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Elk Reaper

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Everything posted by Elk Reaper

  1. Elk Reaper

    1986 Honda 250R

  2. Elk Reaper

    1986 Honda 250R

  3. Elk Reaper

    1986 Honda 250R

  4. Elk Reaper

    1986 Honda 250R

    Cash is king obviously but any SLC HD 10s or Leica Ultravid HD plus 12s interested in trades?
  5. Elk Reaper

    1986 Honda 250R

  6. Does anyone have information on the Sears model 53? I know it's basically a Winchester model 70 action with a different stamp but is the quality the same? I had it shooting MOA and now it won't pattern at all I think the barrel has finally gave out. Would it be a good action to build off of? If so I was thinking of doing a 6.5-284. Any thoughts?
  7. Elk Reaper

    Sears Model 53 Good for a Donor?

    What stock would I get if I wanted to build on it? Just any model 70 LA?
  8. Elk Reaper

    Sears Model 53 Good for a Donor?

    I can't get a picture of the rifle since I'm out of town but this is the exact action.
  9. Elk Reaper

    Sears Model 53 Good for a Donor?

    I don't know if this helps but it's a Ted Williams edition.
  10. Elk Reaper

    Sears Model 53 Good for a Donor?

    It says Model 53 on the side I have it at my parents currently or I would post a picture. I haven't thought about the 3 position saftey I'll have to see if I can get him to check it out.
  11. Elk Reaper

    Sears Model 53 Good for a Donor?

    Does anyone know how I could tell if it is a FN or Winchester action? Any other opinions on using it as a donor? If it is one of those actions I don't see a point in letting it sit.
  12. Elk Reaper

    Sears Model 53 Good for a Donor?

    Isn't the action the exact same as a model 70?
  13. Elk Reaper

    Sears Model 53 Good for a Donor?

    Yes, it was a gift from a relative.
  14. Does anyone have information on the Sears model 53? I know it's basically a Winchester model 70 action with a different stamp but is the quality the same? I had it shooting MOA and now it won't pattern at all I think the barrel has finally gave out. Would it be a good action to build off of? If so I was thinking of doing a 6.5-284. Any thoughts?
  15. Elk Reaper

    Maven and Sig Sauer Binoculars?

    I am impressed with the Sig range finders and figured their binoculars would probably be very similar in quality and that means they are great!
  16. Just curious if any one has had the opportunity to compare them to some big names in the optics industry. How did they fare?
  17. Elk Reaper

    Winchester rifle 550

    Where are you located?