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Everything posted by Ohthatguy

  1. Ohthatguy

    Thoughts on use of point guard

    Add one more condition to the program: When you return your tag, you can't apply the following year for that species. You can still buy a bonus point to maintain your loyalty status but you can't enter the draw. This would keep most people from being so "creative" with it and if some emergency, issue or whatever came up that was truly worthy of surrendering the tag, they don't lose all their points. Yes, there is some pain associated with it but at least you dont lose 15 years worth of application fees and points. It would even save the people that put in for the wrong unit or whatever. A mistake that bad should cost them something anyhow. It will never happen but just a thought.
  2. Ohthatguy

    Grand Canyon to make second run at corralling bison herd

    Petition the Feds on the Burros, they write the rules regarding them. (Their numbers are way out of control and the Feds will do nothing about it) The horses are protected by the AZ Dept of Agriculture. (At least the Salt River herds)
  3. Ohthatguy

    Diesel Fuel in a Trickle Tank

    Someone heard that diesel creates unicorns..
  4. Ohthatguy

    Diesel Fuel in a Trickle Tank

    New argument for live feed/real time game cams..
  5. Ohthatguy


    Bear Canyon lake to the North and lots around the Young areas over 7000'.
  6. Ohthatguy

    22S Last Night

    Someone needs a serious beatdown. And some archery lessons.
  7. Ohthatguy

    22S Last Night

    As far as I can tell, there are no guidelines that dictate how long you should look for a wounded/shot/downed animal. A Big Game Tag allows you to "Take" the animal. In the Regs, under Ethics/Ethics with the Quarry: "Make every possible effort to recover game" From P68 in the 19/20 Regs: "Take, which means “to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct" is quite interesting. While it's used in the wolf section, if this same definition is used for the big game, once you shoot it, you have taken it. (However just pursuing it would also be considered taking it so.... Hard to tag a buck that you were simply stalking or chasing) And here it is: P 104 also notes that "Take, as defined by law, includes pursuing, shooting, hunting and killing wildlife." (Seems to be how they make road hunting illegal) And again: P 108, definition #20. “Take” means pursuing, shooting, hunting, fishing, trapping, killing, capturing, snaring or netting wildlife or placing or using any net or other device or trap in a manner that may result in capturing or killing wildlife P 126 Use of Tags D. A person shall: 1. Take and tag only the wildlife identified on the tag. So, I can't find where shooting an elk, looking for it for less than 10 minutes is even as bad as throwing a chewing gum wrapper on the ground in the forest. It's spelled out and you have clearly committed a crime when the gum wrapper is tossed on the ground, but not for walking right by the elk on your way to shoot another one. Unless they consider killing an elk littering. Sounds like it's an ethical call and we all know that the Ethics Police don't exist other than on TV and social media. I'm sure this very issue has come up MANY MANY times before so maybe someone will chime in with some details from a past experience or better yet, maybe someone from GnF or other LEO could post. (We all know you are here)
  8. Ohthatguy


    GnF is interested in elk in 9. Just drop by and see Amber in person and give her a tooth. lol Even SCI can't score that thing. They don't have a 3rd column!! Yet..
  9. Ohthatguy


    Since you wanted a 400" typical, I'd say you failed miserably... Pretty freaking awesome consolation prize though.
  10. Ohthatguy

    Rut Activity

    23S on Tues had a few making noise briefly just after dark, then silence. Wednesday night I had at least 4 screaming all around me from 10:00PM to 3:00AM. Amazing how much difference 24 hours can make. Good luck to those lucky tag holders in there. Some big arse bulls still left.
  11. I came across this little guy and didn't notice his brown cape until reviewing the video. (I initially thought it was just sunlight) Will he maintain this little cape pattern as he grows or will it continuously change, grow, spread or disappear? And the impossible question; any guesses on age or weight? Would he be legal to shoot if no mother was around? (And NO, I wouldn't shoot him but I noticed that quite a few people shot 1 year old bears according to the GnF age/harvest report)
  12. Ohthatguy

    Hunt Guidelines Webcast

    Aww crap. I just got en email back from her the other day regarding some suggestions. I wish she would have mentioned this..
  13. Ohthatguy

    This girl loves America

    Well there's your problem......
  14. Ohthatguy

    Nice Boar (skull update)

    This! but I don't want to derail this thread.
  15. Ohthatguy

    We need a CWT gathering

    Sure, makes it easier to place trackers on vehicles when they are all at the same place... Nice try though.
  16. Ohthatguy

    Bear Opener

    Spent Friday in 23S along with what seemed like every hound box ever made. The food is nothing like last year. Acorns are small if you can find them. Almost no ripe pears to be had. Not a turkey shoot like last year but with that many dogs cruising the roads, I'm still sure the season quota will be met. Hopefully the annual isn't.
  17. Ohthatguy

    Gov tag buck

    Reportedly 303" Wish I drew up there this year..
  18. Ohthatguy

    Gov tag buck

    Are you serious? So even though he has chosen to spend 7 figures+ in AZ helping wildlife, he gets bashed because he inherited the family business and isn't "self-made"? "Not that it matters much..." I don't think it matters at all! (His identity is no secret but I intentionally didn't mention his name.) Congratulations to him, on his incredible deer and all the other giant animals he has taken in this and other states. I sure hope I fall into a fortune so I can go do the same.
  19. Ohthatguy

    Gov tag buck

    Funny you say that. This same guy also holds what I believe is the word record Antelope. Cheers.
  20. Ohthatguy

    Gov tag buck

    I'm sure its who you think it is.. He hunts quite a bit. Lol I think it's pretty darn impressive that we are fortunate enough to have animals of this caliber in AZ. Say what you want about GnF, but the fact that we have a chance, no matter how slim it is, to hunt or harvest an animal like this makes me want to give em a thumbs up.
  21. Ohthatguy

    Gov tag buck

    He has taken over 564" of antlers in 2 years off of 2 deer. Simply mind boggling. Even if he is paying 1,000.00/in.
  22. Ohthatguy

    Mullins bull VS A3 bull

    That mass is crazy.
  23. Ohthatguy

    New setup for filming

    I think as with most optics, it will depend on what you have. Some of the camcorders today are pretty amazing with the zooms and image stabilization. What I found a few years ago on the question of camcorder vs phoneskope/spotter was easy to answer with good glass. The spotter on 40 and 60x did yield better results and you can zoom the phone to 2 or 3x on top of that without losing much detail. Considering all the variables between optical and digital zoom between the devices, I think it gets interesting using a phoneskope with 15's vs the camcorder. As for the DSLR, A 300mm zoom is nowhere as good as 15's. (And I was using a DX so I think it would be the same as 450mm with an FX sensor.) I'll try to find my pics as I did all this years ago. There was a sweet spot and it seemed like it was 40x on spotter and 2.5x on phone that produced the finest detail.