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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    2023 Kaibab Bison Success!

    Bro you are a bada$$! huge congrats and thanks for your service. You've gotten 2 of the hardest animals to pull off on the AZ big 10 (the only grand slam I'm interested in). I hope you pull an antelope tag next. the other 7 or whatever you still need should be a cake walk . Is your ram on the wall yet?
  2. CatfishKev

    In Reach?

    Interesting. That seems like a pretty big oops on garmins part.
  3. CatfishKev

    In Reach?

    Can anyone verify this? I have not heard this before.
  4. CatfishKev

    WTB Chicken coop

    I also built ours but look on craigslist or offer up for an old p.o.s. plastic or metal shed, cut a hole in the side and bam you got a chicken coop for way way less then what they sell for. Honestly wish I thought of it before I built mine. Here's a video I'd check out... https://youtu.be/jWbyeH5dNnU
  5. CatfishKev

    Matt from CRS firearms ATF case

    Im really not a gun guy but kinda watched this kids channel for awhile. This kid tried to do things on the level and he's gotten himself railroaded by the powers that be. Sets a very scary precedent. Heres a video from Mr guns and gear that sums it up
  6. CatfishKev

    12 Years Ago Today

    Yeah that dude been eaten and crapped so many times he is ocean mud by now. Love this video... https://youtu.be/xlOIy6QEbes
  7. CatfishKev

    Matt from CRS firearms ATF case

    Guess it's not big news. He advertised for a company selling auto key cards. Checked with ATF before hand and they said they were not illegal. Then they later made them illegal, arrested the guy making them. He stopped advertising them immediately on his channel. Then they went back and charged him for selling machine guns basically. Even though they were considered legal while he was actually selling them.
  8. CatfishKev

    Son's Opening Morning Archery Gobbler

    With a bow nice! Congrats!
  9. CatfishKev

    12.5x50 tract

    I've read glass wise they are on par or very close with meopta, not as sturdy feeling as meopta and I think the eyecups don't come all the way out making cleaning more difficult. There was a thread on rokslide about them. But for cost vs value I'd take a chance on them.
  10. CatfishKev

    Cooler Size Question

    You could also wrap the cooler in a fluffy blanket. Its pretty much insulation. What part of PA you going to? Grew up there. Only thing I miss is the food.
  11. CatfishKev


    Could it also be used to make holsters? Just curious
  12. CatfishKev


    Looks like a pretty nice truck for the money
  13. CatfishKev

    Online hunters safety

    Yes typically emailed to you
  14. CatfishKev

    Ground Blind Recommendations

    Ameristep doghouse blind here. Quick pop up version and came with a backpack carrier. Fast and easy, room for 2 but just enough
  15. CatfishKev

    Toyota Dealer Recommendation

    If one wants a second job where you can basically choose your hours uber, door dash etc are great options. I didn't feel like doing a second job after doing construction or pest control all day. At least with Uber you can choose your time slots and at least take it a bit easy on your body while still learning a bit extra on the side. Now my foreclosure work is starting up again and I'm swamped with construction work but I'm still gonna doordash in the evenings. Day work provides for the family, doordash provides me mad money for whatever..
  16. CatfishKev

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Dang, when I was a punk kid I thought snow removal at the landscape company I worked for back in PA was brutal during blizzards but that takes the cake! I never had to shovel more then 6', that's character building right there!
  17. CatfishKev

    Draw! We don't need no stinkin Draw. Otc elk.

    Nicely done Fred (and nephew). I'd change the phrase to ohteesee tag or something as too not feed the internet hunters tho.
  18. CatfishKev

    Alamo lake spring break fishing

    Hold your phone sideways for pics and they will act accordingly here. Congrats looks like you did pretty darn good!
  19. CatfishKev

    Coues Deer tail colors

    Hunted a new spot this January. Coues and muley overlapping area. Almost every buck in there was a mainframe 2x2, not just forkys either, They were just huge 2x2s. 2 of them will probably go 100+. Anyway I noticed many did not have a regular looking coues tail and one of the big 2 his tail was completely white on top. Definitely seemed like there was some muley dna mixed in there.
  20. CatfishKev

    Double standard?

    Chihuahua, the ultimate useless dog.
  21. CatfishKev

    Double standard?

    I met a retired border patrol dog once when doing pest control for another company at a local dog kennel. I swear that dog had no problem with me until I turned around and latched the gate behind me. All the sudden it was game on.
  22. CatfishKev

    Card Hits!

    No youth tags for us. I swear I bought point guard for my kid that drew last year and turned in the tag but never saw points reinstated... Couldn't find the old email either, bummer. Upside is 35a has a youth deer hunt now. Maybe if time allows we'll go otc elk again this year. Congrats to all you lucky fuggers!
  23. CatfishKev

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Gettin skunked builds character. Have fun.
  24. CatfishKev


    Any interest in separating?