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Hatchet Jack

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About Hatchet Jack

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday November 11

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southeastern Arizona

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  1. Hatchet Jack

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    I would love to live in Duncan or virden. My wife thinks she needs a Safeway within 10 minutes though so it’s a hard sell.
  2. Hatchet Jack

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    I think you've talked me out of it. It's Duncan or bust for me. Now if you can talk my wife into that you've really done something special.
  3. Hatchet Jack

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    suck it! Firebull forever!
  4. Hatchet Jack

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    Thanks for all the input so far guys. I guess I should have mentioned that I still would need to be close to the company operations which range from Flag to Tucson and between. So as much as I'd love to live in Blue, Alpine, Show Low etc. that's not in the cards. Been looking at Camp Verde, Cottonwood, Wickenburg, outskirts of Prescott. Open to any other input you guys might have.
  5. Hi Guys, need some input please. Just got out of an interview and I'm going to be getting a job offer, office is in phoenix, but I can work remotely most days. Will need to likely drive to Phx once or twice a week. Married w/ 4 kids ages 1-9. I'm not afraid to turn down the offer if I can't figure out a good place to raise my family. A little background: grew up in a town of 500 people in Utah (don't hold it against me, and I don't wear a flatty). After college I lived in Safford for 5 years and loved it, had my first 2 kids there, made some lifelong friends and developed a deep appreciation for hunting coues bucks; . We decided to move back to UT in 2019 to be closer to family and I've regretted it every day; Not a fan, it's way too busy. Mountains are too crowded by my house and it's now too expensive to buy property where I grew up. My wife and I miss AZ and the Gila Valley every day and started looking at opportunities to get back to AZ when this opportunity popped up. I know, phx has about 5x the people as Utah, but I'm just trying to give this opportunity some proper thought. Top priorities are living somewhere fairly small with a good community/schools and good public land access. Preferrably would like an acre of land. I'm not made of money but make a decent living. Should pocket some decent cash if I sell my house in Utah. My main concern is that everything within 2 hrs of Phoenix is either way overpriced or overcrowded. Is there anywhere a common guy could afford a little land and a decent house and raise some outdoor feral kids while making this job work? Appreciate any input from you guys. Thanks
  6. Hatchet Jack

    Coues Backpack Hunt Optics

    i'm surprised at how many guys don't pack a spotter. I feel naked without mine.
  7. Hatchet Jack

    Coues Backpack Hunt Optics

    Been a few years since i've had a coues tag, picked up a Thanksgiving tag ..... What optics are y'all carryin for a backpack coues rifle hunt? I have meopta 10x, Swaro 12x, just picked up some used Swaro 15x, Twin Kowa 30x66 and a Kowa 884 spotter. Obviously not going to carry everything unless I can get @CatfishKev to tag along and be my pack b!tch. Will also be packing all my own water so gotta try and keep things light. I've always sworn by my EL 12x50s but am considering carrying only the 15s for this hunt. I hate carrying 2 pairs of binos. I used to pack 10x and 15x and only time I used the 10x was for a rear rifle rest. Will be glassing the standard distances of 400 -1800 yds. I'm leaning toward carrying the swaro 15x on my chest and the big Kowa spotter in the pack. Curious if anyone was a 12x guy and moved back to 15x for coues and how they liked it.
  8. Hatchet Jack

    NM 16E archery hunters

    Anybody here have a 16e archery tag? I’ll be helping on a youth hunt there in October and curious how the roads have held up with all the rain. Thanks
  9. Hatchet Jack

    Our 2021 Coues Season

    both outstanding bucks. That first buck is what dreams are made of. What porro prism binoculars are you using there? They obviously work well 😎
  10. Hatchet Jack

    Swarovski HD 15s trade for Alpha 10s

    Any interest in Zeiss victory ht?
  11. Hatchet Jack

    Draw Results Posted?

    do you, by chance, have a famous youtube channel? Congrats
  12. Hatchet Jack

    Draw Results Posted?

    Did not draw a 29 Thanksgiving coues tag with 2 points as a Resident; Unbelievable
  13. Hatchet Jack

    Tick Tock

  14. Hatchet Jack

    Tick Tock
