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Everything posted by tomharveyb

  1. tomharveyb

    Cabelas tent

    Cabelas Alaska Guide tent for sale. A couple patched holes. Aluminum poles. I have used this for solo trips maybe a dozen times over the years. $75 OBO.
  2. tomharveyb

    And the Card hits will begin

    2 muzzy cow tags here
  3. tomharveyb

    License to apply

    Me as well
  4. tomharveyb

    3 hour hunt for 2025.

    Well, I decided to avoid the season opening crowd, and went out to 20c to my favorite spot today. Spent a couple hours glassing..nothing. Started getting windy so I headed down into a sheltered area where I have seen them crossing through in past hunts. Less than 10 minutes after setting up, I heard footsteps in the leaves-lots of cottonwoods around, and 5 came through. I took a shot at the last one at 20 yards and my hunt was over. Got to have an easy hunt once in awhile.
  5. tomharveyb

    How bout them Devils!

    Yeah…let’s hire Herb back. Dilly is too emotional
  6. tomharveyb

    NonVoter Shame

    We voted early and now have daughter and her 2 sons voting. 5 for Trump and Kerry Lake
  7. tomharveyb

    Cards getting hit!

    I got 3 $25 hits around 7:15. Going archery pig with grandson and turkey
  8. tomharveyb

    Cards getting hit!

    That’s a big hit!!! Congratulations on a really hard to draw tag
  9. tomharveyb

    What keeps you from going?

    At 75, I still have the drive and desire to hunt, but none of my friends want to go any more. Add to that the length of time to draw a decent tag, and I rarely get to go any more. I have no desire any more to go on a mediocre hunt that has 6-700 tags and hunters on every ridge. I still enjoy archery javi because I can go alone and pack one out by myself. I guess I’m spoiled by hunting Az since the early 70’s. A lot has changed!
  10. tomharveyb

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    Enjoyed your posts. Sounds like you gave it all you had!
  11. Sold- both Sportsman 500’s are sold

  12. tomharveyb

    2 Polaris Sportsman 500 quads

    Up for sale are a 98 (green) and an 01 (red) Polaris Sportsman 500 quad. I have owned both since 2003. Kept them at our cabin in Happy Jack and rode them gently as family recreation. Used for hunting other times. Mileage unknown as odometers haven’t worked most of the time I’ve owned them. 98 is unmodified, new tires, and battery. Always has been super reliable. 01 had carb issues, which I have replaced with a new Quad Logic carb..not a $39 Amazon China special. Tires have very low mileage on them. Gas tank split open, and I found they are unavailable so I have. 2.9gal spun aluminum tank where the old one resided, and a 1.5 gal aluminum mounted on rear rack for reserve. It is an H.O. so is a little faster. New battery. 4x4 works as it should on both machines. Have seen virtually no use past 10 years due to buying a SxS. Both anre titled and street legal Asking $2k individually, or $3700 for the pair. Text 602-578-9322 or dm if interested or questions
  13. tomharveyb

    DIY Mini split for garage..

    I have used Blue Ridge several times. Very good results and no special tools required. The lines are pre charged . Alpine Home Air is the company name .
  14. For sale is my Davis 14x16 wall tent. Bought new in 2014. Front and back door, window on each side. Internal frame. Wilderness wood stove with all fittings and pipe. Zippered bags for poles. Used maybe a dozen times. Hasn’t been used in past 5 years. One small mildew area-maybe a foot in dia. $1200 obo for all. Will set up for serious buyer.
  15. tomharveyb

    14x16 Davis wall tent with stove-price drop

    Tent is sold pending funds
  16. tomharveyb

    14x16 Davis wall tent with stove-price drop

    Price drop
  17. tomharveyb

    Torn rotator cuff. Any home remedies?

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it took me a full year to shoot a bow again and never was as strong as before. Then again, you’re a lot younger…that helps a lot! Best of luck to you
  18. tomharveyb

    WTB 12x15 Davis Wall tent

    Pm sent
  19. tomharveyb

    How bout them Devils!

    My right as an American is to root for any team that plays UofA. Sincerely, The Roach
  20. tomharveyb

    Turkey with my 8 gauge

    That’s really awesome!
  21. tomharveyb

    How bout them Devils!

    Yep…both teams get to eat Cheetos now.
  22. tomharveyb

    How bout them Devils!

    ASU won the same number of games over the weekend as U of A
  23. tomharveyb


    Refrig is gone
  24. tomharveyb


    Hi CWT members . I have a white GE 18cu ft refrig for sale. Was in a rental and I don’t need it. Works well. Good 2nd refrig for garage, etc. $50. Tom. 602-578-9322……texts only please.