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About Coueshunter77

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  1. Coueshunter77

    Swaro 15x56 non-HD

    Trying to send a pm but it won't let me. Can you pm me?
  2. Coueshunter77

    Hunting over water

    Thanks for the feedback
  3. Coueshunter77

    Hunting over water

    I've been meaning to get a camera out there but just have t got around to it. Thanks
  4. Coueshunter77

    Hunting over water

  5. Coueshunter77

    Hunting over water

    Anyone have any experience hunting lions over water? I've found 5 kills all within a 1/2 square or so of each other all with in the last few months. I see tracks but the kills are never very fresh and I haven't been able to glass them up yet.
  6. Coueshunter77


    Looking to do more backpacking hunts for clues this year and I'm looking and getting a slumberjack tent and bag. Has anyone tried them and if so what do you think? What other products would you guys recommend without breaking the bank?
  7. Coueshunter77


    Looking to do more backpacking hunts for clues this year and I'm looking and getting a slumberjack tent and bag. Has anyone tried them and if so what do you think? What other products would you guys recommend without breaking the bank?
  8. Coueshunter77


    Looking to do more backpacking hunts for clues this year and I'm looking and getting a slumberjack tent and bag. Has anyone tried them and if so what do you think? What other products would you guys recommend without breaking the bank?
  9. Coueshunter77

    New Mexico Elk

    Looking to put in for new mexico for the first ime. i'm really only interested in doing an early season archery hunt. I'm trying to find units that are overlooked so i to have higher draw odds. Right now i'm looking at unit 23. any info or tips?
  10. I want to do a high country mule deer hunt in 2017. I want to do an early season archery hunt so the bucks are still in velvet and I want to do an archery hunt. Are there any states that have any OTC hunts or easy draw hunts where I could do this? Has any one here done a hunt like this and is it feasible? feel free to pm me
  11. Coueshunter77

    Kuiu Sale!

    Kuiu has a 3 day sale starting tomorrow and I have been wanting to try their gear out. I have never used performance camo. has anyone tried the Teton line? How do you like it and will it hold up in the az brush? thanks
  12. Coueshunter77

    WTB 15x56 binoculars

    just bought a pair. Thanks for all the replies
  13. Coueshunter77

    WTB 15x56 binoculars

    How much are you asking and what page of the classifieds is it on?
  14. Coueshunter77

    WTB 15x56 binoculars

  15. Coueshunter77

    WTB 15x56 binoculars

    Looking to buy a pair of 15x56 binos. Leaning torwards the Kaibabs but will listen to all offers. Pm me for any other questions.