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Everything posted by tomharveyb

  1. tomharveyb

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    Remember when you put in for everything in June, paper application, paid with a check, and didn't know you were drawn until you found out by calling (hit redial 1000x till you got through. Still.....that never took more than 6 weeks, start to finish!!!
  2. tomharveyb

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Any idea when draw results will be available on portal accts? I had to correct a grandson's app with a paper application. Still holding out hope for that.
  3. tomharveyb

    White Mountain Apache elk

    $400 give or take, dep. on which type hunt you pick
  4. tomharveyb

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Anybody use their Cabela's Visa and get hit? My last hope is that this card is slower to show.
  5. tomharveyb

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I know him- he's the head game and fish IT guy
  6. tomharveyb

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Please don't draw yet- this is just too good!!!
  7. tomharveyb

    youth pheasant hunt

    Jan 30 was a great day for my grandson Ryan. He was chosen for the youth pheasant hunt near Mayer through his hunter ed class. Many thanks for SCI for making this a great day for kids. Safety review, trap shooting, free lunch, and a chance to hunt pheasants. His smile says it all!
  8. tomharveyb

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    so you're sayin there's a chance
  9. tomharveyb

    youth pheasant hunt

    Ours was 8:30 Many thanks to all the volunteers as well. To anybody who has a kid who gets picked for this-don't pass it up. It's at least a $500 day if you had to pay to duplicate all they do for you.
  10. tomharveyb

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I'm grateful to game and fish for taking so long. I would have missed out on a week of great entertainment on this thread if they drew on time!!!
  11. tomharveyb

    It's began--nevermind i was bamboozled

    questions for all- does the portal info show up as soon as you are drawn? cc hit quicker than portal?
  12. tomharveyb

    Another ram in Northwest Arizona!

    Regarding 15b west, I hunted there in 2010, using Don as my guide/outfitter. I got a ram on day 15 which would disappoint many hard core trophy hunters who can't handle life if they don't shoo an animal with a certain score. My ram is on my office wall and represents 15 days spent looking at over 200 sheep and 56 rams. It represents memories which will never go away. About Don- totally ethical and hard working. Will put in whatever time it takes to get you the best hunt possible. Just my 2cents worth.
  13. tomharveyb

    San Carlos Antlerless elk

    Well I just spent two awesome days scouting on the res, and must say it was well worth it just to be among all those bugling bulls. I had 8 bulls screaming a each other in a basin, with a 375 ish at 60 yards.. Too bad I have a cow tag. Still exciting, and I 'm not out $30,000!
  14. tomharveyb

    San Carlos Antlerless elk

    Hey everybody- I'm new to cw.com but was wondering if anybody out there has hunted the San Carlos Res for cow elk. I got a tag for Oct 30- Nov 8 later this month. I'm making my first scouting trip up there end of this week. Can anybody get me headed in the right direction? I've been to SC at least 20 times going in to Black River and turkey hunting and can honestly say I've never seen an elk there. Am planning on starting my scouting at Dry Lake. Thanks.