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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Trap line hunting

    @Edge no idea if that would work but it's worth a try. I bet a trapper on here would probably give you some gland lure, especially if it's just for one cage.
  2. CatfishKev

    Trap line hunting

    If it's just one on your property puncture a can of tuna if the duck parts don't work. Might catch a skunk though too
  3. When I was the Naco dentist I asked if he knew guys down there that hunted mexico. He said he knows a guy on the us side that organized trips. Probably not the same guy but I'd be very surprised if he didn't know the guy you are looking for. I'd call Dr Martinez office and leave a message to try and get the guys number.
  4. CatfishKev

    National Egg shortage

    Wife had a few separate woman at her salon saying theirs stopped laying until they started feeding them their leftovers. Thinking about getting the coup going again.
  5. Seems like broadheads breaking off the top of the arrow in the animal is my normal. Is this just a fact of life or do my arrows suck? Have had gold tips in the past and the current batch are maxima reds if I recall correctly. I'm guessing it's just the nature of archery hunting where you poke an animal and they jerk when the arrow hits causing sheer force on the broadheads as it's traveling through. Opinions welcome. Got 2 arrows left debating going same brand or just another round of fresh ones. Got my new archery deer tag and lion tag. Feeling the itch...
  6. CatfishKev

    Carbon fiber arrow / broadhead question

    Like a regular day archery hunting when the shooter is Kev I guess. The buck fever was real, hope I didn't turn him nocturnal. There are 2 runner ups in the area so will see what happens.
  7. CatfishKev

    Carbon fiber arrow / broadhead question

    A swing and a miss. Thank God for lighted arrow nocks. Was upset all day after not finding blood or my arrow. Went out tonight at dark and found it. Clean miss. I got a consolation prize though, found one of his old sheds right close to where I shot at him. He's much bigger now.
  8. CatfishKev

    Carbon fiber arrow / broadhead question

    True. It doesn't seem to take much. Spent break time today trying to find tune my sight with the new release. Feeling good for the am. Saw my target at first lite. Positioned myself for the interception and he never showed up. Saw him tonight as well but too close to private. Saw another shooter I've not seen before. He's officially option #2. Got an hour or so before work tomoro. See what happens...
  9. CatfishKev

    Carbon fiber arrow / broadhead question

    Well shout out to crocket brothers archery down here in SV. Found out my arrows shoulda been 300 spine so I got a few. Also realized I was tweaking the string a bit with my release and possibly putting a bit too much pressure on it when touching it to my shnozz. So I upgraded my release. Found a target buck and don't wanna blow it. Got on him this am and just could not cut the distance in time. Tomorrow, maybe.....
  10. CatfishKev

    2023 Buffalo

    Yeah I get that but there are areas you can glass off the palatue and maybe pull it off that way but I have no idea if that's a really viable option. Planned on doing it on a scouting trip and my starter went out and had to run up to the state line and it ended up costing me a day. Then on the actual hunt my truck broke down on the way up there and spent the night fixing it in the valley. Cost me another day.. Honestly time will tell what the the kaibab hunt looks like, I think it's still to early to say as of now but I wouldn't completely blow it off for Raymond ranch quite yet. That hunt doesn't sound too fun either.
  11. CatfishKev

    2023 Buffalo

    A note to those who try the co op and then decide it's not for them. Before my hunt I coordinated with guys that had the tag before me. One guy did the co op and decided it wasn't for him. They ended up going on their own and got out to the salt by the park entry early. It pissed of Ned's kid and he got a bit belligerent with them and said something to the effect of if you can do what you want so can I. He went out in the meadow running around in circles to the point of redface and sweaty, then sat down right in the middle of the meadow. I was gonna post this way back when but decided not too just because I didn't wanna come off like a hater. But that was a BIG deciding factor for me to go diy and not even consider the co op. I ended up killing first morning with the help of running my own cams
  12. CatfishKev

    Can you find the muley?

    Hold your phone sideways for pics. Problem solved.
  13. CatfishKev

    2023 archery pigs

    Very cool man. Well done. I wanna go that route eventually but I wanna kill some more stuff with my compound bow first.
  14. CatfishKev

    2023 archery pigs

    Way to go Tyler! Don't remember you using a recurve before.... Could be wrong. Awesome to have the kid with you 10x the fun! Congrats to your pops too.
  15. CatfishKev

    Kowa spotters

    I'm a fan of the 66mm even though they are not fluorite they are still great. Get 2 of them and build a pair of big eyes. Then you have the option of taking one off for a backpack hunt when needed. And for the price you could build 2 kowas big eye setups for the price of the btx.
  16. CatfishKev

    2023 Buffalo

    I did my cow hunt diy. Made sure to get in way early to my spot before guided hunters show up but that was before multiple guides were guiding up there. Now I think guys will likely be getting into blinds super early and even possibly sleeping in blinds overnight to have dibs for a spot (not technically legal if within quarter mile of water since it could be considered "camping"). If you go diy expect guided hunters to show up with you and not leave. It sucks but it's a very real possibility. It was definitely possible before but honestly now it can turn into a real shitshow. See some of the earlier threads here... Same situation came up and a guy pulled a gun on video. Pretty sure the video got deleted but you get my point. Also if you go diy and are driving roads and whatnot the guides will not like it, it might sound alarmist but bring spare tires and a chainsaw. If you are a man of means and can throw money at it I might actually consider going guided, and I never ever suggest people going guided. But this hunt is sort of a wildcard hunt. As stated earlier there are multiple guides jockeying for position and this is relatively new so nobody's real sure what the hunts up there are really gonna be like yet.
  17. CatfishKev

    Alec Baldwin charged!!!

    Even though I hate the guys wacky politics gotta play devil's advocate here. Wasn't he supposed to point a prop gun on someone and pull the trigger? Ultimately I also doubt he will do time. I'm thinking this will fall on the armorer. I wonder what ever happened to the person in charge when Brandon Lee got killed filming the crow.
  18. CatfishKev

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    How much snow did you guys get?
  19. CatfishKev

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    With all the flooding I'm hoping they build an ark and sail west
  20. CatfishKev


    Great price!
  21. CatfishKev

    Bad weather brought beautiful blessings! 2023!

    Wow dude! That's a dandy! I'll take luck over skill every time.
  22. CatfishKev


    Yeah they look like big pigs. Don't boars usually run solo?
  23. CatfishKev

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Very cool. How is it done, do you put glue on the skull then set one bead at a time?
  24. CatfishKev


    Saw a buck fight this morning. Smaller buck won the girl. And another stud and his buddy with another doe. 5 decent bucks one was probably over 100
  25. CatfishKev

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Whoa missed this. That's freaking cool! Looked back through this thread, some pretty cool stuff.