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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. The stocks finally came! Unfortunately dumb dumb ordered the wrong one for my daghters gun and I had to send it back and reorder (yes, I am dumb dumb). Anyhoo, I got to say when I originally saw the original at one stock I thought they were hideous, then I saw the thumb hole versions i was intrigued. I gotta say seeing it in person and on my son's axis I think the thumb hole version looks sweet. The kids also loved them so that's a plus.
  2. CatfishKev

    help coues unit 24b

    Dude if you are only sixteen put in for some of the youth hunts next time. Unit 23 has a youth any antlered deer tag and you get to hunt before all the other hunters. Lots of Big Muley and Coues in 23. Also, if you have not already done it go do your hunter safety course. It gives you an extra point for all species. Then next year you will be entering the draw with 2 points instead of one.
  3. CatfishKev

    Mt Rushmore

    If you are in the area I'd recomend at the very least to stop and see Mt Rushmore 😉
  4. CatfishKev

    help coues unit 24b

    Spotting scope is more for when you want a specific caliber of buck, allows you to zoom in close to know exactly what you're shooting. For now though you see antlers you shoot it! Maybe offer to tag along as an extra glasser on some other hunts with members here. You will learn a lot and get some good experience.
  5. CatfishKev

    Cabelas deals

    Right now you can get 10% cash back for cabelas cards at raise.com , then another 10% back by ordering through active junky and then cabelas is selling gift cards now for 10% off. Adds up to 30% savings!
  6. CatfishKev

    help coues unit 24b

    Btw I also have a few tripods and binos for sale in the classifieds
  7. CatfishKev

    help coues unit 24b

    Not sure what you mean but I will post a pic. You mentioned walking 5 miles and not seeing anything. This is exactly the point of the tripod and a pair of 15 power binos, the point is to let the binoculars do the walking not you! Do a search for some old threads about glassing, it well tell you where to look and why. The ruger 6.5 is a great option, also consider the 7mm08 very similar but you can use up to a 168 grain bullet which would make it a elk and deer gun. As far as getting drawn you probably wont this time around but who knows. Below is a pic of a tripod, you mount your 15s to them and glass off of the tripod. It keeps the glass super still which allows you to pick up slight movements of far away critters. Having a tripod to me is more important then having expensive glass, it is a must!
  8. CatfishKev

    Snake fence does it work?

    Yup, I've heard they can and will climb up in the corners of block walls!
  9. CatfishKev

    help coues unit 24b

    Good advice above. Next you need to learn to understand how the AZ draw works, it can be a bit complicated until you understand it. If you applied for the late December hunts draw odds are low, whereas if you apply for some earlier hunts especially in southern units your draw odds go way up and even guarantee you a tag for many hunts. Since you are new I'd recomend going for the early hunts and don't get hung up on trying to kill a big buck. Just kill any legal buck and boost your confidence. Tons of info here and lots of Good dudes to offer help and insight. Fyi, there is a tripod in classifieds right now for $80 its a vanguard 264 AO, slam dunk for the price hes asking (considering most name brand tripods are $300 or more). Thats what i started with and just now upgraded the heads on them all. Tripod and 15s are an absolute must.
  10. CatfishKev


    If i remember correctly this is one ofmthe few metrompcs phines you can actually get a phone scope for.
  11. CatfishKev

    Cabelas deals

    Maybe they will take my credit away, I bought my gift cards from raise and used them through active junky to buy other gift cards. Yes I get credit if any of you guys join but if you dont have active junky, sign up here.. https://www.activejunky.com/invite/1827327 and if you don't have raise, sign up here.. https://geta.raise.com/KSWAVELY0167
  12. CatfishKev

    Pray for Daisy

    A Good man and his wife were lost in a bad vehicle accident. Daisy their young daughter survived and is in the ICU in El Paso. Please keep this young lady in your prayers for a full recovery. Broken legs and bones and brain swelling. There was some talk of them possibly ampitating her legs which I pray doesn't have to happen. My heart is broken for this little girl and she's going to have to wake up to here both of her parents are gone. Her father was one of the best humans I have ever met.
  13. CatfishKev

