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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. I knew you had it in you to give a helpful contribution. I'm glad our little lovers quarrel is behind us.
  2. Not sure there would be room for my wife's stomach and his huge ego. I used to like the idea of Trump but his inability to play nice with the other kids in the sandbox frightens me a little. You remember the Christopher Walken movie I think it was the dead zone. Trump will fly nukes when Putin mocks his combover. Besides the fish keepers event sounds more fun. What exactly is this event? I'd also be interested in finding a badass fish shop with nice cichlids. Had an ick outbreak and lost all my favorite fish.
  3. CatfishKev

    Jared Fogle

    Fogle, that guy could use a good shanking.
  4. Thanks guys, some pretty good ideas so far. Any more random ideas? I know there's an aquarium up there. Any other places to check out that everyone should see or do at least once? Museums, comedy clubs whatever?
  5. CatfishKev

    Huntin' Jokes

    A guys out sitting on a trail huntin one morning. Along comes this smoking hot blond jogging on the trail, as she gets close they see each other and their eyes lock. She looks at him with a big smile like she knows EXACTLY what he's thinking. She says "Hi" and he replies "Hi, are you game?" She looks at him and says "Yeah, I'm game". So he shot her.
  6. CatfishKev

    Savage Model 10 FCP-XP 308 for sale

    Pretty awesome of you to be so helpful towards other people. Especially complete strangers. BTW thats an awesome buck!
  7. CatfishKev

    very well used Eberle stock Dragonfly $120

    I'll take it. Pm sent.
  8. CatfishKev

    Guide Schools

    Not mad at all. The world is in desperate need of a**holes and your helping bridge that gap. Thanks everyone for the advice. Certainly a lot of things to consider. I like the camp cook idea. Maybe just volunteering to help out and tag along as much as possible is the way to go. The spotter ideas pretty good as well. Definitely not looking to guide right out the gate, I know I'm not qualified. I just want to learn and home my skills and maybe guide in the future. Maybe for a family guy it just ain't a good fit, 5th kid will be here in a month. In my head I was thinking be gone a week or two, Come home a week and repeat. That might not be realistic at all so I will learn from whoever i can in the meantime.
  9. CatfishKev

    Guide Schools

    Don't know if thats directed at me, if it is it seems like an a-hole comment. If I was claiming to be a guide or anywhere near I wouldn't be asking about guide school now would I?? It's simply to establish some sort of base line of where I am as a hunter. Not totally green but wanna soak in as much as possible. But thanks for your useless contribution.
  10. CatfishKev

    Parker Lake

    Went to parker last night with the wife and kids since I hadn't been there in such a long time. I wish they had flatheads there it's so much nicer there then patagonia. During the days it seems warm enough to go catfishing but last night at parker and a couple weeks ago at patagonia, it's still pretty cold at night. That being said my wife did catch what looked to be a nice channel cat and it got off right as we tried to pull it out of the water, other than that it was pretty slow.
  11. CatfishKev

    Guide Schools

    My want to be a part time guide really isn't about the money and I totally get that when it's work the fun does fade away. It's really about scratching the itch and becoming a good hunter to teach my wife and kids and help friends. I'm not wanting to spend the entire winter away from my wife and kids. If I cant be a guide and be there for my family I just wont be a guide. I figured I could pay a guide $4-5K to take me on one guided trophy bull trip or pay to learn the basics and work with a few outfitters on a part time basis just to learn the ropes in AZ vs Montana. Once it becomes a chore I will stop and happily walk away with the knowledge learned. I get that helping other people hunt is a great way to learn but I'd rather learn from actual guides. With the personality I have I suppose I would carry that pressure for wanting to fill a clients tag. Edge, the picture of the horses with the range in the background is awesome. I would love to go on a couple trips to at least get my feet wet and see if it's something I really want to pursue. My main reservation with some of the apprenticeships is being "owned" and then expected to work for the same guy forever or be expected to "overwork" myself and ended up hating it all together. I love to hunt and I love the outdoors and never want to find my self in the position where I no longer love it. That being said I will definitely take you up on the offer. Do you do many weekend trips?
  12. CatfishKev

    Parker Lake

    There's native bullhead there and they started stocking channel cats a few years ago. You can drop straight down around the dock at night and do ok for the bullheads. I haven't been back since they started stocking channel cats though. I prefer going to patagonia for the big flatheads. I hear all those ponds in St David are chock full of fish. Ask around eventually you'll find someone that will let you fish on there property.
  13. CatfishKev

    WTB/ Rent house in Sierra Vista

    Couese country. dang auto correct.
  14. CatfishKev

    WTB/ Rent house in Sierra Vista

    There's a place two doors up from me that is about to go on market. A flipper from Phoenix bought it and had a contractor completely remodel it. I would imagine it would be somewhere around the $150k range. I'm also a licensed roofing contractor and a remodeling contractor, if you have any questions about something before you buy it I'd be happy to check it out and give you my opinion. And yes this Is for sure some good course country.
  15. CatfishKev

    Savage 7 Mag stainless barrel and stock

    Well I was gonna buy it. Last week my truck was broken into and I thought they only got my rangefinder. Apparently they got my 30-06 and my oakleys. I'm sooooo pisssed..
  16. CatfishKev

    Savage 7 Mag stainless barrel and stock

    Do you know if the barrel would swap out on my savage 110 in 30-06? How many rounds down the barrel?