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About DawsonSchell

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  • Interests
    The outdoors

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  1. DawsonSchell

    WTB 7mm hornady ammo

    In need of some 7mm hornady precision hunter ammo, looking for a few boxes! Thanks!
  2. DawsonSchell

    Bear Cruizer For Sale

    Selling my Bear Cruizer. Set at a 27 in draw length, and pulling back 60 lbs. Has the stock trophy ridge 5 pin sight with a trophy ridge 5 arrow quiver. Great beginner bow, and well kept. Asking $300
  3. Selling my black Gold 7 pin sight. Used on a right handed bow. Brand new. Message me if interested. $100
  4. DawsonSchell

    Fred Bear beginner bow

  5. DawsonSchell

    Fred Bear beginner bow

  6. Had this light bar on my truck for a few months, brightened up the desert great, asking $100
  7. DawsonSchell

    Fred Bear beginner bow

    I'll throw in a free Cobra release
  8. DawsonSchell

    Fred Bear beginner bow

    Great beginner bow, shoots great, well taken care of, right handed, set around 60-65 lbs, and 27 in draw length. $100
  9. DawsonSchell

    RH 70 lb Bear Arena 30 for sale

    Still have the bow?
  10. DawsonSchell

    2015 pse full throtle

    Still have the bow??
  11. DawsonSchell

    25-06 Savage for trade

    Are you willing to sell, or set on a trade?
  12. DawsonSchell

    Hoyt Spyder for sale LH

    Interested, I txted you, thanks!