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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    ghetto ( metro pig ) buster

    Smelliest pack ever. Sell it with the words "ultimate cover scent" in the headline. You'll make some serious cash. Congrats.
  2. CatfishKev

    REI and Free Victim Zones

    Ill spend my money wherever the deals are regardless of politics. In this case I happened to have a bunch of AMEX points to burn and REI was where I was gonna get gift cards for where I could get the best bang for my buck (or points). Still gonna ignore the signs unless I'm going into a bar. Especially if I'm going into a bar and I know I'm gonna be drinking, then the guns for sure at home or in the truck. As far as giving the left wing wackos ammo... Theres nothing wrong with being diplomatic but we are the enemy regardless of logic or common sense, theres no point in trying to appease anyone.
  3. CatfishKev

    Direct tv vs Cox

    If you cut the cord to stream you'll probably still need cox. Century link high speed blows. Forget about TV service. Just get high speed internet and KODI.
  4. CatfishKev

    Well I Never

    Foxes live in trees. Getting easier and easier to believe. Those pics are crazy, they must have serious claws.
  5. CatfishKev

    The coolest fire pit ever built???

    Reminds me of this welder I met that took two ends of one of those big gas/propane tanks you see outside of houses. He put them together and custom welded a huge death star. It was freakin awesome.
  6. CatfishKev

    Uberti Regulator 45colt/45Auto

    No, I've had an old timer take me out one time and enjoyed it. He told me stories about his claim up around Prescott, sounded pretty cool.
  7. CatfishKev

    Well I Never

    According to my boss at a pest control company and long time trapper foxes will actually live in trees. Sounds hard to believe.
  8. CatfishKev

    Wanting to learn to tan hides

    I'm happy to report that the tanning worked well for me. I've got a backskin and a full skin of axis deer that I would've probably paid $200 bucks to have done professionally. For all I'm using them for they'll work great. Not as pliable as others I have that were professionally done, but I believe if I worked them a little more and sanded them a bit thinner, they would be very comparable. The process really isn't that bad, and honestly its hard to screw up. Glad I did it as now I will be more comfortable doing it again in the future. Another note, I fleshed my hides with a power washer... worked great! That's pretty cool and for only $50 not much to lose. I like the idea of fleshing with a pressure washer too. Never bothered saving hides, I think I will now though.
  9. CatfishKev

    Uberti Regulator 45colt/45Auto

    Not so much interested in where your located as much as wanting to know where your panning...
  10. CatfishKev

    2016 Rut Activity

    Buy her a gun. That makes them pretty hot for dudes lookin for love.
  11. CatfishKev

    Late hunt whitetail

    Thats killer bro. Looks like a moose paddle on the one side! Good job. Lets hear the story...
  12. I like the sound of #3. Thumps are awesome.
  13. CatfishKev

    Fire in the Huachucas

    My guess would be the campsites right at the bottom of carr. About to go investigate from afar. At least the weather and wind are somewhat favorable.
  14. CatfishKev

    Fire in the Huachucas

    Buddy just called me looks like a good one going off. Wife said they were doing burns but this doesn't look like a prescribed burn. It looks like the ridge between ramsey road and carr canyon is full on blazin from my roof. Anyone got details?
  15. CatfishKev

    Coues or Mule for the Rut??

    Whatever I can get my wife on first. She's hoping to get her first ever deer. She tested the waters with a leftover pig tag a couple years ago on some nuisance pigs. This will be her first real hunt. Cant wait to see her first buck!
  16. Nothings as romantic as boiling your dinner alive! You've got a truly heartless woman, sounds like a keeper. I miss back east seafood.
  17. So it looks like it has the accutrigger, does it also have the accustock? Thats a nice group. To be honest I was not impressed with the Axis groups at all. I put a timney in it along with the brake and got some factory sst's for it and it did pretty good. Daughter got her elk with one shot so thats good enough for me. Part of my two oldest kids christmas this year are a couple boyds laminate stocks. One for the axis and one for the rem 700 in 243. I will probably track the results and put a thread up on them. Did your wife get a cow tag?
  18. CatfishKev

    Who is hunting tomorrow?

    All I can think of is their smell. If your not driving a truck your definitely going home with the windows down.
  19. CatfishKev


    Cool, love seeing kids get it done. Be careful though, I've heard of herds near houses always having some shotgun shot in them from people trying to keep them off their property.
  20. CatfishKev

    2016 in the Books

    Yup, nice deer man. Congrats.
  21. So whats he gonna do with it? How much is a full body mount anyways?
  22. Did you enjoy their screams as you boiled them alive? You monster.
  23. Wow, I'm surprised how big they are. Good job, I cant wait to try it.
  24. CatfishKev

    35B don't laugh. Lol.

    Next time just camp at the lake. That way you can kill another buck and catch some flatheads at night. My best fish I've caught there have been in the winter months.
  25. CatfishKev

    DeLorme InReach Explorer Discount

    Gee mister you sure are nice! I'm waiting for my 2 discount cards from REI to show up before I order mine.