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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    SOLD-----6.5 Creedmoor

    Just got back from the smith. Sons 7-08 in grey and daughters 6.5 in purple. I really dig these at one thumbhole stocks. Hopefully gonna put a hurtin on some elk in a week or so.
  2. CatfishKev

    Stuff you find while hunting

    Looks like something to funnel the water. Suppose old mining equipment.
  3. CatfishKev

    Tessa’s first bear

    BIG ANIMAL DOWN!. Love the hat, we got that sticker on the back of mommas ride. Wife's Facebook friends with Craig. Congrats to the young lady on a big old bear that is awesome!
  4. CatfishKev

    Second day success

    Cool man! Great first! Strad is a pretty interesting name, is it short for something or is there a story behind it?
  5. CatfishKev

    Draysen's 2019 Archery Elk Hunt (Our Epic Fall Part 2)

    Very cool man. Your son is about to outdo you as a hunter!
  6. CatfishKev

    6 - 400” bulls - Can it be done?

    You seem awfully volatile in this thread.
  7. CatfishKev

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Im just wondering what game and fish considers trophy vs B and C and or pope and young?
  8. CatfishKev

    Two beautiful bulls in two years

    Dang your kid has outdone me! Congrats to a fine young killer in the making.
  9. CatfishKev

    Duwane Adams Glassing Lesson

    Dude, you just shortened your learning curve by years! When I started hunting I was clueless. I spent weeks sitting in bottoms of canyons just waiting for a deer to come by me (archery guy). Although I was successful to some degree I wanted to be better. My first post here was about guide schools and someone mentioned Duwanes apprentice program. A couple years later I went for a glassing lesson like you did and man it was a game changer! Not only is Duwane a very good teacher he's just a great guy to be around. Not being savvy to the tripod and 15s after my lesson I came home and took the wife out glassing off 15s for the first time. We spotted 17 deer in about 1 hour of glassing. It was crazy to me that I spent literally months worth of days in canyons with my bow with little to show for it. Now I consider Duwane a mentor. Last year I joined him and his guys in camp for the early and late kaibab hunts and it was an amazing experience. I felt like a kid at disneyland glassing giant bucks. After my bison hunt and kids elk hunts next week I'm planning on being up there again for deer camp. Good luck on your hunt, you got this bro. Maybe someday our paths will eventually cross.
  10. CatfishKev

    Rat Bait

    T rex rat traps with crunhy peanut butter. Rats and mice run along walls so find travel corridors, like outside corners pinch points etc. Rats have a tendency to hop over things so 2 or even three next to each other a few inches apart. Squirrels are easy to catch in cage traps also with crunchy pb.
  11. CatfishKev

    Vortex kiabab 18x56

  12. CatfishKev

    2019 Muzzy bull

    Awesome dude congrats!
  13. CatfishKev

    how do you display your sheds

    Nah, jumping around like a teenage girl is enough for me.
  14. CatfishKev

    11m elk

    Good job guys!
  15. CatfishKev

    how do you display your sheds

    It's hard to let them find it because I'm usually like "omg omg omg" with excitement when I see one.
  16. Well here are some groups... All are 5 shot groups @ 100 yards. 18 power scope and I'm not that great of a shooter. I let it cool down in the ac between groups. In the order I shot... Dead center 162 eldx with brake Bottom 162 eldx with silencer Left, 168 fed premium with Berger hybrids with brake Right 168 fed premium with Berger hybrids with silencer
  17. CatfishKev

    Kids are growing up quick!

    I dont have FB so I got nobody to share with but you the CWT. Tonight is the homecoming dance. They dont have official dates so they are just going with friends. Seeing the pics and watching my oldest 2 kids get ready makes me wonder where the time goes so fast. Seems like just yesterday.... I look at my son and daughter and cant wonder how I got so lucky. My kids are the maroon colors, long dress and the Aryian brotherhood kid.
  18. CatfishKev

    Recycling rims

    Whats copper right now?
  19. CatfishKev

    How was your day?

    Dude you got some life experience. I'd love to sit around a campfire with you someday.
  20. Finally gonna go out in the am and take some group pics. Stay tuned...
  21. CatfishKev

    Wifeys AZ Rim Country Archery Bull (Pics)

    Awesome congrats!
  22. CatfishKev

    6B Arizona Mule Deer hunt

    My offer is to simply show you how to effectively glass. Down here in 35a. I'm local. Anytime
  23. CatfishKev

    6B Arizona Mule Deer hunt

    Much respect to you guys. Offer to go and glass is always on the table.