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Everything posted by C.O.U.E.S.

  1. C.O.U.E.S.

    San Carlos Bucks

    Geezus ...great job bro.. U and yours are having a great Jan. ... Congrats to all involved!.
  2. C.O.U.E.S.

    Stick and string buck

    Big Congrats bud...
  3. Alicia C. connected over the weekend...More piks and story to come...Merry Christmas...C.O.U.E.S. Alicia spent a lot of time behind the trigger preparing for this hunt and it paid off Saturday morning big time. We started out meeting up early that morning only to find the fog and rain to thick to do anything with. We made the decision to back out and try a different area that we knew held deer in the past. We get to a high point around 8 and put glass to work, Rene finds a few doe's deep without a buck in tow. A few min. later he has a nice buck spotted a to the north that did not stick around long, he fed out of site and was to far to make move on due to the terrain. While discussing options and glassing, Nick finds this guy feeding 600 yds. it doesn't take long to decide he is a shooter. We cut the distance in half and Alicia gets set up for the shot. He is found again bedded in a palo verde with neck and head showing. We start to wait him out and 2 hrs. go by without movement. The elements start to take there toll and Alicia says " I can make that shot"...That's all we needed to hear and we got ready for the shot.. she backed out of the scope twice to calm the adrenaline that was taking hold of all of us. She got back into the scope and the 270 barked...I have nothing in the binos, no movement ,no deer nothing...We get ahold of Rene who is keeping watch from the original glassing spot..." he's down ...his head laid down before I heard the gun shot", Oh yeah high fives and hugs all around...we wait for Rene and Gage to get to us and make our way to the buck. Alicia get's a glimpse of him to her right and run's up to her prize. Emotions are high and we start the photo session and pre pack out chores. Alicia's perfect 303 yard shot claimed her 1st buck on her 1st hunt that none of us will ever forget. Big congratulation's again and thank's for the memory... Nico scored him at 103'
  4. Holy smokes... Awesome story, piks,video and buck...congrats to you And all involved...
  5. 1500... obo ...for the quad...needs tires and battery, but runs all day with the pull start , clean title 100 ..obo... for the spotter...ill post piks later this afternoon... text or call with ?s 4807940225
  6. C.O.U.E.S.

    New Years Day Buck

    Great job primo...mak'n it look easy ...congrats
  7. carpcody....your hats on order bud and maybe same gene pool.... hoss....I invited bro...next time maybe you'll come off the hill for a day or 2..
  8. ...story and more piks added...sorry for the delay folks..
  9. C.O.U.E.S.

    Still Crying

    That's what makes this time of year so special...To play chess with bucks of this caliber...priceless, you/we are gonna loose most of the time but having an opponent like this is what it's about...good luck and keep at it...c.o.u.e.s.
  10. C.O.U.E.S.

    San Carlos Archery Buck

    Sweet buck and big congrats to you and your boy J... Makn it look easy
  11. C.O.U.E.S.

    What's your most important piece of hunting gear?

    Positive mindset+motivation+time= Opportunity
  12. C.O.U.E.S.

    105 December coues 3x3

    ... Sweet buck and big congrats ...!
  13. C.O.U.E.S.

    LOVE MY LETHAL KIDS!!! Tags filled!

    As usual Lance, your ability to measure the hunt is evident...great post,piks and family...congrat's to all of you!
  14. C.O.U.E.S.

    My Grandpa's Sheep

    Oh man that's sweet, congrat's and thank you for sharing...
  15. C.O.U.E.S.

    Big Eye Optics

    kowa highdollars...and yes the are amazing...sorry I drink hater-aid every now and then.. ..one of these days they will be in the arsenal. oh,yeah sweet pik
  16. C.O.U.E.S.

    Big Eye Optics

    Very clear...Same Pik as above just not zoomed in ..
  17. C.O.U.E.S.

    Big Eye Optics

    I would not use them all day like that, alignment isn't perfect... but for me...way more comfortable then a spotter and they focus great considering..
  18. C.O.U.E.S.

    Big Eye Optics

    The twins work good to save shoe leather, weight and money...imo
  19. C.O.U.E.S.

    The boil out ...

    Test run posting from phone..