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About AZ23

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    Scottsdale AZ

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  1. AZ23

    Laclede Tire Chains Free

    Scottsdale, Pima and Bell. Sorry I missed your question…
  2. These are gone. Used tire chains, tire sizes listed in photo.
  3. AZ23

    Stanley Cup

    I stopped caring on November 22, 2020 when the NHL made it’s official position crystal clear: "Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary identity is real“.
  4. AZ23

    Desert tourtuse found. Pictures added

    Phoenix Herpetological Sanctuary 480.513.4377 https://www.phoenixherp.com/about/contact.html
  5. AZ23

    Tall tripod

    Manfrotto MT055xPRO3. I have aluminum, 5+lbs, there is carbon fibre model. eBay all day.
  6. AZ23

    WTB 375 HH

    I have a Ruger M77 MKII 375 H&H. PM if you're interested I can check value on Gun Broker
  7. AZ23

    Archery lessons?

    If you're in north valley try Gary Sheldon 602.339.8343 at Arizona Archery Club, right across street from Deer Valley airport.
  8. Fair question. I don't have the answer but I see banning trail cams as a step down that path back to fair chase.
  9. Congratulations to Nevada...WELL DONE!!! AZ should follow suit...
  10. AZ23

    Deer of the Southwest

    Just got a copy of this book by Jim Heffelfinger. Covers a range of topics on Mule deer and whitetail. pretty interesting so far...Deer of the Southwest www.deernut.com.
  11. AZ23

    Fluid intake?

    depends on conditions and exertion, 3 to 5 liters in the heat, 2 to 3 liters in cool weather. Nuun electrolyte tabs added to water plus Gatorade gel tabs every hour or so.
  12. Here is my latest suggestion to the commissioners which I will try to send tonight after work: Charge a permit fee: $100 per camera (qty 1 – 5) per year. $500 per year for each camera above qty 5. All cameras must display the permit. If no permit is visible it is free for the taking or target practice. Bolting camera or security box to live trees not allowed. Penalty is forfeiture to anyone who finds the violation.
  13. Be on the look out for a a guy in camo driving a pink Prius with a COEXIST, Feel The Bern, and Animals Are Humans Too bumper sticker Be on the look out for a a guy in camo driving a pink Prius with a COEXIST, Feel The Bern, and Animals Are Humans Too bumper sticker some hippy found my camera the other day, but only after he took a dump right in front of it. "Some hippy..." Just curious how did you identify him as a hippy...scruffy beard...tie dye shirt...baja hoodie, birkenstocks, pockets full of weed....?
  14. You forgot the biggest one, paid guides. I hired a guide once about 20 years ago. My biggest takeaway was understanding how hard you have to work to see lots of quality animals. In the guide scenario the guide is the hunter and the client is are just the shooter....big difference.
  15. Why stop there? Why not centerfire rifles, expandable broadheads, replaceable blade broad heads, carbon arrows, scopes, binoculars, 4WD trucks/jeeps, compound bows, travel trailers, propane heaters, GPS, Cell phones, synthetic clothing, pop up blinds, tree stands, I'm not suggesting we go back to Neolithic times. A step back to the technology of the 60s, 70s, 80s seems a reasonable compromise to restore some balance and ensure fair chase. One of the real problems is no one wants to compromise...if it's not illegal then push the limits to the level of stupid. One of my pet peeves is sniping an animal from long distances and calling that hunting. There is no fair chase involved in sniping and therefore it can't be (shouldn't be) considered hunting. Centerfire rifles, expandable broadheads, replaceable blade broad heads, carbon arrows, scopes....ALL designed to deliver clean kills so no problem there. 4WD trucks and jeeps...you're pushing on the wrong guy. I would be very happy to see NF access restricted to your two feet and nothing more. ​Love my compound but would be perfectly happy to use one of my longbows with cedar shafts if that was the rule. Travel trailers, propane heaters, GPS, Cell phones, synthetic clothing...these items don't kill animals soooooo