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Everything posted by azbirdhunter88

  1. azbirdhunter88

    12b west early hunt

    I like the big 3x
  2. azbirdhunter88

    12b west early hunt

    Ya better show pics
  3. azbirdhunter88

    Jumping Jack Trailer Rental

    You can come get my toy hauler and use it
  4. azbirdhunter88

    Wife’s buck

    Head shot?
  5. azbirdhunter88

    Akc weimaraner

    Haha no shoot
  6. azbirdhunter88

    Cow Tags, Kids, and Time Well Spent

  7. azbirdhunter88

    Anyone with camper space in Phoenix or camp verde

    I got a place in Buckeye if something falls through.
  8. azbirdhunter88

    Thomas did it again.

  9. azbirdhunter88

    Walking or glassing

    Your fine with 10s or 12s glassing
  10. azbirdhunter88

    Second day success

    Good job guys
  11. azbirdhunter88

    Got tickted by azgf

    When her name is on half of everything I guess she’s in the right.
  12. azbirdhunter88

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    He learned from brother that is not a good idea.
  13. azbirdhunter88

    Got tickted by azgf

    Your ticket is a “ pay it ticket “. Pay it and your done. Your over reacting.
  14. azbirdhunter88

    Got tickted by azgf

    Well when you and your property start getting peppered you will change your mind. Best of luck to you buddy.
  15. azbirdhunter88

    Got tickted by azgf

    Yes this is what I’m talking about.
  16. azbirdhunter88

    Got tickted by azgf

    When you have livestock, kid hunters, and own the property you will think different. I own property here as well as other states and the most pain in the butt thing is people hunting on or shooting towards the properties. If your not sure if it’s a 1/4 mile then keep going farther. You got a well deserved ticket. People hunt on the fence line of my property and don’t realize my barn is within a 1/4 mile of it even though they aren’t on private property. Game and Fish loves them and I’ll continue calling them in.
  17. azbirdhunter88

    Got tickted by azgf

    I hope game and fish keeps enforcing this rule more. So many people just pull up on someone’s property or next to it and start shooting or hunting. Happens all the time. Game and fish did the right thing here.
  18. azbirdhunter88

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    The brothers are back at it
  19. azbirdhunter88

    Trophy Bull Poached

    Holy crap. This is insane.
  20. azbirdhunter88

    Last Day Bull (pics)

    Great bull
  21. azbirdhunter88

    The Hunt Recommendation Process

    Ya this will solve it all. Thanks.
  22. azbirdhunter88

    Cooper 295/70/18 tires

    Still have a lot of life left on them. $150 takes them. No plugs or leaks in them. Load range E
  23. azbirdhunter88

    Cooper 295/70/18 tires

    Yes they are sold
  24. azbirdhunter88

    Sd card reading apps for android and laptops.

    Spypoint Link Evo