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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Upholsterer needed

    Theres a good guy down here in Sierra Vista. Eduardos upholstery
  2. CatfishKev

    2019 Mexico hunt

    Crap I missed this! Great Buck Dennis! So your buddy that shot the 1x2, was that his first ever buck or first Mexico buck? Congrats man! That's a beutiful buck! And your trophy wall makes me feel fairly inadequate! I really dig the buck on bottom left with the crab claw and double main beam!
  3. CatfishKev

    Latest project!

    You do beutiful work. I'm curious, are the honey bees up there Europeans still or are they africanized? Or does he requeen with Europeans to keep the Africanized out?
  4. CatfishKev

    Rifle for my wife

    Also a great caliber all around for kids, ladies and adults in my opinion. My kids have 2 cows down with it. Both went under 20 yards. One shot at 180yds, one at less then 100.
  5. CatfishKev

    How much you gotta spend?

    Thanks guys this had been great feedback.
  6. CatfishKev

    How much you gotta spend?

    Sounds like FoxPro is where it's at.
  7. CatfishKev

    How much you gotta spend?

    Has it proved to be worth that price? If its a once in a loooong while purchase i could see it.
  8. CatfishKev

    Good Contractors

    When the economy tanked a lot of the good guys went and found other work. The guys who couldnt cut it elesewhere were left to teach the new guys. Now its the guys who are owners and still on the jobs doing the work are the ones to hire. If you hire a contractor ask who will be performing the work, if not the owner ask about the crew and who is in charge of it.
  9. CatfishKev

    Bull Elk 22 South

    Your pops is a bad a$$
  10. CatfishKev

    well place shot

    Don't mind the questions that might seem rude, they are legitimate questions. You seem new to hunting which is great, this site has tons of info and helpful people. Lances post above is spot on. I tell my kids follow the back of the front leg straight up and right in mid body let her rip. Use premium ammo, whatever shoots good out of your gun with good ballistics is what you want. Hang around here for awhile. Ask questions and contribute to other threads. People around here will be much more willing to help someone who is a part of the forum. Often times guys draw tags come here for help with their first post and never come back to even say thanks. DONT BE THAT GUY! My point is, Guys here are happy to help just make sure to give back where you can.
  11. Been watching some videos on YouTube with some pretty convincing subsonic ammo. I got an AR10 sitting with an 80% lower I will soon finish but I'm thinking about selling it to go this route and just make it the predator gun. I want to be able to kill a lion if the opportunity presents itself and want to know what range I should stay within to stay lethal with some of these more modern cartridges.
  12. As stated above I currently have an ar10 in 308 in the works. Considering trading or selling for the blackout with a can. Awhile back I posted a thread about hunting a very small sliver of private land surrounded by an archery only hunting area which happens to be one of my favorite hunting spots. Due to it being archery only the predators are running rampant including lions and i want to see better deer numbers in my area. Even though im technically legal to hunt with a rifle on this small area i dont want to attract the wrong attention and make it become an issue. This is why i want subsonic. I want to clear the predators without drawing unwanted attention.
  13. CatfishKev

    Unit 10 CHAMP Hunt

    Will you be hunting from the vehicle? If not how mobile are you? Only asking because it could be pertinent info for those with info that are willing to share.
  14. CatfishKev

    Dad Passes

    Dang dude that sucks. Sorry Bob. Hope you get back there in time and more importantly get their safe! Hope you get to have some quality time with your other family members. Let the rest of them know you love them and bury any hatchets that need to be buried. Life is short my friend.
  15. Listen here smartypants. The 300BA is for a specific area. I'll have heavier firepower at the other areas. The BA is for when I'm in stealth mode in treehugger territory.
  16. Lol, sorry, by killzone I was speaking about lethal range. Which you answered with 100 yards. I saw the outlaw state and lehigh defense on YouTube, pretty cool stuff.
  17. CatfishKev

    Funky Rack

    Dude, that thing is bad butt!
  18. CatfishKev


    I dont know why they don't just make it part of the otc hunts.
  19. CatfishKev


    Thats exactly what i thought
  20. CatfishKev


    Elkhorn ranch is in 36c, I stay at the Bed bug bordello in 35A. I always leave a little bit itchy though.
  21. CatfishKev


    Sweet! Elk in my home unit. Lets put in together! Never seen one here but it could happen!
  22. Thanks for the response. I currently have a 30cal peasant can. 1 can several brakes that it connects to. So i wanna stay within that caliber. I don't mind shooting premium ammo as it will only be shot at game, not for fun or plinking. Assuming I want to stay supressed, with the 300BA and good ammo what would you consider my ethical kill zone for an animal like a lion?
  23. CatfishKev

    Backpack trip in Galiuros

    It's amazing the amount of history in AZ. Being from PA we have plenty too but man, nothing compares to here IMO. Remember going to a job and seeing a plaque to the southeast of the Chiricauas saying that's where they caught Geronimo, it blew my mind! Then hearing he was from Solomon right outside of Safford (assuming its true, dont know for sure) blew my mind again! Few states have such an amazing combination of culture, landscapes and history. There was a time I thought I would never want to leave PA, now I have zero desire to go back.
  24. CatfishKev

    Packer for hire?

    I go for the gold during the hunt, my back pays the check afterwards.
  25. CatfishKev

    Dad Passes

    Sorry buddy. Sounded like a great dude. I'm glad you got back to see him. 98 years old. That is a heck of a run though.