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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Backcountry coffee

    What the heck is all this talk of cones?
  2. CatfishKev

    Micro Arrows

    Are you using these on the elk hunt? If so keep us posted. I got some of the skinny arrows, maxima reds i think. Had good reviews. 2 broke off at the tip on my bison though. Im gonna keep the 4 i have left and see how they are....
  3. CatfishKev

    My first archery kill-velvet OTC solo

    Heck of a shot man good job! Great buck, now you gotta chase the dragon! I will add this though, keeping an arrow knocked can be a very sketchy. I used to do it all the time but after too many slips and falls i feel my life is not worth the risk. If you are in flat country thats one thing, but if not i I just run the chance of missing out on the shot.
  4. CatfishKev

    Backcountry coffee

    Good question! Ive always taken the freeze dried folgers crap and it never fails, always makes have to take a forest poo.
  5. CatfishKev

    Capes for sale $50.00

    If they arebin good shape a taxidermist will usually give you like $100 each
  6. CatfishKev

    Time to cross UPS off the list

    Ive never had problems here in vista, the black dude and taller slightly heavy set always have great customer service.
  7. CatfishKev

    Elk Rut

    My bad
  8. CatfishKev

    Last minute field day, HEALP!

    I know they have last minute field days for kids that have tags that are not advertised. Havent seen the mail invite we have in the past and i got to get ten year old Enoch his day! If you got a line on one going on please hit me up!
  9. Just what I love about this forum. Sean, I think it's 3a 3b? Not sure how the 3s all integrate together for hunts. Never paid attention until recently now that we're looking to move. Daniel was one of the guys offering to help many times when I was a newbie here. Just wanna pay it back This guy picked up my deer mount up in Phoenix to bring it down to me on his way back from Cali. Dude straight up walked into the wrong persons back yard thinking it was there waiting for him. Somehow I had the address wrong or something. Poor bastard coulda got shot or mauled by a pit bull just trying to-do me a favor. If somebody deserves some cwt love, it is this guy!
  10. CatfishKev

    Last minute field day, HEALP!

    Thanks for the clarification. Also thanks for the responses all!
  11. Well crap, im an idiot. I thought the hunt was now but he's just there scouting right now. But still... i wanna see this thread end with some serious horn! Sorry Daniel. I should probably look at the regs a bit closer huh?
  12. Oh, and if one is willing to jump in and help him smoke a stud that would be cool too.
  13. Although dude is probably a scammer I sure do dig that avatar pic!
  14. CatfishKev

    West coast fires

    Dont forget to send some envelopes with flour in them just to keep them on their toes.
  15. CatfishKev

    anyone see this

    Called him a couple days ago. Im not allowed to join them up north due to covid. Guides and clients only.
  16. CatfishKev

    anyone see this

    dang, I've heard lots of Duwane stories, never that one. Most the time he was just messing with poor Butch for laughs.
  17. CatfishKev

    anyone see this

    The dude we bought our family suburban from was an insurance something or other. Was telling us people mangle their arms and hands all the time in those things. I told my family if we roll one either try for dear life to hold on to something or lock tour hands together befind your head and protect your head and keep your arms from flying around.
  18. CatfishKev

    West coast fires

    Every morning i get up and think its cloudy out and then see its just smoke haze. I can literally look at the sun straight up like im looking through welding goggles
  19. CatfishKev

    Rut Activity

    Cant argue with logic. But they should be pushing all the bulls out of top tier units like 4b and all the poachers in the heber area.
  20. CatfishKev

    White Mtn Reservation fishing and hunting

    Teeth are overated.
  21. CatfishKev

    Rut Activity

    Thats fuckin bs man. Any official to do anything AZ I would think would not pull this shoot a day before a hunt. Makes me wonder if it's rez folk pushing bulls back "home". Absolutely report it. And post back!
  22. CatfishKev

    Outdoor Writer - Best Wishes with Medical

    Thats hard man im so sorry to hear that.
  23. CatfishKev

    That Day Some People Did Some Things

    I'm not, remember very well in fact. Not sure how you interpreted my post but apparently I've offended you and I sincerely apologize. Didnt catch the part where i was making a joke of it. I was merely making the analogy that lately when one shows respect towards America, the flag and freedom it apparently seems inherently racist.
  24. CatfishKev

    That Day Some People Did Some Things

    Man i forgot what today was. If you aired that today it would be obviously racist.
  25. CatfishKev

    Rut Activity

    That's cool bull!