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Everything posted by hawkeye

  1. hawkeye

    Hearing Aids

    My hearing aids were the best purchase I have made in years. I have had them for two years and I wouldn't think of going hunting without them. My wife talked me into checking into them because she was tired of me saying "HUH" and "WHAT" all of the time. I made an appointment with the audiologist at the east Mesa Costco and they were great. They will check your hearing and find out what frequencies you are having trouble with in each ear. Then they will set up a pair for you to walk around the store with. No one even knows I wear them. They are so small they look like the back of the earpiece of my glasses. Be prepaired to pay a lot. I paid $2,100 for them two years ago. I haven't had any problems at all with them. They will adjust them any time you need to, but I haven't had any trouble at all. I thought about them for years but it took a couple of elk hunts with my boys to finally convince me. They would listen, then point then look at me and say "which direction was that bugle"? I would look at them and say "what bugle? I used them the last two years and I think I heard and located as much elk as they did. I finally get to use them for my elk hunt. I got lucky finally and drew a 3a-3c archery bull tag. I can't wait. Hawkeye
  2. hawkeye


    I spent a lot of money on a ground blind, and set it out in Unit 5a in Arizona. The next day I went to sit it and the Forest Ranger had put a red tag on it. Called it, and my trail cam. abandon property and would be siezed if not taken down in within 24 hours. I took it down and tried to call that ranger for more than a week and never recieved a call back. I still have the red tag and the rangers name and phone# but I gave up on trying to get an answer. I asume he probably wanted to sit the same water hole. I had some great pictures on the trail cam. I wonder why everyone hates the forest service and the game and fish dept. Hawkeye
  3. hawkeye

    Swarovski tripod

    I agree with sdrhunter. I bought a bogen 3221 on sale a few years back and it looks about the same as the swarovski. I only paid about a hundred bucks for it. I don't think they are any better than the bogen but cost a lot more.
  4. hawkeye

    Hearing Aids

    After years of not hearing the distant bulls I broke down and bought some. 'these are not cheap. I went to Costco and have not been disapointed. Makes my elk hunting experience complete. I am enjoying all of my hunts a lot more. Be prepared to spend some money though. Mine were $2,100 dollars and worth every penny. You have to get used to them but I recomend them. After 30 years of construction and heavy industrial work my hearing was terrible. No to mention shooting pistols without protection when I was younger. The people at Costco don't get paid a commision. They are very helpful. They will let you try a pair in the store to see if you like them, and don't pressure you to buy. They even come with a loss guarantee for one pair. Hawkeye
  5. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    Hey Kwikee Not true in fact you would probably hunt more. In Colorado the only time you loose your points is if you get drawn for your first choice. So you can put in for a primo hunt for your first choice then an easier draw for your other choices. You can still hunt without the loss of your points. I know people who have not hunted in Arizona for 12 and 15 years because they are looking for that dream tag. For some they may never get to hunt. My Dad tried for many many years to draw a rifle bull tag when he was 77 he finally put in for a cow tag because he just wanted to hunt an elk. He got drawn but got sick and died in July. He never got to hunt that elk. I have had more luck than that. I have had the luck to draw a few elk tags in my life. I am not saying the Arizona draw isn't a good thing But the Colorado system isn't too bad either. Just like there are a lucky few that seem to get drawn every year, there are also an unlucky few who never get drawn.
  6. hawkeye

    Broadheads for elk?

    Good call on switching to fixed blades. I have shot a few elk with expandables, and some were very difficult to find. Not much of a blood trail. Last year my son tried quite a few fixed heads trying to find ones to fly. He chose the Crimson Talon Hyper Speed. They shot very well and what a blood trail. Look at the puddle of blood in the picture. I couldn't believe the trail. Looked like someone was pooring a bucket of red paint in the trees and on the ground.
  7. hawkeye

