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About Predatorjunkie1

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  1. Predatorjunkie1

    FS: Savage short actions and misc

    No thanks
  2. Predatorjunkie1

    FS: Savage short actions and misc

    Is the 223 barrel a 1/9 twist? Would you be willing to ship?
  3. Predatorjunkie1

    Hunting in the whetstones

    Ended up getting lucky and found a decent buck. This was my first time ever in the unit other than some Google earth scouting and reading previous posts about the unit. Oh and it's my first coues. Thanks for all the help everyone.
  4. Predatorjunkie1

    Hunting in the whetstones

    Good luck. One more day of work and 1100 miles and I'll be down there chasing the little grey ghosts
  5. Predatorjunkie1

    Unit 23

    I have seen some nice bucks in the Sunflower Mesa area. Always seemed to find some around the White Rocks
  6. Predatorjunkie1

    Hunting in the whetstones

    Just to clear up any confusion, it's my first time hunting in that unit. It's not my first time hunting.
  7. Predatorjunkie1

    Look at this AZ freak buck

    Wow, talk about a once in a lifetime buck
  8. Predatorjunkie1

    Coues in the Oaks

    Great video, thanks for taking the time to put it together and share. Some great info. Looking forward to watching the others.
  9. Predatorjunkie1

    Hunting in the whetstones

    Hey guys this is going to be my first time hunting 34b 2nd rifle. Can anyone tell me what I can expect genetics wise in the Whetstones? Is it the type of unit that produces some really good bucks or if I see a 90" buck should I shoot it. I understand that there is always a chance of finding that one book buck, but I'm never that lucky.
  10. Predatorjunkie1

    12x50 Leica FS

    I have a pair of Leica 12x50HD's for sale. Used on 2 hunts and they are in perfect condition. Blew the tranny on my rig coming home from last hunt so have to sell to pay for repairs. I will include the outdoorsman tripod adapter and badlands case. $2000.00 having trouble uploading pics but pm me and I can text them. Thanks
  11. Predatorjunkie1

    WTB 17 Remington

    Does anyone have a 17 Remington that they would like to part with. Preferably a 700 action but I'm not too picky. If you have one shoot me a text or call. It's a Wyoming # but I live in Wickenburg. 307 760 8825