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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Bino Harness - looking for recommendations

    Bump just for the original post. Current thoughts on binos harnesses?
  2. CatfishKev


    Well that seems to wipe out the speculation. Cte is no joke. My wife's cuz was a STEELER (fullback) and played for Penn State and the Jets as well. Watch the movie, that shoot is not exaggerated even slightly. Very sad to guys with such talent end up this way.
  3. Oh cool I posted 3 times, great! Anyway congrats Dylan, great first post. And also a great first deer. Took me a couple years before I could seal the deal.
  4. Yes, agreed man congrats. Any other mentionable kills you'd like to share?
  5. Yes, agreed man congrats. Any other mentionable kills you'd like to share?
  6. Yes, agreed man congrats. Any other mentionable kills you'd like to share?
  7. CatfishKev

    Hunting with Suppressors

    Tried to pm you. Think your box is full. I took a spill in the lake and no longer have your #. Shoot me a text or pm me
  8. CatfishKev

    Side by side fridge and freezer

  9. CatfishKev


  10. CatfishKev

    GE dishwasher

  11. CatfishKev

    Nikon Prostaff 4x12x40

  12. CatfishKev

    Attempting to help a new young hunter

    Nice of you to try and help the kid. In the meantime take him out glassing sometime and i bet you will find some pigs.
  13. CatfishKev

    Favorite dead head

    Do they treat it like a crime scene and "investigate" it or just assume it's death from exposure? What's the proper protocol should we come up on a body that is assumed to be a dead illegal?
  14. CatfishKev

    White Mtns. Fishing?

    Are all those kids yours?
  15. CatfishKev

    PETA Lobsters

    Poor bastards wish I could been there to help with the clean up.
  16. CatfishKev


    What's the job?
  17. CatfishKev

    Chronograph, which one?

    Would the one Ernesto posted work for us guys that dont won't to spend a bunch? I want one but it would rarely get used.
  18. CatfishKev

    More trail camera thief's...

    Just doesn't add up. Nobody wants a trail cam that bad. It's gotta to be someone who doesn't want the competition.
  19. CatfishKev

    hunting map apps, gps

    App for the phone. I got the chip for my Garmin GPS. Was a little disappointed I thought it would have the satellite imagery as an option.
  20. CatfishKev

    hunting map apps, gps

    Yes, I download the area right before the hunt then delete afterwards. Seemed like when I download areas my phone would get a bit glitchy.
  21. CatfishKev

    How do you nuke an old salt lick?

    Squat in front of his camera and leave a mondo duke. It won't nuke the site but it will sure be funny.
  22. CatfishKev

    hunting map apps, gps

    Why not to replace the GPS? I have on x, in reach explorer, and GPS. The one feature I hate to lose is range where I shot an animal, point and click and the GPS will tell me when I get to that spot. But other then that im not sure what the benifit is to keep it when i have two other devices.
  23. CatfishKev

    Filming hunts and editing

    I want to start filming hunts and editing them. Is a go pro a decent camera for this? And what type of editing software that's easy to use?
  24. CatfishKev

    Filming hunts and editing

    Just pulled the trigger on the rebel sx620. Looking forward to filming the kids hunts next month.