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Hatchet Jack

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Everything posted by Hatchet Jack

  1. Hatchet Jack

    the tag that almost didn't happened

    NO I'm just messing with you, I already have my hunt planned out. And it involves a shytload of hiking in the dark.
  2. Hatchet Jack

    the tag that almost didn't happened

    Sherman you wouldn't mind dropping me off on your way up the mountain would ya?
  3. Hatchet Jack

    Didn't get picked for leftover tag...

    I put 32 and 29 as my first 2 choices. Sent put my app in the mail Friday morning. Ended up drawing my 3rd choice.
  4. Hatchet Jack

    Bersa thunder .380 $200

    where are you located?
  5. Hatchet Jack

    First chance to hunt Coues

    Congrats on the tag. I actually glassed a couple decent bucks this morning in 31. Rough country, pretty good amount of deer. Get ya some good boots and clear glass/tripod. Good luck
  6. Hatchet Jack

    30A October-Anybody else?

    from what i've studied so far, the lack of access doesn't seem that big of a deal if you are willing to walk 6 or 8 miles. there are a handful of access points that give you a number of options to backpack in.
  7. Hatchet Jack

    Vortex coming out with new Razor HD Spotters?

    think these will drive down the prices of old razor scopes?
  8. Hatchet Jack

    Trade Honda 3000 generator for swaroski 15x56

    as often as the power goes out in morenci you may want to hang onto it
  9. Hatchet Jack

    Leftover deer tags

    I'm starting to get pretty pumped for archery javelina hunts
  10. Hatchet Jack

    Viper 15x50's?

    I've never looked through those but having a 15x with just a 50mm objective would make me shy away from them, i'll bet you lose light quickly. And 15x free handing is not very effective for me. But if the price is right I'm sure they have their place.
  11. Hatchet Jack

    Leftover deer tags

    just called in today and Virginia Slim informed me. nothing is up on my portal yet.
  12. Hatchet Jack

    Leftover deer tags

    30A October hunt for me, which was my 3rd choice. oh well I'm just happy to be going, love huntin new country.
  13. Hatchet Jack

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    july 14 8:17 a.m.
  14. Hatchet Jack

    Things That Piss Me Off

    ketchup in glass bottles all the new "country" music jotos who wear skinny jeans and makeup and jewelry and sing $hitty lyrics about things they know nothing about
  15. Hatchet Jack

    SPF......FS 20-50X80 ED Docters

    Would love to look through a set of those one day. Does each eyepiece focus individually?
  16. Hatchet Jack

    Optics all gently used

    friends don't let friends buy doublers lmao
  17. Hatchet Jack

    Do you really need a truck to hunt...

    when I was still in college all I had was a little Honda, I guarantee it's been off road more than most of the pretty boy lifted trucks you see on the highway. Now I have a f150 and I'm really glad I have the 4x4 especially in those sandy washes in the flat country and up high on the late hunts
  18. Hatchet Jack

    Things That Piss Me Off

    People that don't put their shopping carts away in the store parking lot People that don't give you a courtesy wave when you let them over in traffic those are my big 2 and my wife gets a kick out of how much it irks me
  19. Hatchet Jack

    Using horses

    But what if he sees our legs?... Elk don't know how many feet a horse has!
  20. Hatchet Jack

    Swarovski 15x56 NEU for sale!!!

    Fireman how do you like the binobib ?
  21. Hatchet Jack

    DIY Elk Euro

    Hey guys, I shot a bull a few weeks ago and want to get him euro mounted for the garage. Taxidermist in town says he'll do for $100. I can get the pot and burner I need for a total of 60 bucks. Is it worth it do just do it myself, or is it darn near impossible to get it cleaned up as good as a professional can do it? Just wanna hear your guys' opinions. thanks
  22. Hatchet Jack

    DIY Elk Euro

    Here is the before and after of my bull. It came out nice and white, even before I bleached it. I simmered for a couple hours in water and super washing soda, power washed, then simmered again in dawn and water. Then I brushed on some 40 wt peroxide gel and here it is. This guy has a horse head on him, his cranium absolutely dwarfs my Wyoming rag horn I killed a few years back. Thanks for all the tips.
  23. Hatchet Jack

    12x50 swarovski EL V.S. Vortex Kaibab HD 15x56

    Yote I went w/ 15s
  24. Hatchet Jack

    12x50 swarovski EL V.S. Vortex Kaibab HD 15x56

    I wimped out and went with a used set of Euro hd's. Saved me 900 bucks to put toward tripod/head, new boots, pack; and they are very good glass
  25. Hatchet Jack

    Justifying and Supporting Hunting

    Look on youtube at Steven Rinella's vegan vs meat eater. Basically a guy calls him out at his book signing, and steve knocks it out of the park. I always enjoy the way Steve speaks, and feel he says a lot of what I'm thinking, I'm just not smart enough to word it like he does. Basically what he says is to not hunt, is more unnatural than hunting. He backs it up with archaeological facts, etc. I like when he talks about how he, as a hunter, will know more about and appreciate deer more than a non hunter ever could. Check it out, it's only a few minutes.