    Hogue Rem 700 Short Action Stock

    Do you still want this stock?
  14. CatfishKev

    Hogue Rem 700 Short Action Stock

    Per request, axis mag well..
  15. CatfishKev

    Pray for Daisy

    Just another quick update. Daisy is doing well and she is scheduled to be released from the children's hospital this Wednesday. She is eating solid foods on her own now but has still been being fed supplement ally through the feeding tube. She has been able to stand on her own on one foot, but not the other one yet. As far as I now they are all moving into to the parents home in Sierra Vista and may have to commute, hopefully to Tucson or even Sierra Vista for physical therapy. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
  16. CatfishKev

    Cabelas deals

    You guys suck. All I can do is lead a horse to water...
  17. CatfishKev

    Cabelas deals

    It also just occurred to me that when my discounted cards show up from cabelas I can order through active junky again for another 10% off, that like 40% savings.
  18. CatfishKev

    Elk unit breakdown

    Been studying elk units. Never drew a bull tag so I'm considering my options. Please list what you would consider 1st tier, second tier and third tier units and what class of animal you would see on AVERAGE (not potential monsters, just what you would see as the norm) for the early and late hunts. I don't care about ginormous bulls if I have to wait 10 years to hunt one. As I understand it 1st tier would be 1, 10, 9, and 23 (27 too but not anymore since the big fire?). Where it gets foggy for me is separating 2nd and third tier units. I think I'd be happy to kill a mature 6x6 regardless of unit with 300" as my worst case scneario. I think id be just fine in the 320 to 330 range.
  19. CatfishKev

    Elk unit breakdown

    Agreed, I really knew nothing about elk scoring and what unit standards are. I started listening to the Jay Scott podcasts to try and enlighten myself. I was thinking about reaching out to you about your hunt last year. The catalyst that got my mind going was a friend I helped on a coues hunt is running cameras for deer in unit 8 and was willing to share info and maybe even come help me if a drew the tag. From there I started looking at units I can actually and 8 is in the runnings.
  20. CatfishKev

    Guess the Scores

    They are all shooters to me
  21. Awhile back someone sold a vortex razor spotter with a swaro eyepiece. I remember asking if they had to do something special to make them work together and they said they just fit together. Does anyone know if the kowa 660 series would take the swaro 20 / 50 wide angle eyepiece? I want to build a pair of Big eyes but kowa only has a 30 power wide angle eyepiece and I'd much rather have the 20 / 50x.
  22. CatfishKev

    Kids camps

    Are we talking elk or deer? Well I assume deer at this point... As far as age if they can have a tag they can go to the camps. I know their is a youth deer camp around Roosevelt lake put on by the mule deer foundation for the youth deer hunt. At the same time the AZ deer association puts on a youth camp for the youth elk and deer hunters on the young road right at the edge of colcord ridge just south off the 260. The nice thing about that camp is It's for multiple units and for deer and elk tag holders. The whole tag members family gets fed breakfast lunch and dinner for free plus their is raffles for the kid's including a hunting rifle every year. Last year my daughter won a Gerber vital and the year before my son won a pair of diamonback binos. It's fairly central to 23, 22, 3c, 4b etc. I don't know much about it but last year their was a youth deer camp in sonoita which would include 35a, 35b, 30b possibly and the 34s I think.
  23. CatfishKev

    WTB: 4Runner, Cherokee, or something similar

    I will be soon listing my lifted 99 expedition. 5.4 v8. Having interior professionally cleaned Monday, just installed new headlight and taillight assemblies, has chrome grill guard and brushguard and a new engine about 20k miles ago. It started as the family vehicle then became my rig when we upgraded the family ride. It's a pretty nice truck and it has taken me places only a side by side should go. It's also been christened with a decent amount of javelina, elk and deer blood!
  24. CatfishKev

    Checker Board Land Access

    I'm all for private land owner rights, the one thing I have a problem with is corner hopping not being allowed, that's bs in my opinion. I've heard it's illegal in AZ but I've also heard it's just a grey area.
  25. CatfishKev

    Hogue Rem 700 Short Action Stock

    PM sent