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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Best Hunting Multi-Pin Sight?

    I like the design of spot hogs fast Eddie, but unfortunately it weighs about a thousand pounds which means you need another thousand on the bottom of the bow to balance it. I’ve tried a couple of their products and both times gave them up pretty quickly over the weight issue. im a pretty big fan of the black gold line up. They put out a high quality product, reasonably priced and On the lighter side compared to many others. I’ll be using one of their 3 pin sliders on my new hoyt whenever it shows up. as for single pin sights, I don’t think hha can be beat. I have a .010 tetra on a bow I just play around with for target shooting. After blowing two shot opportunities with a single pin this last deer season, I won’t hunt with those anymore, but I don’t think you can beat a single pin with a small diameter housing for target shooting and long bombing.
  2. mattys281

    3 seconds of My day.......in PICTURES!

    Haaa a fellow Ross shopper. We have that exact same tp basket
  3. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    I just got back from 9 days in Cancun. Apparently not everyone is in hiding. A little windy but still had a great time with the family, and for a dollar tip the little housekeeping lady was bringing us 2 new rolls per day.
  4. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    I heard about it on CWT
  5. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    I think I found a solution for this toilet paper crisis https://youtu.be/b-Gly0No_P0
  6. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    I'm sure they still beat us in segments that are dirty like chemical products and areas that have high manual labor inputs. Highly automated production is different though. I've been in a couple different machine shops in the Tempe area that had millions of dollars worth of machine tools running and only a handful of people to attend to them. When you spread labor across enough machines, the price eventually gets pretty close to zero, regardless of how much that labor costs. One shop I was in literally had more people working on deburring parts than they did running the machines. As for the pollution and safety stuff, my understanding of the NAFTA agreement was that they were supposed to be adhering to standards that were very similar to our own. As I recall that was Clinton's contribution to that deal when he finalized it during his first term. Had the deal gone through before the first Bush left office, those requirements would have been absent, although since nobody every enforced them the point is moot. That was one of President Trumps big points in taking on the Chinese in his trade war, not only was the field skewed in their favor from the get go, but they weren't even abiding by the limited rules they had agreed to. Who could blame them, nobody every made them follow the rules.
  7. mattys281

    Biden, champion of the 2A

    I don't believe anybody actually thinks Biden can win. He's a sacrificial lamb, just because they have to run somebody. Some of the younger names needed to get pulled early so they stand a better chance of winning a future election without taking too much damage in this one.
  8. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    as manufacturing equipment becomes more sophisticated & more automated, that statement becomes more and more untrue with every passing year. A machine shop I was GM of for many years in Tempe would routinely beat the crap out of shops in China, Mexico & Eastern Europe for making aircraft parts. And we'd also often get parts back that had been lost to those other countries when the "cheap" shops either a.) couldn't deliver on time or b.) couldn't hold quality control requirements (oops, looks like somebody forgot to make an allowance for risk and supply chain disruption!). I think that if more people involved with procurement would quit blindly buying the "no one can compete with China" BS and actually start quoting American based manufacturers they'd probably be very surprised with what they find. Hopefully that's a positive result of this mess, maybe some will start looking domestically.
  9. I got hit for bull elk tags yesterday. Looks like September is booked.
  10. mattys281

    Florida has monkeys...

  11. mattys281


    3rd pic down looks like a much slimmer cat to me, maybe a female or youngster. I think you have a couple different cats there.
  12. mattys281

    Blatant invasion of privacy

    No... but it may have been one of her babies. Not sure if that was Az mule deer or Nebraska whitetail in that stir fry
  13. mattys281

    Blatant invasion of privacy

    I was sitting at the counter eating breakfast this morning and saw something in the window out of the corner of my eye. Kinda creepy having somebody just stare at you while you eat...
  14. mattys281

    Blatant invasion of privacy

    Naaah eggs and ham. Had deer for dinner, but she was no where around....
  15. mattys281

    New Addiction

    Very cool. Congrats on your trad kill!
  16. mattys281

    Blatant invasion of privacy

    We’ve got mostly deer, but there’s some javis cruising around here too. Apparently there’s a three legged one named Clyde who’s really old and been around here a long time so all the neighbors know him. I have not seen him yet. We’ve got lots of trash pandas too, I see them almost every day on my way to work. god, I love life in the mountains
  17. mattys281

    Ted gets his shot

  18. mattys281

    Rut winding down?

    Been a few days since I was out, but definitely seems slower. I went through all my trail cam pics since November. Out of a 1/2 dozen or so cameras and a few thousand pics the majority of bucks and the biggest were all between Christmas and first week of January. Been tapering off since. I’m in 20a hunting the thick timber 6000-7000 ft elevation. I’m curious what other guys in the high country have observed?
  19. mattys281

    Practice pays off

    Nice work! Open sights, very cool. Congrats!
  20. mattys281


    Ha I guess they know where to go to get away from the stick flingers don’t they? my neighbor says he’s been seeing a good buck and some little ones behind his place. I get the doe patrol in and out of my yard a couple times a day usually, but never see any bucks with them. The other day had about six of them in my yard. Saw one of the mama does walk up to my 5’ chain link fence and spring right over that thing like it wasn’t even there. Pretty impressive. I guess now I know where all my apples keep disappearing to, and I’d wrongly accused the trash pandas
  21. mattys281

    Too late for the muley rut?

    You fellas are hunting the wrong units. I never even break a sweat during the August hunt, although I do get rained on quite often.