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Everything posted by hawkeye

  1. I have never belonged to a union nor worked for a company that was unionized. That said, I have received pay increases and promotions at every organization I have worked for, and not because a union went to bat for me. I have received my raises and promotions because I have gone to my job each day and strived to make my boss and company as successful as possible. In the process I make myself a more valuable employee and of more worth to my company. This makes them : A. Want to reward me for my efforts B. Make certain I am satisfied with my compensation so T will not leave C. Let other employees know that quality hard work is recognized, rewarded, and appreciated This is how business should work. However, as is often the case, when a company is unionized and is forced to compensate lousy workers proportionally with the best ones, it tends to create an environment of mediocrity and laziness. Your first sentence says it all. Quit spouting crap you hear on tv, or other people saying unless you know from experience. I can spout the same crap " workin non-union only promotes a$$ kissing and lazy people being promoted from kissing said a$$". Neither statement is true so quit spouting things you don't know about. That is a generalization that probably happens but isn't the norm. A. as a union employer I could reward any of my workers for their efforts and did. The union contract only stated what the minimum I had to pay. B. making certain workers are satisfied is good business. It has nothing to do with union vs. non-union. If a union worker isn't happy he is just as likely to quit. C. Letting other employees know that quality hard work is recognized, rewarded, and appreciated is good business. Again has nothing to do with union vs. non-union You proved my point. Most people with that blanket statement that unions are bad are absolutely ignorant of the facts.
  2. I'll tell you my experience. I don't talk about what I have heard or been told to know. I have been on both sides of the fence through life. I worked union for over 20 years, I have served as an officer in the union. Later in life I started a very successful contracting business and hired only union workers. I believe a guy has the right to choose also. If the majoraty of his fellow wokers vote to be represented, then he has the right to go somewhere else. If the majority vote not to be reprsesented then the ones who wanted a union can go somewhere else. I am not saying unions are perfect but to make stupid statements that unions are bad and should be banned is more un-American and anti-patriotic than most statements that I've heard. Communists hate unions also, because they don't want the people to organize for a common cause. A union is only as good as its members. And I have found that most people that do the most bitching about unions are people that have never had the oportunity to belong, or just sit back and gripe and don't get involved.
  3. Pure ignorance. I can't believe you idiots spouting all this anti-union crap. You don't even know what you are talking about. You hear sound bites on Fox news and repeat it. If it wasn't for people forming unions you would be working for pennies.Wheather you belong to a union or just scab off of what others fought for you have better wages and working conditions in general. I can't believe inteligent people can't see that. Oh I just answered my own question.
  4. hawkeye

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    Opinions are like a$$ oles. Every body has one, and they all stink.
  5. hawkeye

    Carmona for Senate

    stupid people need to be told who to vote for. Both sides are a bunch of lying two faced maggots. You can tell they are lying. Their lips are moving.
  6. Yesterday morning found Ryan, Jay, and myself still with tags to fill, and Kris helping us glass. At first light we were glassing some rugged country and after about an hour Kris called Ryan on the radio and was told that, he and Jay were watching a big buck and a smaller buck feeding, about a mile away. We made our way back to the jeep, and made a plan for the stalk. Kris and I would watch the buck in the spotting scopes, and Jay and Ryan would make a play on the buck. After more than two hours Ryan worked his way over some rocks where the buck had bedded in some brush. The buck had back doored Kris and I, and was no longer there. Ryan worked his way around the brush for a long time looking under every branch. Kris and I couldn't believe the buck had moved without us seeing it. Ryan worked his way up the flat to the waterhole just above where the buck was last seen. I was disgusted with myself for not seeing the buck back out of there, and got up to get a drink when I heard a shot. I got back on the spotting scope and looked at Ryan as he called on the radio and said "big buck down". The buck had worked his way back to where we had first spotted him. He was bedded in some tall grass about 150 yards from Ryan, and Ryan didn't know he was there. but the smaller buck had gotten up and walked over and nudged the larger buck in his bed. That smaller buck had given him away. What a long morning. He made the shot right at noon. I took Kris and Ryans buck to Jim at Southwest Wildlife Taxidermy this morning. Ryans buck scored 106 1/8th.
  7. After glassing all morning in 30 to 40 mph winds, Kris and I went back to the jeep and moved to a different area. The wind was still blowing a little bit when we found this buck running like the wind. Kris had to make a split second decision and made a running shot at about 200 yards. I couldn't believe it when it hit the ground. Kris said he wouldn't pull the trigger on anything less than a 100 inch buck this year. Well after adding it up several times it scored 99 7/8. I told him to measure it again. He just smiled.
  8. hawkeye

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    I can't believe you shoot the kind of equipment you do. It is a hunters responsibility to buy better equipment than that crap you shoot. I don;t care how good you think you are. Don't shoot that kind of crap at an animal. HA! HA!
  9. I should mention Ryan also harvested a 370+ bull, a few weeks ago. What a year. You will remember this hunting year for the rest of your life." Congratulations", Ryan is very lucky to draw an elk and coues tag this year but it isn't all luck I have to say I don't know many people that work as hard as Ryan, Kris, Jay, and Shane at finding the right animal they want. Hard work and dedication will pay off, eventually.
  10. hawkeye

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    Hey STOMP, Ignorant people don't deserve a response, Nice buck and great shooting,
  11. hawkeye

    Opening day success

    Wow! what a week of hunting. First Kris shot his buck, then Shane shot his nice one on Sunday, and yesterday Ryan put on an all morning stock to harvest his buck. I'll post a story and pics in a little while, about Ryans buck.
  12. hawkeye

    my best buck. SO FAR...

