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About colablanca13

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  1. colablanca13

    Lets see your best

    Not mine, but my dad's. We still haven't put a tape measure to it. It is B&C worthy but have no clue as to actual measurements. The photo does not do it justice. I think this is from 2008 in Sonora. Some guy who saw it said it could very well reach 120. P.S. this is a typical.
  2. colablanca13

    unit 30a late Dec

    It is certainly a tough hunt, but just get off the roads, put in some miles in hiking and you can be successful. I've only hunted this unit once and connected a couple of hours after the season opened in 2016 on a small eight point buck, very close to a road while hiking to where we planned to glass. During two days of scouting and four days of hunting I did not see any large bucks. The largest one I saw was the one I took. A buddy of mine passed up on a couple of forks. We hunted by entering via Dangerous Road off of Highway 80 just northeast of Douglas. First screenshot shows where you access Dangerous road and second one is the approximate kill site. We were hiking on our way to some red hills to the west of there. Good Luck!!
  3. colablanca13

    30A October-Anybody else?

    Congrats! People that are not from around here or never hunted these really underestimate what whitetail hunting in Arizona means. No easy rolling hills, no tree stands, etc, haha.
  4. colablanca13

    30A October-Anybody else?

    That is the same way I pack deer out (showed to me by my dad) I have never see anyone else do it that way I too learned this from my dad and his hunting buddies. We always hunted these in Sonora and many hunters I know down there still use this method.
  5. colablanca13

    30A October-Anybody else?

    Friday morning at 8:20am. After only hiking about 2 miles we found this 8 pointer, a fork. and two does together. Two shots at an easy 350 yards with my 7MM SAUM. Not big, but a buck that I was not going to pass on in this unit. Didn't see squat for the next three days that we were trying to fill my buddy's tag.
  6. colablanca13


    Arivaca Rd. gives better access for blacktail. Been hunting that area for over 20 years. I've only spotted one or two bucks in that time and getting to higher whitetail territory takes some driving. I would gladly point you in the right direction for whitetails but I've never hunted whitetails there. If you go to the town of Arivaca and then take the road that goes to the ghost town of Ruby, then you are in better territory for coues.
  7. colablanca13

    Good coues rifle scope?

    It all depends on your budget. For a lower budget Tasco is always good, stay away from BSA and Bushnnell. Perosnally I like Burris a lot. Just make sure you go with something something that offers good varied power. 4-16, 5-20, and so on. You want to make sure you have low power for close range or a running shot if you find it absolutely necessary to take a running shot. And, you also want that high power for long range shots.
  8. colablanca13

    Coues Gunz!

    My experience tells me that you can use anything from a .223 and up for these, it is all about placing your shot. There is a plethora of rifles and calibers out there. personally, I will never stray from Remington 700s or 7s. I've used .243, 22-250, 280, 270, and 30-06 in the 700. My current gun is a Remington Model 7 in 7 SAUM. Best deer (coues and mule) gun I've had. I have only downed two coues with guns that were not Remington 7/700. One was with a Mossberg .223 when I was about 13 and another one last year with a Remington 7400 30-06 in Mexico since I could not take my own gun across.
  9. colablanca13

    36A Nov 4th-10th

    Like most have said, you can find deer, but you have to put in the miles. Don't expect anything huge but some mature deer do exist here. By "put in the miles" I am referring to miles hiking, not on an ATV or truck.
  10. colablanca13

    30A October-Anybody else?

    Same here. I drew this as a leftover tag. Never hunted here before so I am trying to get as much info as possible. My instinct tells me the small area in the Peloncillo Mountains by the NM/AZ state border might have less hunter traffic, but who knows.
  11. colablanca13

    Current Draw Status

    My application still says "pending" but when I look at details it shows a tag number and hunt number. I hope that means I got a tag. If so, it might be in 30A... Haven't heard good things on that unit.
  12. Every year I do one trip with some old friends to hunt whitetail in Sonora. This year was especially good since I harvested probably the second largest Coues deer I have ever gotten. My friend also got a huge deer that unfortunately had one whole side knocked off due to fighting. I grew up in Sonora and hunting Coues was a large part of my childhood. My dad thought me the ins and outs of these animals and every year they still amaze me with something I had never seen before. This year the level of rut activity was off the charts. Broken antlers, deer oblivious to our presence or gun shots, scrapes and rubs everywhere, etc. The first photo is the buck I got. It would have been a nice typical 10 point, but the back point was broken off probably during a fight. I got him just about 100 yards from the road. I usually don’t like taking running shots but I took the split second decision to take a shot while he was darting between some mesquites and ocotillos. After I got off the truck, I had probably a 6 feet clearing between some ocotillos and some dense mesquites. Took the shot and the deer turned from broadside to a straight run. Luckily the bullet went in middle of the ribs and exited through the neck. It was only 7:30am and one of my friends still hadn’t taken a shot at one, so we decided to go on search of another buck. After a few hours of hiking we got to an area we knew would probably be fruitful. We spotted a buck following a doe on the same hillside we were hiking. After three shots, my buddy had downed that buck. He was hypnotized with the doe he was following and did not even flinch when my friend narrowly missed on the first two shots. By 11:00am he had his buck and we were on our way back to the truck. Not a bad Sunday morning!!! The second photo is the buck my friend got along with the same one from the first photo. It has awesome mass and the deer itself was huge; unfortunately it had almost a whole side of antlers broken. It had hoofs as large as many mule deer I have seen! The third picture is an old one of my old man with the best buck he ever got in 50 plus years of hunting down there. I believe it was between 2008 and 2010. We haven't scored it yet, but given that it is a typical 10 point buck, it will do pretty well.
  13. colablanca13

    October Coues Deer Hunting Episode

    Hi Jay! Can't seem to find anything past episode 81. Using iphone. Thanks!
  14. colablanca13

    Which pants are you wearing?

    Buy pants that are made out of "Ripstop" fabric. Wrangle makes their Riggs line and I have used those for years; although they there is no camo, I use the tan collored ones. Many military bdu's are also made of ripstop. Even the thin ones will help with brush, cactus and catclaw.
  15. colablanca13

    Gun Permits Ready!

    Ernesto C, What are the requirments for these permits? Do you need to have the tag in hand (cintillo) or not? I have hunted in Mexico for years but it was always with my father's guns. I want to take mine now. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.