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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Anybody on TRT?

    Is it costly? Just hit 43, at 40 i started getting tired a lot, family drama then my dad died. Same time i got mono for the first time and i hit a wall. Ever since if i push too hard i pay for it big time.
  2. CatfishKev

    Anybody on TRT?

    Of course you're not a hooker, hookers charge money. Dumb on you. 😂
  3. CatfishKev

    Anybody on TRT?

    Once you hit 40 crap goes downhill. Im so thankful i found meth and male hookers. How old are you Rich?
  4. CatfishKev

    Animas loses a local mentor/coach UPDATED!

    Another fine job
  5. CatfishKev

    One day left to get one of these boys

    You did tour homework though. Thats a good find.
  6. CatfishKev

    22 N backpack hunt

    Sorry man. I get uppity when im wearing heels. Especially red glittery ones.
  7. CatfishKev

    22 N backpack hunt

    Well at least you offered something in return. Be sure to come back and let bbn us know how it went. Then stick around for awhile and keep contributing. New guys come and ask for help then dissapear! 🤬
  8. CatfishKev

    Rut Activity

    I hope you made a video
  9. CatfishKev

    Found a good one and got some footage

    Good overall frame and width, decent mass imo. Not great overall tine length but he might grow a bit still. I think right now he is at least over 90". If he grows a bit more id say high 90s is possible. Probly wouldnt go over 100 but maybe. Great buck!
  10. CatfishKev

    Tundra oil change.

    Some but not all i dont think
  11. CatfishKev

    Outdoor Writer - Best Wishes with Medical

    Hope your alright Tony!
  12. CatfishKev

    Meopta B1 HD Meostar 15x56 LNIB

    I know outdoorsman works. I have the vortex quick adapters on all my binos. (Not that big butt cumbersome piece of crap that used to come with the kaibabs). I just leave the adapter connected with my plates so i can swap them out from tripod to tripod. Hope that makes sense. If not i can post pics. I like this set up because i can go from wearing on my neck and throw right on a tripod at the drop of the hat. Meopta 15s = primo stuff man
  13. CatfishKev

    Tundra oil change.

    My buddy was one of lawleys 2 best ford techs. His words "i wouldnt let anyone there even change my oil execept one guy". He got furlowed during covid while they kept the hacks that cost less. That pissed him off enough to start his own shop. Anyone need a Ford guy? He had the same 6.0 diesel as me so he's awesome with them too.
  14. CatfishKev

    Tough archery hunt

    Are you accepting friend applications? Awesome buck! Congrats!
  15. CatfishKev

    Kenetrek Boots

    Yeah what he said ...
  16. CatfishKev

    Seeking advice from north country archers

    Where do you live? Planning on moving north soon and got a lot to learn on tje northern units, but if you wanna come south i will try n help ya. You responded to my thread in the campfire. Was in 20 yards of a forky that i passed on and had a chance at a great buck at last light that day. Imo, its easier to cut your teeth on easier units and build confidence.
  17. CatfishKev

    Late archery salt licks

    Good question not sure personally. Im told long term licks that have fawns grow up to be mature deer on them will visit more consistant at varying times of year. I know on the kaibab their are licks neen there so long and the hole is so big you have to wait dor the deer to come out of the hole to shoot it. Btw, the is the forum help forum. Go back to the main page and scroll down to the hunting forums and try to repost there.
  18. CatfishKev

    2020 archery buck

    Thats a big buck man congrats.
  19. CatfishKev


    Great bull congrats!
  20. CatfishKev

    BOLO: Stolen camp trailer from San Tan Valley

    Dude that effing sucks. Did your buddy have it insured?
  21. CatfishKev

    ***SOLD***Trail camera security boxes for sale

    I will take 5 if I can just double check mine and verify they will fit.
  22. CatfishKev

    Rut Activity

  23. CatfishKev

    Rut Activity

    Im like Satan, too beutiful until its too late.
  24. CatfishKev

    Rut Activity

    Our work here is done. Same time tomorow?
  25. CatfishKev

    Rut Activity

    Kev and Daniel ruin another good thread. Ive ran out of fingers, how many did we ruin for these poor guys?