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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Sous vide bison back strap?

    Never attempted this... So my older bro and wife are coming next week for one day. Really want to make a special meal. I'd like to try to use a section of the back strap and maybe do like a smoked prime rib then try this. Any killer recipes? Can I smoke it long enough to get the smoke flavor without drying it out? Also can I just vac seal it and boil it in a big pressure cooker pot? Never done anything like this so I dont wanna screw it up. Help!
  2. CatfishKev

    Sous vide bison back strap?

    Ok. Wasnt sure if it should be seated to put it on the smoker or not. Might just have to go get me a cast iron griddle. I pull the trigger on the $99 amazon one and got the 13 quart bin and lid.
  3. CatfishKev

    Looking for work

    Great reference! Agreed on the fascia, too many variables to throw out a price without seeing the job.
  4. CatfishKev

    Success in Wyoming

    Congrats man. I just want to kill one. Somewhere.....
  5. CatfishKev

    12 East Help

    Also, you'll be amazed how many people are gone after Sunday. By Wednesday its becoming a ghost town. You'll glass more bucks mid week and after.
  6. CatfishKev

    12 East Help

    1st option is glass the burn. 2nd option is glass the burn. 3rd option is glass the burn. If you get sick of glassing the burn try glassing the burn some more. If you really get bored go low and glass off the highest points you can find downhill. But for the most part find a good vantage point and glass the burn. A tripod and a pair of 15s are a must have.
  7. Nice cold snap we just got down here my way should help keep them up for a bit longer before bedtime.
  8. CatfishKev

    Sous vide bison back strap?

    Yeah I'm gonna order one. Ill probably cold smoke it for awhile with the pellet tube then an hour or two with the smoker turned on. If I smoke it for two hours should I sear it first or is that unnecessary?
  9. CatfishKev

    CHAMP Hunt.

    Nice job man!
  10. CatfishKev

    Where are they?

    Y'all got anymore of those baitpiles?
  11. CatfishKev

    Hunting in the whetstones

    Was he like murdered or hung himself?
  12. Well got the truck packed and hooked to the camper. Got the boys with me and heading up for my bison hunt. Mommas supposed to come tomorrow with the oldest daughter. Heading out of the valley up the steep incline we here a thud and all of the sudden no power...uggh you gotta be kidding me. Turbo gage drops to zero... limp up the hill to the flat at like 15mph. After a phone call and look over things we figure I blew my intercooler. Drive another hour and a half back to the valley to get one of two in the valley that I can pick up tonight. Pick up at autozone and start to work not realizing I'm right next to a 7 11. After the first encounter with a local undesirable I pack the boys back in the truck and head up to the happy valley walmart. Was really wanting to be up there at first light but hey that's how it goes. I'm just glad ot ain't something worse and that were not stuck in the middle of nowhere. At the very least I suppose it's a character building experience for my boys. Hopefully we can be back on the road in a couple hours.
  13. CatfishKev

    Hunting in the whetstones

    I thought I could replace the triclawps with just cradling the fore end on my tripod head. I was wrong and regret selling it. Triclawps in front and then stuff a beanie inside a beanie and attach it to the rest part of the trigger stick. It allows you to slide it up and down the stock and allows you to rest your cheek on it with pressure. I'm telling you its rock solid. Good luck.
  14. CatfishKev

    Hunting in the whetstones

    Numbers are good. Being able to shoot to 400 is a good thing. A triclawps on the fore end of the gun and a primes trigger stick for the bit stock make a solid shooting platform.
  15. CatfishKev


    Pics and story!
  16. CatfishKev

    Grilled Mallard

    Wow! That looks tasty
  17. CatfishKev

    Amanda's Elk Hunt - Humbled

    Good effort man. Last couple have years up there seemed to have been a little tougher on the youth hunts. It's like the only thing those powerlines produce anymore are 200 inch mule deer! No shame in it. You tried and as stated that's hunting.
  18. CatfishKev

    Duwane Adams Glassing Lesson

    Sweet. To many obligations to make it to the early hunt but I will be there for the late hunt. Which side did he draw?
  19. CatfishKev

    Cow Tags, Kids, and Time Well Spent

    Great way to honor your FIL. I remember the post when your SOL killed I think. If I remember correctly they were way up in a knob. So is your wife in line next to use the 7mm? Great job dude and congrats to your daughter!
  20. CatfishKev

    Last Week Trip To Louisiana

    That's a beauty! I hear they are great eating though never seen or tasted one.
  21. To be clear. I didnt draw any wieners. Not that its below me though. I'm plenty immature at times. The pinstripes are a badge of honor!
  22. Ended up sticking with the slick trick 1 1/8" 100 grain. Other then my poor preparation and shot placement they performed great. First shot that went in back lungcavity through the diaphragm and came out stomach was barely hanging out the opposite side by the fletchings. Scapula shot was about 4" into the lung cavity. Gut shot you can see in pic lodged in her front left quarter and broke off. I found it when cleaning up the meat. The last shot in the neck blew out the other side. All in all I would use them again.
  23. CatfishKev

    Kembria's Turn (Our Epic Fall Part 3)

    Awesome rifle!
  24. CatfishKev

    Taxidermy Nightmare!

    Shouldn't you have done something when you saw him throwing that stuff in the trash?
  25. CatfishKev

    Kembria's Turn (Our Epic Fall Part 3)

    Awesome job guys! What kind of rifle and wheres the pic of the shed?