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Everything posted by stillatmaxpoints

  1. stillatmaxpoints

    Where Am I?

    Crap i grew up on a ranch west of Cleator, i recognized the country, but just couldn't place it
  2. stillatmaxpoints

    Where Am I?

    how about down stream in the black canyon area
  3. stillatmaxpoints

    Where Am I?

    bumblebee area
  4. stillatmaxpoints

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    Lots of conspiracy theories going on here. Could be the ranch wanted to raise the fee's a very small amount. Could be the G&F wanted to change the structure entirely and pay the ranch one lump sum, and the ranch would have less control of who is there and who isn't. Very possible and it could be.
  5. stillatmaxpoints

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    Lots of conspiracy theories going on here. Could be the ranch wanted to raise the fee's a very small amount. Could be the G&F wanted to change the structure entirely and pay the ranch one lump sum, and the ranch would have less control of who is there and who isn't. Very possible and it could be.
  6. stillatmaxpoints

    Guess the Score??

    175-180 gross, hopefully there are better bucks in those units. hard to tell from the video
  7. stillatmaxpoints

    nosler factory ammunition

    Nosler 130 grain ballistic tip 270 Winchester factory loaded ammunition. $55.00 per box
  8. stillatmaxpoints

    Unit 10 Antilope help (Please)

    Go to hunt big bo ranch, then click on maps, it will give you roads etc
  9. stillatmaxpoints

    State Land Shutdown

    Your tax's you pay have no bearing on az state trust lands, they are not public lands. Arizona is lucky the way they grant access to trust lands for hunting and fishing. In many states (including New Mexico) the state game and fish departments have to pay a fee yearly for access to that states trust land department for access for hunting and fishing
  10. stillatmaxpoints


    Since i was asked this question by the person that started this topic, i will reply. Again most all of the developed waters(not G&F wildlife waters)are private property of the rancher that has the grazing rights in that area. On AZ trust lands the rancher owns all of the improvements including the road to the improvement. On public land forest service or blm, the ranchers owns the water improvement, not the water but the improvement to contain the water if the rancher developed that improvement. Actually it is trespassing to put a trail camera on the improvement without permission. When cattle come in to drink, and sometime get there salt and or supplement there, they will tend to loaf around the water for a couple of hours before heading back out to graze, and not all cattle come to water at the same time. Depending on the ranch and the cattle, people showing up in vehicles and putting up trail cameras or checking them will tend make cattle leave slowly or in a hurry depending on the ranch and cattle, a lot of places cattle only see the rancher on a horse, people on foot tend to scare them and they leave, disruptions on a continual basis effects how livestock do, be it weight gain, not getting enough water etc. Ranching and livestock is a complicated business, not a sport, recreation or hobby for 99.9% of all ranchers. most of the waters that ranchers have put in in the last 150 years is responsible for the wildlife population increase in most the state of Arizona. Read the book, Man and Wildlife in Arizona the american exploration period 1824-1865, G&F used to sell this book in there offices, not sure now. This is why on the Big Bo cattle have the right of way. Myself i would like to see trail cameras go away. It has gotten out of hand, nothing wrong with the way we hunted 35 years ago without trail cameras. technology has advanced many things hunters use to scout and or hunt, but you have to be physically there on the ground to use them, not so with trail cameras or flying. gone are the days when you could fine a unique animal that no one else possibly has not seen in a unit, now he likely is on someones trail camera. hunting is more interesting without the cameras. Each hunter is responsible for his or her hunting ethics. A few years back there was a business(not sure if they are still in business)that had a website that hunters could pay a fee and join, for the fee you gave them say your deer hunt unit that you had drawn, they would place trail cameras in your unit and send you pictures of the deer in the unit and where in the unit the picture was taken. Human hunter instincts are slowly going away which possibly could lead to the end of hunting in the long run. Just my opinion, but if this group that has spent the money to hire a attorney to write a letter to the Governor and possibly file a lawsuit or whatever, i would bet there motives for doing it is not because they like to just see pictures of wildlife, or they want to show there kids the pictures to get them interested in hunting. Again hunting instincts are slowly disappearing
  11. stillatmaxpoints


    Many of the developed waters dirt stock tanks, piped water from storage tank to water troughs etc are ranchers private property. Having no trail cameras on them or people there checking them is a big plus to the rancher. One of the reasons they are not allowed on the Big Bo
  12. stillatmaxpoints


    Almost, to bad you don't have RL19
  13. stillatmaxpoints

    Moving to AK?

