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About Webber

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/11/1974

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  1. Anyone use the these Bullets? Any information would be appreciated. Min and max data?
  2. Webber

    Rifles for sale

    You gonna dM me so I can buy the 300
  3. Webber

    NM 23/24 ELK Honey Hole , no joke

    This area has already been over hunted by these guides for years I know them all personally, that being said It’s a big area so is not gonna help anyone kill a giant. Everyone will probably get there asses kick and give up very difficult unit to hunt unless you know the pockets that hold bulls or get lucky road hunting. Good luck!
  4. 6.5 06 load data info I know this caliber isn't used much anymore these days with all the new 6.5s out there. Just wanted to ask if anyone would be willing to share some load data min & max for 140gr with H4831, Imr4350 and reloader 22 for this caliber. Thanks D
  5. I wanted to get some an opinion on doing this first, I'm thinking about raffling one of my Unit 15 New Mexico Muzzleloader hunts Oct 12-16th landowner unit wide tag. A fully guided hunt no fees the raffle would be 200 tickets at 100$ what is everyone's thoughts on this?
  6. Webber

    Unit 27 Schedule Change Outcome ?

    Arizona should take a page out of New Mexico rules and make some units primitive units only bow and muzzleloader with no long range rifles.
  7. Webber


    Ok so a friend of mine hunting in 27 found 2 bucks with just the heads cut off . That's some pretty sad crap when someone won't pack out a 100 pound deer. I know I hunt some pretty rough area be we always manage to pack out everything but the rib cage by myself these guys are crazy not to want to eat coues deer meat. Just thought I would share.
  8. Webber

    164 7/8" Coues

    Love it!!
  9. Webber


    I had the skull remeasured from a official scorer and he came up with 21 1/4!! That's more like what I thought!!!
  10. Webber


    Ok, woke up about 4:00 am took a shower tried to get my son up but he made every excuse not to go before i left i told him you gonna miss out, we are going to find some good bears today he just said my knee hurts i said ok have fun today!! loaded up my truck and ranger picked my Cuz and Buddy off we went. we took our time driving up to NM from Morenci we saw several little bucks, javelina, and some elk on the way up ,all of that already made worth getting out. We got to where we were gonna hike up this hill we hunt all the time for deer and elk we always see from 1 to 5 bears in there all the time, we finally got to the top talked a bit taking in the beautiful view of the area with everything being so green it looked awesome!! We glassed and called for 1 hrs in each spot didn't even see a rabbit or deer i was shocked that is a honey hole no one is ever in their needless to say i was a little bummed. We hiked north on the rim to this huge canyon called (JK) glassed for 40 minutes half way down the canyon didn't see or call in anything. We hiked back to the truck took us about 1 hr had lunch under a tree talked about where we were going to hunt next finished lunch Julio wanted to go down lower and hunt i told him no we were going to go on this really rough trail i saw a bear on a week or so earlier. Unloaded the ranger n took off a little ways down the road a road runner crosses the road in front of us, i said its a done deal now because every time one does we end up killing or seeing something BIG, drove on that rough road to the first big canyon grabbed my call walked down about 200 yards set up the call started calling and in 5 minutes a beautiful blonde bear comes trucking it in i said there is a BEAR !! i look at julio and said there is a bear. he doesn't even have the gun... SMH He runs back up the hill to get the gun i kept calling and glassing n noticed some movement on a big oak tree n saw 2 little boo boo bears. Julio came back n said where is it? I said she is coming. (She he says?) yup she has 2 cubs he says BS so i showed him the 2 cubs in my binos i ended up calling all 3 of them in to about 110 yards .Walked back to the ranger took off to the next spot we walked over a small ridge to a canyon with a small water hole in the bottom started calling this time julio is ready!!, And in about 8 min a small bore comes in but a lot slower than the sow it was an ok bear, he would have been happy shooting this one but i told him there is 2 really big bears in here. We take off again driving along the trail and stop to glass My Cuz says there is a cow about 800 yards away i looked n told him thats a bear not a cow we took off towards him an lost sight of it we started calling and nothing so i walked up about 300 yards on the trail and he was right there we just couldn't see him because the ridge we were to low. I called them on the radio n said u see him! They came up we got julio set up dialed the turret in to 450 calmed Julio down he squeezes the shot off the bear roles down the hill into a tree we all high 5 yelling, we see some movement again on the opposite finger the bear was still alive he adjusts the turret 2 more clicks boom!!! I say BBD Baby we hiked down to the bear checked him out Julio was super happy this is his first bear!! not to shabby i say i told you we were gonna get one because of that road runner!!! The Bear had a tag #354 and do not consume on it. We caped out the bear loaded it in the pack and hike out of the canyon to the ranger it was a fun day i just wish my son would have woke up to come it would have been more fun. taxidermy official score was 19" not a book bear but a lot of fun and a heck of a first bear for Julio.
  11. Webber


    The orange piece was a tag with a number that said Do Not Consume will post some measurements And a story in a few days.
  12. Webber


    Called this guy in for my buddy!!
  13. Anyone have any 7mm 162 BTHP hornady or burger 168vld they want to part with? pm me if you can thanks..