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Everything posted by mgorm16640

  1. mgorm16640

    Show Me Some 12A East Bucks

    If you have to leave AZ, get some money together and get your lifetime hunting license license. https://www.azgfd.com/PortalImages/files/licenses/Lifetime%20License%20Application_2014.pdf Prices have gone up a little bit, but still a great deal considering what an out of state license costs to just buy a bonus point. Not to mention you still draw in the resident pool even if you have to pay non-resident tag fees. Still not bad, except for bison considering you can hunt your new state and come back every 5-8 after you draw a better AZ tag.
  2. mgorm16640

    What's he score?

    I'm horrible at judging antelope. Would love a few experienced hunters weigh in on this to see if I am even close.
  3. mgorm16640

    16 Gauge O/U w/3" Chamber

    Take a look at a browning. They have several models that will fit your description. They can be had used for around 1500.00. I passed on a used one that I still regret not buying. If you are not sold on an O/U look at a used FOX SXS which you can get for around 500. Great solid gun. Probably won't have tubes but you can have those installed for a couple hundred bucks.
  4. mgorm16640

    Mathews Drenalin for sale

    If it was an LD, I would be all over it. You should keep it. I have went through a number of Mathews and Hoyt bows and always go back to my drenalin ld.
  5. mgorm16640

    375 H&H brass and bullets

    I am interested in those 225's. Would you be willing to mail them. I have been having trouble finding them lately.
  6. mgorm16640

    Wyoming Antelope/ Deer Winter Death rate

    You are right. If you don't know someone, eastern WY is a tough place to hunt. I should have mentioned that in the post, wasn't the intent to mislead anyone. I was just trying to say that it still could be a good year up here. Depending on the number of preference points and a little research, a good antelope hunt is still possible and the death rate isn't that bad in the entire state. My father in law is putting in on the special draw with only a few points in a unit that would usually take much more and he may have a good chance to draw as it seems like a lot of people are planning on sitting out the draw this year. Anyway, thanks for the welcome. I have been in Worland one year today, moved here from Flagstaff. Which means a resident license and draw for this guy. Kind of excited, especially since I struck out in the AZ draw. I picked up the lifetime license before leaving AZ, looking forward to many trips south in the future.
  7. mgorm16640

    Ruger American 6.5 CM ???

    Not sure if this will help. I have been thinking about one of these rifles for a while https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/1000-yards-500-rifle-rugers-american-predator/ http://amongtheleaves.com/?p=2535 both articles have some specs on how they set up the rifle
  8. mgorm16640

    Wyoming Antelope/ Deer Winter Death rate

    I think it really depends on where you are planning on hunting. Just found out antelope unit I am planning on hunting in north central WY has added about 25% more tags than last year. Eastern part of the state deer numbers are also up. I wouldn't hunt western WY for a few years if I had to burn points to do so.
  9. mgorm16640

    Believe it or not

    If you start a post with the words believe it or not. don't get upset when people don't believe it.
  10. mgorm16640


    Ruger Blackhawk Bisley 357 Magnum with extra grips, original grips also included, RCBS carbide dies, brass and hard cast bullets. Box and a half of 357, 3 boxes of 38 special. Tack driver with mag loads $600 Ruger Mark 3 target, loaded chamber indicator changed out with factory upgrade, not shot much, could throw in a few boxes of shells. $250.00 Fox Model B shotgun 16 gauge, Double trigger, extractors. I think it is choked C, M. Hammers quail. Stock seems cut down, great gun for a teen. Almost a full case of 6 shot included. $575.00 Remington Spartan 12 Gauge/223 Rem. 3 choke tubes IC, M, F. Redfield 1-4 power scope, iron sights upgraded to fiber optics. Great and versatile coyote setup. Soft case included. Rifle is accurate with factory laods, but have never loaded for it, so I am unsure of its full potential. $650.00 Located in Flagstaff, PM with any questions
  11. mgorm16640


    Mark 3 is available again
  12. mgorm16640

    Mathews Z9 Right Hand $625.00

    Mathews Z9, right hand, 60-70 lb limbs. Currently set up for 32 inch draw but other modules can be found on ebay fairly cheap. Bow is set up with G5 Optix sight with 3 .29 fixed pins and 4th floater pin. I have shot this site out to 70 yards and there was still room for more adjustment. Whisker biscuit rest. Currently have factory grip on bow but will include rubber focus grip. 5 Easton FMJ 300's arrows or half dozen Easton Axis 340's. G5 peep site. Allen soft bow case, fits set up nicely. Not included is B-stinger stabilizer, I think I have a sims vibration dampener around here someplace, I will throw that on if you would like. If you have a release, this bow is ready to go. All you will need to do is customize the draw length Moving from AZ to Wyoming, need to sale to fund Lifetime license before I leave. I guess my old bow will have to do for a while. Currently located in Bellemont AZ, just west of Flagstaff. PM with questions
  13. mgorm16640

