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Everything posted by azbirdhunter88

  1. azbirdhunter88

    Speed goat Wyoming

    Gonna need bigger house
  2. azbirdhunter88

    Speed goat Wyoming

    Just did mine
  3. azbirdhunter88

    RV Batteries

    Lead acid will be just fine. Keep em charged and out of sun. I went a long time on my 2 batteries on trailer. I recently went to the gel cells and will see what the difference is.
  4. azbirdhunter88

    Doves and pellet guns

  5. azbirdhunter88

    Speared Cape Buffalo

    I wanna try this
  6. azbirdhunter88

    New truck considerations

    Ya they hold value for sure. It’s all about just what you need or plan on using truck for. If you can get away with a half ton then do it.
  7. azbirdhunter88

    Chevlon canyon lake

    That’s cheating. Dad used to make us walk down there with our stuff. Finally told him ain’t doing it again unless I’m on my horse.
  8. azbirdhunter88

    Mounting brackets for dual big eye spotter set ups

    Bungee cord
  9. azbirdhunter88

    Inexpensive game cams

    Your prob not gonna like the quality of the pic though.
  10. azbirdhunter88

    First Aid Kit

  11. azbirdhunter88

    New Mexico unit 16D Archery Bull Sept 15-24th

    Great tag for sure
  12. azbirdhunter88

    Would you vote for Sheriff Joe?

  13. azbirdhunter88

    Doves and pellet guns

    Gotta do what you gotta do
  14. azbirdhunter88

    New truck considerations

    I’m in the same boat as you. I’d love a half ton for ride quality and other reasons. Just not practical for my uses. Those new Toyota’s are super nice though.
  15. azbirdhunter88


    I got one in my field if you wanna take it.
  16. azbirdhunter88

    3D Course

    Sorry for the sideways pics. Here are a few of the targets.
  17. azbirdhunter88

    3D Course

  18. azbirdhunter88

    3D Course

  19. azbirdhunter88

    3D Course

  20. azbirdhunter88

    3D Course

  21. azbirdhunter88

    Doves and pellet guns

    They chit all over
  22. azbirdhunter88

    Doves and pellet guns

    Choot em
  23. azbirdhunter88

    Lab puppies???

    They are great dogs for sure. Just get past the first couple years lol.