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Everything posted by AZ23

  1. AZ23

    AZGFD Portal Problems

    Yes it was all there when I did my online app. I think I've had my portal account for 3 or 4 years now.
  2. If you need to justify the use of technology perhaps you should rethink your understanding of what it means to hunt. If you run dishes through the dishwasher can you say you washed the dishes? I don’t think so. If you clean your clothes in the washer did you can you say you washed the clothes? I don’t think so. If you hire a guide are you the hunter? No you are the shooter. If you mine photos from a camera you have effectively eliminated the search. If you snipe an animal from 1000 yards you have eliminated the pursuit. Hunting minus the search, minus the pursuit = killing.
  3. I love this...banning cameras from water sources is one small step in the right direction. Restricting quads and SxS should be next on the list. I'd wager that once cameras are officially banned you will see an increase in small aircraft fly overs...
  4. AZ23

    2nd Amendment.....what is it?

    At the risk of going down the rabbit hole..the second amendment says "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." If you read the Federalist Papers you will see this amendment was specific to fielding a trained militia (as opposed to funding a professional army)
  5. AZ23

    Electric smoker

    I have the analog Electric Masterbuilt Pro and results are inconsistent. At 225 it has trouble producing smoke, at 275 it does better. Franklin BBQ cooks pretty much everything at 275 so if you like his method you should be fine, if you prefer 225 then you need to spend some money to get better temp control.
  6. AZ23

    Unit mix up

    google 'unit 22 javelina' and you will have your answer
  7. AZ23

    Feral Hogs in California

    Sorry I don't know much. This is on my post retirement list for next year. I prefer not to pay access fee if I can avoid it
  8. AZ23

    Feral Hogs in California

    Google - Lake Sonoma Archery Feral Pig Hunt ...open through March 25 wish I had time but have to pay the bills.
  9. AZ23

    Anti-Hunting Article in the Republic

    I don't think this anti initiative is going away any time soon. I just finished my morning hike at McDowell Mountain Gateway Trailhead where the NODDC / Save Our Preserve folks were collecting signatures for both Save the preserve AND the petition to ban lion hunting. It looked like they had collected quite a few signatures by the time I showed up. When I pressed the dude for some facts to support the ban he was spewing pure BS including the need to ban lion hunting because elk and deer populations are so low because we have no water. There were a number of young libtards eating it up his nonsense and signing the petition...just shows it doesn't take facts to convince lemmings to line up.
  10. AZ23

    WTB Rangefinder

    I would part with my Bushnell Yardage Pro 800 Compact for $60. Works same as when I bought it, glass fine no scratches but the case..has character...this has been in the field a lot over the years
  11. AZ23

    What do you guys think?

    aw, it hurls insults into the ether...how manly... quien es mas macho, Desertwhitetail or Pat?
  12. AZ23

    What do you guys think?

    this is a puzzle....there is no hole in this photo however there is an arrow through the rack in azhntr67's photo...are we looking at the same rack in both photos?
  13. AZ23

    What do you guys think?

    Yes...through the antler... Do the right thing Pat and return the meat and rack (and an apology) to it's rightful owner. Do the right thing Pat...
  14. AZ23

    What do you guys think?

    I'm not buying this cover story, it doesn't pass the smell test. The OP's description makes sense. Do the right thing Pat and return the meat and rack to it's rightful owner.
  15. AZ23

    What do you guys think?

    Is this the bull? Is this the "hunter"? https://www.facebook.com/moonshinebull10
  16. AZ23

    What do you guys think?

    There are two more things to do; 1. Go kill another bull 2. Post up photo of the other "hunter"
  17. AZ23

    What the heck is this?

  18. WTF is this? "...once the road runs out" I may be wrong but once to road runs out you walk.
  19. AZ23

    Big Bull Elk from 23

    What the...? There are no big bulls in 23, There are no big bulls in 23, There are no big bulls in 23, There are no big bulls in 23... pay no attention to OP
  20. AZ23

    Holy trail cams batman!

    Perfect...no cams, no quads, no SxS. If you can't get there on shanks mare you can't go...perfect
  21. AZ23

    Primos Cam in 23N

    Merriam’s definition of Hunter: “a person who hunts wild animals.” ***No mention of radios, cameras, guides, etc. IMO if you hire a guide (and I have) the guide is the hunter, the client is “the shooter”. ​
  22. AZ23

    Outdoorsman Optic pack

    Still Available? I didn't see advantage camo option on their website, how old is the pack?
  23. AZ23

    Black rattlesnake

    not familiar with Naegelin Creek but I encourage you to remove the head and tail from the next black rattler you encounter
  24. AZ23

    Your Favorite Archery Shop in the Valley

    Arizona Archery Club, excellent service, quality work, love the range
  25. AZ23

    Good price for Kodiak 8 man Flexbow $499?

    I bought the 10 x 10 Kodiak from Competitive Edge, love it. Both great tents, it came down to price for me.