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Everything posted by CatfishKev

  1. CatfishKev

    Finally back to AZ!!

    You people? I just had a thread nuked cuz some asshat was throwing around too many racial slurs.
  2. CatfishKev

    Finally back to AZ!!

    Welcome home my prodigal son! Where you moving to?
  3. CatfishKev

    Tessa’s bull

    Wow thats a great bull! Congrats to the young lady!
  4. CatfishKev

    Rotomold Coolers

    Cant speak for quality but a mew brand bbn i have not heard of has been on camofire. Affordable too.
  5. I will literally try almost anything once. Ive heard its actually good Grossest thing i tried was lamb brains in a middle eastern restaurant. Pretty nasty. Then menudo, then lima beans. Uugghh.
  6. CatfishKev

    Tree Stands

    Only ever sat in a ladder stand and that was scary for me. Only 16' but i didnt wear a harness either which upped the scary factor for me. Just not a huge fan of heights. Even less of a fan sitting high in the air freezing my butt off and sitting on what must be the most uncomfortable seat ever.
  7. CatfishKev

    Short Cow Bison Hunt!!

    Ahh, my herd came running in from the north. Did not expect that! Congrats man thats a real big cow. Shoulder mount?
  8. CatfishKev

    Short Cow Bison Hunt!!

    Congratulations Stanley! She is indeed a big cow! We're you sitting at the tank that's in the southeast corner of a big meadow?
  9. CatfishKev


    Meopta. Hands down, best bang for your $. The bx5s are good glass wise but imo felt too heavy and i didnt like the ergonomics.
  10. CatfishKev

    Trump tests positive for Covid-19

    Stepping on a rattler in the alley and typing in your debit card number at the grocery store are two very different scenarios.
  11. CatfishKev

    12AW Youth Oct

    Well, rest assured they will still be on top! Ive always wanted to do this hunt but it never worked out. Good luck man and have a frikin blast!
  12. Good question Ive wondered about making them tender. Only hunted them one year on the youth hunt in 23, cooked open flame and they were tough. I thought maybe keeping them on ice a couple days to wet age might be the ticket. Interested..
  13. CatfishKev

    Trump tests positive for Covid-19

    Other then being broke one factor of having a bunch of kids is it helps our immune systems! Its all about the silver lining. I dont know about the hvac theory, seems improbable its that airborne but i dont know. Ive always thought most germs are carried by touch.
  14. CatfishKev

    Trump tests positive for Covid-19

    I got one buddy in SV that got it. His mom gave it to the whole family. Thats the only one i know personally. I dont think that masks are neccesarily effective or unaffective, but what i think they actually do is stop people from touching their face. Most people touch their face more then they think and what i think the mask does is just stop people from doing so.
  15. CatfishKev

    New Mexico elk 2020

    Man you guys killed it! Congrats on a great hunt.
  16. CatfishKev

    New to Arizona

    Even for doves! Fred, you are the exception to the rule. Md33, yup i love my tripods. Nothings better then a good night of sleep waking up with my heels on still snuggeling my tripod from the night before. It sure makes for a crowded bed.
  17. CatfishKev

    New to Arizona

    Welcome to AZ! You are gonna want to get yourself a tripod and a decent pair of 12s or 15s. Its all about glassing here. And as stated, lots of animals to hunt and very diverse country here. AZ is awesome. We have zero desire to go back east. Except for pizza!
  18. CatfishKev

    Oversized Cutting Boards

    Man these things are going like hotcakes!
  19. CatfishKev

    Hail Mary Elk Hunt

    Talk about down to the wire! Congrats!
  20. Muledeerarea33 has the early ML hunt right now by Show Low, walking around on a healing broken foot has him pondering the idea of shooting a smaller bull then he deserves because hes worried about asking too much of the guys that are already helping him, especially when the pack out is concerned. I told him ask you guys (cwt) but he feels crappy about it and wont! So I'm gonna be the turd and ask on his behalf. He burned a lot of points on this hunt, more then I even have the patience to aquire so if you guys can make a few calls or texts to see if anyone you know is ready and willing to help out on a short notice pack out that would be awesome! #470
  21. CatfishKev

    OTC Elk questions

    Typically you can get the otc tags anywhere that sells tags. Its nice to get them from game and fish though because they have an information packet they can give you that kind of explains each area. It may actually shed light on your question.
  22. CatfishKev

    Meopta Meostar B1 Plus line

    features enhanced optical tolerances to provide even sharper images and greater optical performance. Not sure what that means exactly, the other changes are basically ergonomic https://www.meoptasportsoptics.com/us/produkt/meostar-b1-plus-15x56-hd-16276/