    At the present time with the COVID issue, It is very hard to get into Canada, hard to leave Canada,
  14. stillatmaxpoints

    Recreational Trail Camera use is at Stake!

    The Boquillas is a good model, nothing wrong with hunting the way we did 30 or 40 years ago, if you have to have some camera use, January 1 to June 1
  15. stillatmaxpoints

    My Mentor

    just a guess, Reed Peterson
  16. stillatmaxpoints

    270 Sections of State Land SOLD!

    the article you posted, said 2,783 acres, divide that by 640 acres (one square mile) and it is approximately 4.3 square miles sold.
  17. stillatmaxpoints

    270 Sections of State Land SOLD!

    The one article is incorrect, saying that the state sold 270 square miles, state sold 2,783 acres which is 4.3 square miles, most of this land is closed to motor vehicle access and hunting because of nearby housing development
  18. stillatmaxpoints


    if you look back at my post, i said most, not all. On state trust lands it is all if built by the ranch or rancher, on federal lands i know ranchers that own there stock tanks and permanent improvements, and some do not, could have to do with water rights filings etc, if you really want to know just do your research on federal lands, i have never owned nor would i own a federal grazing permit. Something to consider, if it had not been for ranchers developing waters from the late 1800's until present day, you would have a lot less game to hunt to in this arid state, a good example is the coconino plateau, Boquiallas ranch and Babbitt ranches, unit 9 and 10
  19. stillatmaxpoints


    Obviously you know little about how grazing leases are administered both on state and federal lands, such as state trust lands they are for 10 years not yearly.
  20. stillatmaxpoints


    There are some good points in the two bills. From a business point of view from a rancher not having someone setting right on your stock tank is a good thing, cattle will not come to water as easily as they normally do, some distance would be a good thing. Having a trail camera season is a good thing, Nevada did that very thing, that way use of trail cameras was not outlawed completely, a season would bring back some meaning to the fair chase concept, which is no longer in effect on the Arizona strip, where there are thousands of trail cameras out there year round, the really big bucks don't have much of a chance there, other units are getting to be the same way, especially in units with very little natural live waters in them
  21. stillatmaxpoints


    ON arizona state trust lands the rancher does own the stock tank structure. You can do some research and find that to be fact. On federal lands the same thing applies. A southwest retired regional forest supervisor verified that to me a couple of years ago
  22. stillatmaxpoints


    Most of the dirt stock tanks that are built by ranchers in Arizona are actually private party improvements, if there were built by the ranch, be it new stock tanks (or ponds as some people call them)or ones built 50 + years ago, the are private property of the ranch or ranchers, on state trust lands and federal lands the water itself may be owned by the state or Feds, but the actual improvement built to hold the water is private property. Explorer, you are incorrect on your conception of ownership of the stock tank ownership
  23. stillatmaxpoints


    Most of the dirt stock tanks that are built by ranchers in Arizona are actually private party improvements, if there were built by the ranch, be it new stock tanks (or ponds as some people call them)or ones built 50 + years ago, the are private property of the ranch or ranchers, on state trust lands and federal lands the water itself may be owned by the state or Feds, but the actual improvement built to hold the water is private property.
  24. stillatmaxpoints

    horses in elk unit

    Virtually all of the horses that are being discussed in this topic, are off the the different Indian reservations, they are simply feral Indian horses, many you can still see Indian brands on them. I was involved in catching one of the last bands of true Spanish mustangs in this state 60 years ago, and they were truly wild, if they winded you or saw you a mile away they were gone
  25. stillatmaxpoints

    Sheep Tag Drawn-24BN

    If your considering a guide, you need to at least contact Double H outfitters, they have killed more big rams in those units than anyone, last year a 183 out of 24BN, year before a 184 in 22