    CONGRATS. You worked very hard for that trophy, and this heat didn't make it any easier. We were excited as heck when we saw you setting up for the shot. That is one real nice buck. The wind and the full moon didn't make this hunt very easy, but you stayed on this buck untill the opportunity came.
  13. I've used most of them, and the CR-10 has worked the best for me. There is a reason it stripps the finnish off of the stock. It is a powerful solvent. I shoot Barnes which leaves a lot of copper to clean out. Also don't leave it in the barrel for more than 5 minutes.
  14. hawkeye

    Close calls

    what unit did you hunt? We were in 3c and there were a lot of California hunters.
  15. hawkeye

    Two for two

    Here are some pics of my brother-in-laws archery hunt, and Rhinos early rifle hunt. The bulls were going crazy everyday, and just had to have the right bull and opportunity happen. On the 7th day of the archery hunt it all came together and Gene, "heart shot" this 8x7 at 25 yards. He didn't go over 40 yards and dropped. That left several days of scouting for Ryans rifle hunt. We found a dozen 320 to 350 bulls and almost every bull we found had busted up racks. Ryan was looking for a larger bull but the largest bull we found was a busted up bull that we thought would go around 370, (if it wasn't all broken up). Ryan decided to go after that bull. At 3:30am Ryan, Kris, and Shane, flashlights in hand, headed up a ridge and waited for daylight. We couldn't believe it, but after looking at several bugeling bulls, Kris said, " Ryan, get up here I have your bull sighted". The stock was on and the bull was pushing about 30 cows to the tree line. Ryan had to take a very long shot before he was gone. To make a long story short, here is the results.
  16. hawkeye

    Two for two

    I'll tell him. Was it college or high school?
  17. hawkeye

    Looking for a new tripod? These are great!!

    Sorry Amanda I was out of town all day. Yea the Promaster was what I was talking about. But I have the T525p which is just about the same as the T325p, except it is 10" shorter at full height, but folds about 7" shorter when folded up. It has 5 sections instead of 3. I like it because of the folded length. I was tired of lugging around my heavy long bogen. The promaster is just as rock solid as the bogen but way lighter and folds a lot smaller.
  18. hawkeye

    Looking for a new tripod? These are great!!

    I've owned one for over a year now. Best tripod I have ever owned. I have two bogens I don't use anymore. Very sturdy and folds smaller than any other tripod I could find. Holds heavy spotting scope more secure than my very large bogens. I have a 701hd bogen head on mine, and have even shot off of it using the CLAW. In an exhaustive search for the perfect tripod this is what I ended up with, and am not dissapointed.
  19. hawkeye

    Anyone heard of Meopta?

    A few years ago I really took a good hard look at them, and almost bought a pair. I really liked the glass. My only problem was the weight. They are small but heavy. I ended up buying a pair of EL 10x42 Swaros'. If I hadn't gone with the Swarovski I think I would have bought the Meopta.
  20. hawkeye

    What do you think about the BP system?

    Can one tell their 10 year old son that he will have to wait 23 years to hunt antelope? A preference system will not be good for recruitment or retention, imo. I agree, but let me tell you a story. My son is well grown now, but I remember back when he was 10 years old and he and I were very excited about his first deer hunt. He excitedly went through his hunter safety course and just couldn't wait. Well that 10 year old was 15 when he drew his first deer tag. I am talking about just a 24a tag. That young man was in high school when he finally got drawn. They didn't have the youth hunts back then, so I guess they have addressed that problem pretty well. At my age I have given up on the AZGFD, but I am glad to see people still pationate about change. I still put in, but I have found that other states are a lot better at hunting opportunities so I will keep putting in for my Arizona tags, but I will start hunting other states more frequently.
  21. hawkeye

    What do you think about the BP system?

    It used to be like that for elk here in Arizona. The problem with that was that the AZGFD couldn't find a way to get their application fees if you couldn't put in for 3 years. It is all about money, not opportunity. By the way, I am 58 years old, and lived in Arizona my whole life. I have never drawn an antelope tag, and have so many useless bonus points, I would choke on them if I tried to eat them
  22. hawkeye

    I guess we are to blame

    What a crock. How about not spending money on stupid wolf recovery. How about just spending the millions they recieve every year on things that need to be improved. What freakin perk. How about just doing their job. I am sick of government agencies squandering money they recieve. And when something is needing upgraded their is no money. This is just poor planning. It's not that hard to improve their system if they really wanted to. I apply in other states and don't have nearly as many problems that I have had in Arizona. If they can't do it right then just wait until they mail the info out. Don't tell us we can go on line or phone, when we really can't. I don't use their online applications for the simple fact that too many people have had problems. I just send my check in and wait.
  23. hawkeye

    I guess we are to blame

    Come on now. You really think things will change. It's been this way for years. They aren't smart enough to upgrade servers and hire a firm that has a track record.
  24. hawkeye

    Post you results

    Now that they know they have a problem they will probably upgrade their servers next year RIGHT? (NOT)
  25. hawkeye

    It was nice for a while

    It sure was nice when the AZGFD changed the draw to March a few years ago. I could find out if I got drawn before applying in New Mexico. Well it was nice for a little while. We should have known that they would screw it up eventually. They can't even figure out a simple process. They make any simple process into a major screw up. I can't beleive they don't hit the credit cards when they recieve them. Most States do. If interest rates were higher I can almost guarantee they would. But until interest rates go up, so they can make money on the money being held things will be screwed up. They don't want to go through the trouble of issuing refunds if they are not going to make lot of money on the transactions.