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About Azroper

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  1. Azroper

    Junior Hunt Unit 10- Help! 2 days left.

    Thank you! Just got back and texted him. Hopefully we can get in touch. We have been seeing bulls alone, and hearing bugling. NO COWS!
  2. Azroper

    Junior Hunt Unit 10- Help! 2 days left.

    Thanks! Any other advice for cows?
  3. Hi everyone. I am new to the site. I was lucky enough to find it this week. We have been up here in Unit 10 for 8 days working on a junior AE tag. My son and I have been going morning and night. This area has got me stumped. There are hunters everywhere getting ready for the AE tags Friday. Every hole we have been staked at has been disturbed morning and night. Every place we have hiked our cover has been blown. We are desperate. My son has been putting in for years and finally was drawn. He has been such a trooper leaving at 4:45 am everymorning and coming in at 9 at night. We usually hunt the rim. Does anyone have any advice to help us out here? We have today and tomorrow left. Thank you guys!