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Everything posted by varget

  1. varget

    WTS 7mm Bullets

    Removed sold items
  2. varget

    ISO 45acp Brass, Pistol Powder, Primers

    Thats a bit to far but thanks for the offer
  3. Looking for some 45acp brass large primer only and some pistol powder Winchester 231 or let me know what you have also could use some large pistol primers
  4. varget

    Brass, bullets, and dies

    Lee 45 ACP dies $25 There is a carbide sizing die in the box. lf the die set is still available l will take them
  5. varget

    30-30 Ammunition - Sold

    I will take it
  6. varget

    223, 9mm, and .40 For Sale

    Or debate with window shoppers
  7. varget

    Reloading Supplies for sale

    Where are you located
  8. varget

    Varget powder

    You guys need to keep a eye on powder valley l recently bought some TAC powder and paid a little over $25 a lb and that included shipping and hazmat As they say buy all you can when shipping and hazmat is involved
  9. varget


    Your inbox is full price on the 8lb cfe223
  10. varget


    Powders in stock at shoppers in AJ lMR 4064 8lb $219 2 ct H110 8lb $200 1 ct IMR 700x 4lb $84 2 ct 1lb jugs H110, Winchester 296 and H4831 last one l did not look at the prices on 1lb no primers, no reloading bullets some ammo didnt really look but seen 243 and 260 rem. 17HMR
  11. varget


    $80 better than $320 Thought you ment $320 each
  12. $800 is the going price for that rifle now anymore your gouging
  13. varget

    WTT federal small rifle primers

    I load 147gr fmj with H110 works good for me
  14. varget

    Gear and reloading clean out

    I will take the bipod
  15. varget

    Rifle Bullets

    All bullets sold
  16. varget


    I will take 2eds on that
  17. varget

    700x powder

    Local they are in chandler and Apache junction l went to the AJ one if they don’t have it brownells have it in stock
  18. varget

    700x powder

    Call shoppers l believe l saw 700x there on Sunday
  19. varget

    WTB weight set or bar and weights

    OfferUp has what your looking for
  20. varget

    Varget/TAC Powder

    I went to shoppers yesterday late afternoon and picked up a couple of lbs of Winchester 231 there was about 10 more left and same for varget like he said no .22’s or primers
  21. varget

    Varget/TAC Powder

    In stock at Powder Valley
  22. varget

    Varget/TAC Powder

    Any primers or 22lr there
  23. varget


  24. varget

    H1000 4lbs left at Pistol Parlor $49.99

    Try calling bear mountion they have powder come in often