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Everything posted by have2bhuntn

  1. have2bhuntn

    Water holes

    I know they are not illegal but if forests service finds them they may consider it littering. I know a ex game warden that liked to collect tree stands and blinds he found because he considered them litter
  2. have2bhuntn

    White faced Coues finished!!!

    Awesome work on the mount
  3. have2bhuntn

    Pics from mid April

    Pray for some monsoons so he tops out!
  4. have2bhuntn

    Question for the Cope lovers

    I have been chewing since I was 4 years old and still love it at times. I have thought I have quit many times and like muledeerarea33 said when the stress hits there is nothing better. I had actually quit for 3 months till last week a stressful job at work took me back, chewed 2 cans in 3 days. This weekend got a roll of tobacco less herbal chew, see if it helps. I have had plenty of not and blisters on my lip but never behind my teeth. Hope the specialist find not wrong.
  5. have2bhuntn

    Big Whitetail?

    very cool buck
  6. I have a pair of 15x56 swarovski and have had them for 6 or 7 years. They have been use a lot and are starting to show it. They have been droped a few times and the lenses are scrached. I was wondering if anyone has every sent there in and had them refurbished. Was wondering what they fixed and how long it takes to get them back.
  7. have2bhuntn

    Crazy Dog Pics

    I have heard of a lot of mangy coyote being killed this year.
  8. have2bhuntn

    June trail cam pics

    The first one looks like a pretty good bull
  9. have2bhuntn

    Huge October Coues with AZ GroundPounders Outfitters

    First pic i have seen of Steals buck. Awsome buck, great job guy
  10. have2bhuntn


    Very interesting story. Seems like desasters always creat jobs. There some very happy hay haulers in AZ
  11. have2bhuntn

    Hunting mistakes and misses

    A few years ago i finally drew an archery bull tag. The first morning my dad and i got on a heard of elk and were trying to sneek up on them. I was crouched over sneeking on a sidlen hill with my bow in front of me when i slipped and fell. Other than just making a big crash and scaring the elk away, I also stuck my knee wright in the middle of my quiver and broke ever arrow i had.
  12. have2bhuntn

    checked the cam

    Congrats. Awsome pics I have a spot in 23 south that the cow elk try to destroy my cameras. Befor i got digital i had the 35mm trophy cam that came with a green shoe lace to tie it to the tree, i have cow elk eat the shoe lace befor.
  13. have2bhuntn

    F/V Erik goes down off San Felipe

    I made the trip in 2008, was lots of fun. MY cusin and i caught over 40 yellow tail in one morning. They must have fix the ac's in the rooms since you went, the sleeping quarter were ice cold. With the rocking of the boat, the blacked out rooms cold rooms and lots of beer in me I dont think i have ever slept better. Infact with the boat going down at 2:30 im suprized more people didn't go down in the belly of the beast.
  14. have2bhuntn

    Elk Antler Growth

    Bull 3 has some awsome eye gaurds & g-2. Graet pics
  15. have2bhuntn

    Isaac's first elk shed

    thats the best spungbob has ever looked
  16. have2bhuntn

    Lion Pic w/ elk kill

    I think it would have been a dead lion after the second day
  17. have2bhuntn

    The Big Boyz

    That is an awsome deer! Did you leave the camera there so we can see him hard horned?
  18. have2bhuntn

    A few recent pictures

    I like getting elk and coues both. Great pics
  19. have2bhuntn

    is it true

    Thats kinda funny. I got that picture in a txt a couple days ago, it said looks like a hokes but Jonh McClendon verified it was killed in unit 9.
  20. have2bhuntn

    23 buck

    My broyher-in-law John got his buck yesterday. The buck is no monster but is cool looking. He shot the buck at 470yd with a 270cal rifle.
  21. have2bhuntn

    Cheap cameras

    I have a couple cheap ones and they work ok. They have a very slow trigger so be sure and set them on water or some thing the animal will be infront of the camera for a while.
  22. have2bhuntn

    White chevy in payson

    My paretns have a '03 extened cab and my brother-in-law has a '05 4-door. There both in payson a lot.
  23. have2bhuntn

    left handed right eye

    I right handed left eye dominate. I shoot rifle and shotgun left handed with both eyes open, bow right handed with left eye closed. Never felt comfordable pulling a bow left handed. I can also pull more wieght right handed.
  24. have2bhuntn

    need to confirm score on this guy

    I'd say 320. Good bull with a bow.
  25. have2bhuntn

    predators and piggys

    Guess you have to take the bad with the good. Back when when there was only 35m cameras a week like that would be a big waist of film.