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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Thinking of moving to camp verde

    I like it up there. In my opinion it's a lot like Sierra Vista. Me and my wife would like to end up there in the next five years ourselves. I like the idea of being closer to elk and flathead fishing. Driving two hours every day would suck though.
  2. CatfishKev

    Cam Pics

    That first pic is awesome. An Arizona sunset doesn't get any better than that!
  3. CatfishKev

    What is this

    I still say its a bear. The third pic with the feeding spike I think is actually the spike running away on the first and second pic. You can also see the spikes hoofs splashing as he runs away and he looks like he's trying to get away. Look at the time stamp, its one minute before the mystery face, they are listed backwards in time order. If its not a bear its for sure a chupacabre.
  4. CatfishKev

    Dang lions

    Thats whats up. It's always good karma to help a Steelers fan. Go Steelers!
  5. CatfishKev

    What is this

    Looks like a bears snout.
  6. CatfishKev

    Canyon Lake Flathead and Bluegill

    Congrats. Always cool seing kids hook into a flathead. And in today's day and age I totally get why your kids face is blocked out. It sucks that a parent always has to consider worse case scenario. I get pissed when I see Little kids walking home from school or to the store by themselves. Makes me wanna grab and shake the sh** outta some pos parents.
  7. CatfishKev

    Wtb left hand bow

    My buddy's about to buy a bow from a pawn shop for $80. I haven't seen it yet and im not sure what to expect for that price from a pawn shop but I figured I'd put my feelers out here before I meet him there tomorrow to take a look. We're in Sierra Vista. Thanks.
  8. CatfishKev

    Wtb left hand bow

    Thanks Nodak but I'd rather have him buy one that works lol. Blackout please text me some pics 520-227-6720 Thanks
  9. CatfishKev

    Viper 15x50's?

    I say get what you can afford. I know people mean well when they say wait a year buy once cry once. But what if you also need to buy a bow, spotting scope, rifle, rifles scope, a good pack or all the rest of the stuff you need to buy. Are you supposed to work overtime for 15 years so you can buy everything your ever going to need all at once? No, get what you need that will still get the job done not what you necessarily want and can't afford. The best way to do this is buy used. I got a kaibabs for $775 and a $300 pack off this website for $60. When you can afford the swaros get em, you've earned it.
  10. CatfishKev

    Wtb left hand bow

    Don't know anything about the bow yet. I'm gonna go look today. Just looking for more options for him. Where are you located?
  11. CatfishKev

    Any of you guys in insurance sales?

    Twigsnapper, pm sent. Curious your feedback on this company.
  12. At the end of the year I'm giving my half of my roofing company to my partner. Even though he's a great partner and it's a great company my other company (Remodeling) has made me just absolutely hate owning and running a business. Mostly due to employees. I'm aspiring to be a part time guide in the next year or two and started doing pest control because I should have a lot of time off once I finish my route which would allow me time to pursue other interests. So, one of the things I'm thinking of doing is essentially selling insurance. It can be done part time and I know four other people personally that are doing it and doing very well. I've read a few bad things online about the company but they are mostly old threads and I think most of the issues are now no longer issues. And of course any big company is going to have a bunch of negative reviews online. I don't want to publicly announce the company or turn this into an argument about this company either for or against. If you are in the insurance world could you PM me? Thanks
  13. CatfishKev

    Is it rude to ask when she is due?

    That's awesome. 35a is on the upswing, or she's just been hanging out at rodolphos too much.
  14. CatfishKev

    Any of you guys in insurance sales?