    Mathews Z9 Right Hand $625.00

  14. mgorm16640


    As of now the Mark 3 is spoken for. Will update if it falls through. PM was sent to see if offers were ok. Offers are fine, worst I can say is no thank you.
  15. mgorm16640

    Mathews Z9 $625

    Mathews Z9, right hand, 60-70 lb limbs. Currently set up for 32 inch draw but other modules can be found on ebay fairly cheap. Bow is set up with G5 Optix sight with 3 .29 fixed pins and 4th floater pin. Whisker biscuit rest. Currently have factory grip on bow but will include focus grip. 5 Easton 300 spine FMJ arrows, 6th broke of in elk 3 seasons ago. Allen soft bow case. Not included is B-stinger stabilizer. I have been having trouble uploading pics, but will get them up. Currently located in Flagstaff.
  16. mgorm16640

    Newbie Advice

    Handloader magazine from Wolf publishing.
  17. mgorm16640

    Thumb Release (Target Panic Related)

    When I bought my last bow, I upgraded to a new release as well. Soon after I developed a bad case of punching the trigger. Read all the posts, did my research and finally tried a thumb release, chocolate lite, never cared for it. Just could not shoot consistently with it. Upgraded to a tension release, Carter Evolution. Works real well. Once you apply the set pressure/poundage, it will release. Not trying to sell you this release, just works well for me. I also spent a lot of time shooting a bag in my garage just getting used to learning the release. 10/ 15 arrows a day worked for me. Then spent even more time micro tuning my bow in order to minimize the pin float. It still moves around a bit, but I managed to shrink the circle quite a bit. this whole process has all been hit or miss. Tried a few things that worked and others had to be undone because they were not very helpful. Lowering my poundage from 72 to 65 also helped quite a bit. Deer can't seem to tell the difference. http://www.lancasterarchery.com/carter-evolution-release-4-finger.html For hunting a still shoot a wrist release. I just set the trigger to the heaviest setting. I can rest my finger on trigger all day and it will not go off, until I pull through it. Light trigger on this release seemed to have started target panic in my case.
  18. Live in Flagstaff. Recently locked action on 300 H&H, after firing reload. I pulled other bullets and all were well within guidelines. Need to find gunsmith that can open action. I don't mind driving if necessary.
  19. mgorm16640

    Action Locked\Gunsmith Needed

    I hit up Jason yesterday. Unable to help as he did not want to hurt the rifle, so off to the factory it goes. Shouldn't be a deterrent though. Great shop, once you find. Nice guy, seems knowledgeable.
  20. mgorm16640


    I have had two of his Mark V rifles built. I'm a lefty, limiting my factory options. I have never shot factory stuff through either rifle. 257 Bob shoots tiny little groups at 200 yards. Never measured them, just know that when I walked up to target for the first time, my jaw dropped. 300 H&H, not as good, but it is me. The rifle kicks more than my Remington 375 HH. I don't know why, but that 300 bothers me more than any other rifle I have ever shot. I'm thinking about having it restocked and add some weight, maybe that will help. Have been impressed thus far with his barrels.
  21. mgorm16640

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    Remington KS mountain rifle in 375 H&H. Leupold 2.5-8 power scope. I use 260 grn accubonds for everything I hunt. Bullet has never failed me from 5 to over 500 yards.
  22. mgorm16640

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    At that range and at 30 06 velocity I would strongly consider Accubonds. They have always expanded for me out of 30 06, but I don't shoot past 400. Just my self imposed limit.
  23. I live in Flagstaff have been driving south to hunt around Cleator and Mayer for quail. Drive is getting old. How far north do they go. I have heard rumors of them as far north as Williams but have never found any.
  24. mgorm16640


    I also struggle with time and don't have a lot of equipment. Just a power tower and a few kettle bells. Just started Insanity Max30. It is a but kicker. It seems like it should be good for getting hunting fit. Doesn't need any equipment and only takes around 30 minutes. I have not made it very far into videos before I need a breather. I also hike with weighted pack as often as I can.
  25. mgorm16640

    Action Locked\Gunsmith Needed

    Thank you very much, going to hit up Dark Sky Solutions first then move from there. Appreciate the info.