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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Which Name?

    Unfortuantely neither mert the minimum ppe requirements.
  2. CatfishKev

    Which Name?

    I did, had a whole thread on it awhile back. Lots of good names were suggested including from you. This is just narrowed down to my favorite 2. A couple others i liked were timberline and royal treatment Homeys an bros pest control?
  3. CatfishKev

    Ride Now

    Sounds like it could have been the kid from crs firearms youtube channel. I did subscribe to his channel but he definately seems like a frat boy douche. I think the stuff people say just changes with time. Bro, groovy, out of sight etc. Its the older generations job to be annoyed by the younger one i think.
  4. CatfishKev

    Ride Now

    I thought youd never ask. I will be your bro homey!
  5. CatfishKev

    Turkey shotshells

    Hes in Tucson, i know him hes a good dude.
  6. CatfishKev

    Ride Now

    Idk, if someone has something im interested in id be more interested in warranties and pricing. Sales people are sales people. If a guy wants to repeatedly call me "tiger" thats not something thats gonna send me to my safe space and kill a potential deal that i already want.
  7. CatfishKev

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Well me and 3 of my fam are taking the plunge on friday for the vaccine.
  8. CatfishKev

    Ride Now

    Is someone calling you bro really even a big deal?
  9. CatfishKev

    Bow fishing in Srp canals?

    Oops yeah I didn't even think about that. And if you ask them you know for sure what they will say. I sight my bow in on my side yard. Pretty sure I'm not supposed too, when I here a car or someone walking I scurry like a rat.
  10. CatfishKev

    Bow fishing in Srp canals?

    Honestly, if it's legally fishable and the target fish is legal the only law I would worry about is the quarter mile rule. Either way it's the same state agency (game and fish).
  11. CatfishKev

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Glad to see for the most part people recovered well from it. My mom just found out she has it yesterday. No fever yet she just feels kind of crappy. I was worried about her since she's had breast cancer twice now.
  12. CatfishKev

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Yotebusters post awhile back made me think. Young dude loves to hike a bit and has possible permanent lung damage. Speaking of YB, id like to hear how you are doing now. Honestly out of all the crap i have heard, you scared me the most. When i hike hard i can hear my lungs wheeze already with no known lung issues (other then the sounds just mentioned)...
  13. CatfishKev

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Didnt know you had it dude, im glad your doing ok.
  14. CatfishKev

    "went with the old 30-30"

    Thats a nice one dude congrats
  15. CatfishKev

    Getting goats!

    Goats can be assholes. On the upside though they eat empty soda cans so that opens up some feed options for ya.
  16. CatfishKev

    AKC Silver and charcoal labs

    Too late. Had to convince my wife i was just cutting onions.
  17. CatfishKev

    AKC Silver and charcoal labs

    Cuteness overload!
  18. CatfishKev

    .308 and 223

    Go back to the campfire jerk
  19. CatfishKev

    Morels/Ginsing in AZ???

    Been checking in the huachucas every few days in areas i think should be good. Nothing yet. Anybody lay eyes on some yet? This little forky let me get within 20 feet of him today when i was out looking. That was pretty cool.
  20. CatfishKev

    6.5 creedmoor raffle 1 box ammo

    what if you have a wife and 5 kids?
  21. CatfishKev

    Turkey shotshells

    I have 2 boxes of 3" #4 I forgot I had until just now when I looked. But I'm probably the wrong direction to you
  22. CatfishKev

    New WR Non-typical P&Y

    Zooming in real close looks like 9x9 depending on the definition of a "point". Terrible picture, awesome bull
  23. CatfishKev


    If you change your mind on shipping id take a box.