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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Can we get hoodies made????

    Yup they are all awesome. Still think some chick colors would be a good idea fo the ladies. Maybe black with pink lettering.
  2. CatfishKev

    My 2019 archery buck

    Beutiful buck!
  3. CatfishKev

    5 To 1 Odds.....Why Not?

    What a challenge! My money is on lance.
  4. CatfishKev

    Tagged out!! X2!

    A chubby italian chick
  5. CatfishKev

    My 2018 Hunting wrap up

    Wow! First deer and with a bow no less. Great job dude! Your very fortunate to have a wife that hunts with You. Since stalking might be difficult for you on rough terrain i would suggest just walking well used easy to walk trails where deer are slightly more used to people around. Maybe also river bottoms with trails. Youd be surprised how many chances you might get.
  6. CatfishKev

    Prayers for my son

    Glad to hear he's doing well.
  7. Agree with all above, I think Prdtr meant to say book a glassing class with Duwane, probably auto corrected. Binos on a tripod are a must. 15s are the standard although some guys use 12s. I personally recomend 15s. Look up old threads on glassing, that's the most useful info to you. Southern units have way more deer then the northern units and are easier to draw. Have a good magnification scope and a caliber that can reach out there. 300 yard plus shots are sometimes all you have so be prepared.
  8. Didn't feel like going out this morning but when I looked outside I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Walked a couple two tracks looking for tracks just to see what the deer would be doing. Saw this guy a ways ahead of me and was able to work my way up and around pop up over a slight rise and let one fly. I knew right away he was mine. I won't say how many arrows I let fly I over the last few weeks. It felt great to finally connect. Momma even came out to take pics and help me drag him out. Now I got to help momma get one!
  9. CatfishKev

    First for me

    Wow, cool find. Even that smaller one is a shooter to me with all that trash!
  10. CatfishKev

    Wanna see a huge buck?

    He's 200 all day long and then some
  11. CatfishKev

    Tagged out!! X2!

    Congrats, only ever killed sals in our house. Great job!
  12. CatfishKev

    Advice for tripod

    Agreed, I have two of these and the head is pretty smooth. $139 off amazon
  13. CatfishKev

    Wanna see a huge buck?

    And a half..
  14. CatfishKev

    Wanna see a huge buck?

    I'm not good at scoring but I'd say almost big.
  15. CatfishKev

    Tagged out!! X2!

    Pics can be deceiving but they look pretty Dang big! Boars or sals?
  16. CatfishKev

    Newbie Western hunter

    I think I just realized who you are... Congrats on your first stinkopotamus!
  17. CatfishKev

    Deer pooping habits?

    Man, I thought three a days were excessive.
  18. CatfishKev

    Todd Rice and Sonoran Outfitters

    $35 ain't that much Adam! Hahahaha
  19. CatfishKev

    Love hunting in the snow...

    Thanks for all the kind words guys. Was pleasantly surprised when I rough scored him, he came super close to the couch buck. Based on the mass of the couch buck i would have guessed him a good 10" less but I have about a 3" difference. I guess the mass and trash was really decieving. I was already happy to cash in deer hunting for the year but now I'm even happier! Now I just need to get Pickles her first deer and help out a couple buddies!
  20. CatfishKev

    Cleaning smoke off a mount

    Man, I'm surprised at how many fish tank heater horror stories I've been hearing. Thanks for the suggestions I will get a good one
  21. CatfishKev

    Trail cam this morning

    She's frothing at the gash.
  22. CatfishKev

    Desert Muzzy Buck

    Awesome, super cool buck!
  23. CatfishKev

    Cleaning smoke off a mount

    Thanks fellas
  24. CatfishKev

    Love hunting in the snow...

    Never posted him before but this is the buck from the fish tank fire I just posted about in the campfire. It's been 6 years since I killed this buck and today was the first deer I killed since then.
  25. CatfishKev

    Trail cam this morning
