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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    2 hail marys thrown from Sierra Vista.
  2. CatfishKev

    Help with a clutch?

    If all else fails when I wanna try something new and nobody is around to teach me I attend youtube University
  3. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    Yeah that makes no sense. To reduce rhe herd by 200 each guy would have to kill 16 or 17. Maybe thwy are gonna have paid guys too?
  4. CatfishKev

    Donating Elk Tag

    Hope he has another chance and hope he had point guard. Real champ hunters should have more opportunity imo.
  5. CatfishKev

    How far would you pack out an elk

    Lol, cant tell from those pics if hes just exhausted or you guys burned a nice fat one before the pack out.
  6. CatfishKev

    1990 Fleetwood fifth wheel

    It's not gonna win any beauty awards but dang for $2500 that's a heck of a deal.
  7. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    I think this is the best idea of all. Force them off the park and let AZ residents have a chance. Fill off park tanks and increase tags numbers until the quota is met. Seems like it could be done very quickly under this scenario.
  8. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    Likely very few if any AZ residents will get a crack at it. I didnt see being a resident was a qualification. But if they succeed and this actually happens a very hard hunt to draw will get way harder real fast. I feel very lucky to have gotten one here because after this i doubt i ever would have the chance again.
  9. CatfishKev

    No Mano y No Mano

    Thats cool man, woulda loved to see that. How long did it take to swallow the thing?
  10. CatfishKev

    North of the ditch shed hunt

    Was there any snow left up there? What were the temps?
  11. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    The one time I'm not even trying to be funny! Had a deal worked out with a member on cam sharing for a hunt up there. He got there first (third day into the hunt) that apparently the guide never noticed activity, so he graciously allowed the old timer who finally showed up way late in the morning, first shot when he didn't even have to do so. Dude missed at 20 and so he asked if it would be ok for him to give chase (also didn't have to). Got within 90 and got a nice cow. Dudes miss at 20!
  12. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    I shi** you not, people miss Bison with a rifle at 20 yards.
  13. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    Good catch. Does not mention how many animals that i saw. I assumed 12 animals meant 12 dead buffs But it does not clarify. At the end of the day its still cheaper then hiring guys to do something we would all love to do for free.
  14. CatfishKev

    WTB - Scout Gear

    Tried to send you a pm, box is full. I have some stuff to contribute but im way out of the way. But maybe if you have a reason to come down this way.... i can also get momma to do a FB blast for the kids and drum up some more stuff.
  15. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    Its odd to me that they are gonna let only 12 animals be killed like thats gonna help the overall problem of overgrazing on the park.
  16. CatfishKev

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    Gotcha. Hope it all works out for you.
  17. CatfishKev

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    Does he have teardrop tatoos?
  18. CatfishKev

    Hate Me Some Thieves

    Wait... the store manager where it actually happened???
  19. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    Nah, even if the news told people feral horses suck there would still be a backlash if someone mentioned looking at one the wrong way. Its like trying to reason with a belligerent drunk chick.
  20. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    Just wait until its on all the local news. Im betting money on serious butthurt
  21. CatfishKev

    Flag fire up by kingman

    Huachucas just got a soaking and sprinkling at my place. Hopefully some of the moisture makes it up north.
  22. CatfishKev

    Bison reduction project

    Im pretty dang sure I read that Bison were in fact native to a small portion of AZ, and not the herd we have now. True Bison.
  23. CatfishKev

    Taurus TX22 FS. Sold

  24. CatfishKev

    WTB 22 lr or 22 mag revolver

    There's a taurus here in the classifieds right now
  25. CatfishKev

    Any Jr. BMX bikes for sale?

    Matt Hoffman was my idol back in the day!