two mondays per month. Thats the trouble with hypothetical rationalization of lawlessness: you can justify it for robin hood, but most people arent robin hood. Most people are just chit bags who dont know the difference between doing the bare minimum and actually busting heir tail. Its not the g&f dept.s job to sort out who's who, its just their job to prosecute people who commit crimes. And dont forget, virtually every drug dealer whos ever worn silver bracelets cried a real sad song about feeding his kids and not having a job. Are we to excuse them as well? Theres welfare, churches, foodbanks, families and friends to help good people. Plenty of stops between down on your luck and being a criminal.
  5. mattys281

    The long season?

    Both are criminals.
  6. mattys281

    Thousands of pictures! Help

    Grass and branches blowing are the most likely suspects, but ive had them triggered by the sun too when it is low and directly at the motion sensor. If theres no grass or branches that could be gettng it, make sure its not positioned where either the morning or evening sun is beaming directly on it.
  7. mattys281

    Recommendations for .308 rounds?

    Is that what your putting through the one you were/are working on? Any complaints?
  8. mattys281

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    I bought one this last winter due to the fact that since my daughter has begun backpacking with me she has taken over my zero degree bag (early inheritance i guess) and now dear old dad spends the nights shivering in the 20degree bag. They help a little, but I think before this January I'll unclench the fist a little and by another 0degree bag.
  9. mattys281

    Latest card pull

    Thanks man! Yeah, I am for sure planning on popping up a blind here come the August hunt! REALLY excited about it! The wait is driving me crazy! Hahahaha. The mixed bag spots are great. I like sitting there with my bow on one side and the camera on the other because you never know what youll see. First year I deer hunted 27 I had a huge 6x6 bull elk walk right under my treestand. He literally brushed up against the tree I was in. Then he stood there at 30yards perfectly broadside and started screaming for about 10 minutes. Good times!
  10. mattys281

    Latest card pull

    Nice spot you're working. Break out that popup blind and get comfy! You still got a good month or two to photo hunt before those bucks start getting scarce.
  11. mattys281

    The long season?

    Nice. Guess aholes come in all different colors, shapes, sizes and ages too. When you meet people like that you just need to remember there's no fixing stupid or selfishness.
  12. mattys281

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    Lot of good ones out there. I us the REI sub kili zero degree bag. If you stick to something that is down filled you should be able to get something around 2 lbs that stuffs down to about the size of a football. They're a bit pricey, but I've been using mine for about 8 years now. Spend some cash up front and you'll only have to buy it once.
  13. mattys281


    Thats a freak alright. Is that andre the giants bow or dulph lundgren???
  14. mattys281

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Vmartinez should be on there. Sold him a quiver a while back and he was very prompt with payment and followed up to make sure I received the payment. Good guy to do business with.
  15. mattys281


    I like the pics with them in their natural environment.
  16. mattys281

    What is next for the Prez?

    Curtis thanks for your input and also for doing the job you do. I would love to be wrong on this, and I hope that our country/government never deteriorates to the point that its tested. But if things do reach that point, my money goes on human weakness and self preservation, principles be damned. When studying econ it was referred to as the law of rational self-interest: People will always act in their own best interests first.
  17. mattys281

    New American Currency

    Appropriate, but I have the feeling a pocket full of those won't go that far.
  18. mattys281

    tree stand help

    Just like a set of golf clubs, different stands are good in different scenarios/places. I dont have a ladder stand, but I have both a fixed position and climber. The climber is hands down my favorite unless I absolutely have to be in a tree that has low growing branches that prevent its use. The reasons for my preference are 1.) Comfort for all day sits, 2.) Safety rail surrounding you and 3.) Its much lighter than carrying a fixed stand + steps or ladder or whatever. Just my .02.
  19. mattys281

    Happy birthday Hoghntr

    Happy bday!
  20. mattys281

    Long Range Archery

    Somedays I really think i accidently logged on to archerytalk. Anybody wanna get outta here, go drink some beer and blow stuff up? Hoghunter, I know YOU do!
  21. mattys281

    Long Range Archery

    Thatd be an interesting conversation.
  22. mattys281

    Long Range Archery

    Same boat. Bought a brand new fancy hoyt a couple years ago, just couldnt make myself like it and didnt shoot well with it. Sold her off after about 3 months and went back to my old black ice. Have never regretted getting rid of that thing for even a second. Definetely regret dropping the cash on it to begin with though.
  23. mattys281

    Long Range Archery

    I agree about 90%. Depends on a persons draw length. Some stubby guy shooting 26" can pretty much shoot whatever they want. Someone with longer monkey arms (like me) usually does a little better w/ a longer ata & brace height. String stoppers however have made the shorter brace height bows a lot more shootable.
  24. mattys281

    What think ye?

    That sucks man. Hope it works out for you.
  25. mattys281

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    You raise some valid points, but theres a counter arguement that people often dont bring up: that is the difference between flight range and stop and stare range for a deer. Ive only shoot five deer with my bow, 3 at under 35 (close range) and two at 50+. I also have cleanly missed 2 deer at 50+ and im not fessying up to how many ive punched arrows over at close range. Anyhow, every single animal ive ever shot at in the 50+ range just stood there staring at me and watching that arrow come with a bewildered look on their faces. At least half the animals ive shot at close range have string jumped or flinched, bolted, whatever you want to call it. I think once you get past the 40-50 yard range youre far enough away that they dont feel immediately threatened and will wait to see what happens. My second deer was take. With an 80 yard shot. He stood there and watched me take off my back pack, nock an arrow, range him, draw aim and shoot. Never moved until the arrow hit him. Thats just my limited experience though.