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About Hike4coues

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  1. Hike4coues

    2016 Rut Activity

    As best as I can tell, the Whitetails are rubbing and pushing each other around, but not rutting. This is on both 30B and 36C. The mule deer are a different story! Saw a mule buck wandering around aimlessly and it was obvious he was not in his right mind. Also found evidence of a tremendous fight by the torn up ground, and the prints were mule sized.
  2. Hike4coues

    A 6 year drought is over!

    Great video!!! Thanks for sharing, and congratulations!
  3. Hike4coues

    Lucky Me 36C

    hi Bob,Have tried to PM you, but your box must be full
  4. Hike4coues

    When it's Cold

    ^^^^^ That is exceptional information!!!!!! Thank you for sharing!!! I have never heard or though of these things, but it all makes sense to me!!!!!
  5. Hike4coues

    When it's Cold

    Out of curiosity... I am thinking about the December hunt. A biologist said once "hope it is really cold". So one question is, what is "really cold"? I know the bucks will simply be on the move come the beginning of the rut. What do the does do when it gets really cold? Will they be more out in the open "sunning" themselves, or do they really not care since they have a fur coat? One reason I am really curious about this is, I know that some deer stay in the flats most of the year, so I am wondering if they would move out of the mesquite flats in order to get warm in the sun? Anyone have any experience or ideas?
  6. Hike4coues

    Lucky Me 36C

    Thank you 200! I did have several days to scout, but even with that I didn't get to see half of the locations I wanted to. I like to have several options. Out of curiosity, has anyone whacked a big one in this unit this year?
  7. Hike4coues

    2016 Trail Camera Photo and Video Contest!

    Best non-coues I love the sky in this first one!
  8. Hike4coues

    2016 Trail Camera Photo and Video Contest!

    Best series Elk And Coues
  9. Hike4coues

    2016 Trail Camera Photo and Video Contest!

    These two photos are for the funniest ... Elk Rodeo Funniest #1 Funniest #2
  10. Hike4coues

    Lucky Me 36C

    Lol I wonder how many did apply for this tag? I now sit at 0 bonus points, having burnt up 5 to get this. Looking at your avatar, Couesfreak, you've gotten a beautiful buck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am struggling to break the 70" mark, and hope I can!
  11. Hike4coues

    Lucky Me 36C

    Thanks for the heads up!!!! I had no idea they had an outfitter in there!
  12. Hike4coues

    Guess the score?

    Very interesting about the eye guards!
  13. Hike4coues

    Guess the score?

    yea that!!!!!! 😃👍
  14. Hike4coues

    Guess the score?

    Well, I can't believe what I saw when I pulled a camera the other day. What do you guys think he will score?