    The Draw System

    I like Colorados preference point system. Your points only count on your first choice. So you dont have to go huntless for 10 or so years like in Arizona while you wait for a tag. You can put in for an easier draw hunt for your second choice and if you get drawn you don't lose your points until you draw your first choice. I have hunted Colorado and it is nice to now how long it will take to draw your primo hunt. They also will give your money back if something happens and you can't make a hunt you were drawn for. You have to apply for a refund before the hunt dates or at least show proof you did not hunt. They really try to work with the sportsmen. I have no problems with the Arizona draw system either, except I wish they were more open to the publics eye. Hawkeye
  8. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    My guess would be that when the draw is conducted, those drawn are not issued a tag immediately, just a #. Then, when the draw is complete, maybe an alfabetical list of those drawn for that hunt is generated and tags issued by number from A - Z. That would explain you and your wife with the same last name getting consecutive tags. I wonder if anyone else has had this happen? Or, maybe someone has had the opposite happen, and a husband & wife or kids drew the same hunt and had non-consecutive tags? Yes just last year. My son and my wife got drawn for the same unit. If your theory held water they would have pretty close numbers. "NOT", they were a long way off. That is my whole point. Secrecy. Any time a government agency is clouded in secrecy we should be concerned. If everything is on the up and up why be so secret about it. Has anyone here ever witnessed the draw? And can confirm what takes place.
  9. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    Hey ultramag, I play the game just fine and love it. I sure wasn't complaining about getting drawn with my wife. But isn't it strange how we got the number 25 and number 26 tags. Both applying separately and both second choice. And both such a low number in the draw. Just putting it out for an explanation. I would think the odds on that would be a longer shot than winning the lottery.
  10. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    TINES, I'm with you. I don't think there is anything random about the draw. A few years ago My wife and I both got our second choice 5a bull tag the reason I can't believe it is random is that we put in separately and we both got our second choice. That still isn't the reason that I can't believe it is random. Our tag numbers were 25 and 26. I think I would have better luck hitting the lottery than the both of us drawing back to back numbers in a random draw of thousands. I think it is proof that the draw isn't random. Now I am not saying that anything fishy is going on buttttttttt. Hawkeye
  11. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    It must be the area I am in. All we get is circuits are busy try again. Since about 4:00 last night. I live in Globe and it's like living in a third world country up here. I only have a cell phone so I went to a neibors and tried a couple of times and I got busy signals, when I use my cell I get the message every time. This wouldn't bother me except I am sure they are charging me my minutes everytime.
  12. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    I confirmed it. Verizon is crap. I get an instant message that the ciruits are busy. But when I went to a land line it is busy. So I have had no chance of getting through all night with Verizons bull. I am going to call and give them a bunch of crap.
  13. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    can't find out about the wifes' draw. All circuits are busy all night long. I think verizon has shut me down. Since some of you are getting through. Time to change cell service.
  14. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    Hey 30:378 I'll shoot mine early, opening morning so I can go up and help you get yours. No sense in messing around Hawkeye
  15. hawkeye

    They are up!!

    no pronghorn BUT 3a-3c archery bull What a great day
  16. I just e-mailed the AZGFD and asked why the big secret. And why they don't post some kind of info on the progress of the draw on the web-page. I am sure that got a lot of laughs. I can here them now " hey joe look at this e-mail, what an idiot. Why would we want to do something like that?" I think they love to create the drama. sThats why it's never on the same day each year. hawkeye
  17. hawkeye

    Bear bathtub pix

    Just thought I would post some old pics from a few years ago. I set the trail cam on a tank that had a lot of bear track, and got some funny pics. This bear came in for a bath just like clock work ever 3 days at about the same time. He looks like he could us a hot tub. I have tons of pics of him and he looks like he is enjoying a relaxing bath. Look at the pic of him watching the butterfly.
  18. hawkeye

    Bear bathtub pix

    I've got a lot more of him, but they are mostly the same type. He came in every 3 days and at the same time of day, 1:00 p.m. He must have had a watch and a calander. He new what days he needed a bath. I have a whole bunch of elk pics. I'll have to find them and post a few. hawkeye
  19. hawkeye

    Need help with Covert II

    Thanks for the info. I have several other trail cams but I have never experienced this amount of false triggers. Thanks for the feed back. These sensors might be a little more sensitive and also I don't think I have ever put cameras out this time of year, but I had to try out my new Covert II. I think I am going to love it I just need to be more carefull about the set up. I am going to spend the month of June in Alaska and I think I will take it with me and play with it a little. Thanks Hawkeye
  20. hawkeye

    Need help with Covert II

    After a week and a half I retrieved my Covert II trail cam. All I had was 57, 20 second video of grass and trees blowing in the wind. I thought it was supposed to trigger off of body heat and movement. Out of 57 videos' not one animal. I have the setting on normal. Hawkeye
  21. hawkeye

    My 1st Bobcat! WOOHOO!!!!!!!

    Great story, and congrats. He will make one heck of a mount. What call were you using? and what sounds? I just got a Foxpro xr6 and am still learning the best way to use it. Hawkeye
  22. I agree. I wont waist my time even trying anymore. The last 4 times I tried to shop there I left with nothing. Why waist your time, when you can go online, and with a few clicks get what you need "delivered". I can't believe they are still open. They have nothing to sell. but bad customer service. Hawkeye
  23. hawkeye

    Sight in question

    I agree with Dan. I sight my .06 at 3'' high at 100 yds.
  24. hawkeye

    Officials euthanize AZ jaguar

    It's sad what happened to the jag. but things happen, get over it. I think the bashing of the G&F comes from the aragant way they have conducted themselves over the last several years. With absolute power, to listen to our suggestions and then do what they had planned anyway. I really think the G&F are trying to change their image ,but the last fifteen or so years will be hard to forget. I was hunting this last Jan. in 24A. My son and freind were stalking a real nice 4X4 when a helicopter came swooping down and ruined the stalk. They saw the hunters, and from their actions it looked like they were having some fun. I called and reported it and the officer involved called me and told me he didn't see us. If he didn't see us how the heck did he see the deer? I wasn't even in camo, and was sitting on the ridge across the way. My word against theirs. Oh well I know what I saw, and it was more than just game counting. So I think there is a lot more going on than just the Jag. People are fed up.