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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev


    That gives me chills man. Can't even imagine being faced with that decision.
  2. CatfishKev

    Unit 10 my beautiful blessing

  3. I'd go 2 hundy on the bracket if it's before I get my plates milled.
  4. Well man that is hunting. Congrats on filling your tag though and its commendable you did the right thing.
  5. Thanks for filling us in. Now delete that schitt!
  6. CatfishKev

    Help in 36A I

    Sorry buddy, I'd help if I could.
  7. CatfishKev

    Hunting in the whetstones

    Elaborate please.
  8. Let us know if your seeing stuff. August and September are the best times to scout but August sucks. It will start cooling off a bit, get out as much as you can. What you find now should be relatively close come season time. Research threads on glassing and get a tripod and decent glass. Good luck
  9. Don't play tiddleywinks with my heart. Man I have been chomping on the bit waiting to hear something.
  10. The time to scout for them is now.
  11. CatfishKev

    Getting home early

    I got my wife an exercise bike
  12. CatfishKev

    Unit 22 Youth Hunt

    First off do you know how to hunt? Do you have a tripod and a pair of 15s or good 12s? Do you know how to glass properly etc? Since there will be help at the youth camp, for now make sure you have adequate gear and make sure your boy can shoot up to 300 yards in the meantime. And yes as stated above the AZ G&F website pretty much tells you where to start. Everyone wants their kid to be successful but it's still hunting, get out there and keep at it. Look up all you can on how to glass on the forum, it's all here.
  13. CatfishKev

    Tree Stand Recomendations

    What's your thingamajig called?
  14. CatfishKev

    After work success

    Nice job man!
  15. CatfishKev

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

    Big time congrats to you and hunter! Hearing about the other kid also puts life in a bit of perspective and good on him for being out there. Since there is so many negative guide stories out there Id be interested to hear whom your positive encounter was with
  16. Depends whom you ask. Sometimes it's the rough brush and pointy rocks. Sometimes it's a guide hoping that you think it's the rough brush and pointy rocks.
  17. CatfishKev

    Dive Boat Incident

    Super sad.
  18. CatfishKev

    Prickly pear syrup and jelly

    Sometimes I wish I lived closer to y'all and I would invite myself all the time to the fun stuff like this. But then I remember how hot it is and how much that sucks and how much more I appreciate Sierra Vista.
  19. This thread has been great. I've been banking points for a bit but really didnt know what for. For the past couple years its been for 12a late rifle but this post had me seriously considering going this route instead. Its encouraging to know he got this tag with 9 points! Since I'm running cams for my bison hunt depending on what I see deer wise I may just even cash in for 12a archery. It's a magical place up there, can't wait to see Fred's final post.
  20. CatfishKev

    Sure do wish I'd got this email a week ago .....

    No sympathy for the devil, keep that in mind....
  21. CatfishKev

    6B Arizona Mule Deer hunt

    Sent you a pm. I'm going out in the morning
  22. Agreed. Don't lead us on like a common tease. We need pics and posts whether good or bad. Just kill something pretty so we can share in your success. We're on pins and needles over here.