    In this particular case you are only selling to people who have requested info on a particular product already so it's not cold calling. And although it may be taxing selling to people the only one I really have to depend on is myself whereas with the remodeling I've had to count on other people and that seems to be where all the aggravation is. I look at it this way, if any of these things I'm pursuing don't work out I can always fall back on being a contractor. But at this point in my life I'm just ready to try some new things until I find the right thing. Thanks for the input.
  15. CatfishKev

    ROC Most Wanted

    I'm a licensed roofer and remodeler (2 different companies) we routinely take half down just to contract the job but don't get paid the remainder until the customer is happy. And they always are. read the online reviews and ask around to other people who have used them. Also ask for cusomer references like realtors or general contractors they have worked with. Unfortunately looking at the ROC website just isn't enough these days. Most crappy contractors still don't have claims against them. The real problem is that 90% of the general public doesn't know how to tell poor workmanship from good workmanship. I can't believe some of the crap that ive seen that people were actually happy with.
  16. CatfishKev

    So I have never needed a tripod

    I agree with rossisslider. The vanguard 264 comes with a head and it's affordable. I just can't justify $300- and up for something like that, too many other things that take priority for a dude with a grip of kids. This is the first year I started using a tripod and it's must have for me at this point, you won't regret getting one.
  17. CatfishKev

    Vortex coming out with new Razor HD Spotters?

    Sweet! Maybe that will drive the used prices down to $800 like the kaibabs go for and I can get rid of my sequoia spotter and upgrade.
  18. CatfishKev

    Paleo Diet

    So how do you determine what type you are or where you fall on the spectrum?
  19. CatfishKev

    Recycling cans and plastic bottles

    Last I heard prices were so low it wasn't worth keeping scrap from our jobs. Both places around sv closed down so now the closest place is up in Tucson. Poor tweakers got nowhere to go.
  20. CatfishKev

    Leftover deer tags

    Well if I did I wouldn't have asked. I just didn't know if they had a way to automatically reject the second two apps once the first one was accepted. I don't want more than one tag I just want to get my wife or son drawn for something rather than nothing. I've never applied for leftovers so it's new to me.
  21. CatfishKev

    Leftover deer tags

    So what happens if I put In for three different hunts on Three different apps and send three different envelopes in? Could I potentially get 3 tags than have to choose between them and let the other two go to waste while at the same time costing two other people an opportunity at a hunt? Not asking for myself as much as my wife and kid.
  22. CatfishKev

    Spot and stalk or hunt from a blind?

    I see your also in SV. I've had cameras on water but it really came down to rainfall. Every time it rains there's more water sources available which would make huntin water sources unpredictable. I just started glassing with the 15's this year instead of sittings holes and canyons all day being bored out of my mind. I made it my mission one year to find all the water sources I could but I think I would go for glassing and try n make a stalk. A close encounter that I totally screw up is still more fun than sitting a canyon bottom all day and seeing nothing. I know where several water sources are in the area though if you your interested.
  23. CatfishKev

    Unit 23 help and prevailing winds.

    My daughter got drawn for the youth hunt and were all stoked. I believe I can get it done but I've never been to the unit. First question is whats the typical prevailing wind direction in this unit in October? I'm used to a north northeast wind in my area along the border but I'm wondering if it's different up that way? Second, anyone willing to show me around the unit at all? I'm already looking at google earth but I'd like some info on roads, what connects where, glassing points, what's private what's not etc. I dont want to know your honey hole! if someone would be willing to show me around at all I'd be grateful. I will make at least one trip up there before hand but my time is limited as I'm working the equivelant of 2 full time jobs. In return I can offer eternal greatfulness, beer, homemade moonshine, info on units surrounding Sierra vista for info on deer or pigs or help fishing for flatheads at patogonia lake. I'm also a licensed roofing contractor, remodeling contractor and was also a drywall contractor so I could offer some insight if you want to do something yourself and save some cash. Oh and I could also offer some pest control applications if need be. Thanks guys
  24. CatfishKev

    Unit 23 help and prevailing winds.

    Great will do. Got a few pm's from some helpful guys. This is a great place to be and I hope I can return the favor to you guys in the future.
  25. CatfishKev

    Unit 23 help and prevailing winds.

    Yup, we spoke on the phone awhile back. I will be there with my oldest two kids and I'm really looking forward to it. When does the camp start? I don't think I will be able to get there until the day before the hunt. Thanks everyone for being so helpful.