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Everything posted by MogollonMan

  1. Anyone know where I can find one?
  2. MogollonMan

    Found 4b archery bull

    A lot of legal issues with tagging a bull after the hunt closes. Especially this late. You should both tread lightly.
  3. VLDs fly great, but the jacket is too thin and they are trash on big game. You are asking over retail for ammo that looks old and who knows how it has been cared for.🤔
  4. MogollonMan

    35a November deer tag

    Return it to AZGFD. While some of these tag donation organizations get tags to great people, too many give tags to the same people year after year. Seems like it gets abused more and more to me.
  5. MogollonMan

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    I don't have any idea about what he was trying to locate. I don't know the man. I am just fed up with AZGFD overreach, bias, and bad WMs. Don't get me wrong, I personally know several great WMs. But you must have missed the part where he was flying what is said to be 1-2 weeks before his deer hunt, which is 100% legal. Only way it becomes illegal is if he had a tag for the OTC elk or was helping a hunter with a tag for that hunt. I haven't seen anyone or anything suggest that is the case. I would suspect you have some bias against Mr. Koury or guides in general? Seems something is clouding your basic logic?
  6. MogollonMan

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    You are incorrect. AZGFD has no jurisdiction over where people can fly unless it directly pertains to their charter of game & fish. It is really frightening how easily you are willing to blindly hand over authority to your rights. After your comments, I dug into this a little further today. It turns out this “judge” is a justice of the peace, an elected official not required to have any formal legal experience or education in order to qualify for office. Untrained under qualified judges with overzealous prosecutors (out of Colorado City none the less), WMs who get a little tingle in their dingle at the prospect of “getting” a well known guide, and AZGFD who has repeatedly demonstrated they have no respect for their own boundaries. Talk about a giant circle jerk!
  7. MogollonMan

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    I came upon this topic and was intrigued by some of the comments. I believe AZGFD has a long history of overstep and abuse of authority. For example when they passed unconstitutional rules prohibiting hunters from carrying a firearm while archery hunting. This AZGFD rule was overturned because AZGFD has no authority to pass laws/rules beyond the scope of taking game. As long as the archery hunter doesn’t use his firearm in the process of taking the game, AZGFD should and has to mind their own business and not infringe on second amendment rights. Based on this limited information, it seems Mr. Koury is a victim of another AZGFD overreach. As long as an individual isn’t fly to aid in taking big game, AZGFD has no jurisdiction to tell anyone when or where they can fly, even during an open hunt. So unless AZGFD can prove Mr. Koury had a tag for the OTC elk hunt, or was helping someone for that hunt, they have no case. Mr. Koury was within his legal rights to fly anywhere he wanted in the area up until the 48 hour period before his hunt. It sounds like this incident occurred a week or two before hunt? So if all of this is accurate, Mr. Koury should absolutely win his appeal, the warden should be reprimanded, and AZGFD needs to apologize for their abuse of authority AGAIN.
  8. MogollonMan

    Mayor of Mesa

    Seems like we all agree (minus Flatlander), Giles is narrowminded POS who can't see past a few personalities flaws to recognize what is best for the country. Fortunately for Giles, Harris is squeeky clean. No morally questionabile background there...
  9. MogollonMan

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    Taking this kind of stand only punishes you and those you hunt with. Big brother doesn't care and it makes the liberals happy that their control mechanism is working.
  10. MogollonMan

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    To get radios from "listening technology" seems a pretty big stretch. But the commission has a way of doing whatever the heck they want, so who knows.
  11. MogollonMan


    I recently stayed at an Airbnb in the mountains that used Starlink. I was very impressed. Way better than the other crappy internet providers up north.
  12. MogollonMan

    How long until cards are hit??

    The more NRs that apply the better. They aren't getting any more tags, but all that money comes into our state.
  13. MogollonMan

    Fire sale

    Come on Bro, just own it. You were on the phone with Scott's boy Cody this morning at the crack of dawn.
  14. MogollonMan

    Fire sale

    All you guys selling your 12s and 15s aren't going to like it, but the market became saturated with used binos about 5 minutes after the announcement. You are going to need to bring your prices down if you want to move your binos anytime soon. You aren't likely going to get what you could have a week ago.
  15. MogollonMan

    Fire sale

    I don't buy it. IMO they were holding these back. They would have sold a lot fewer 12s and binos in total had they released them together.
  16. MogollonMan

    New NL Pure 14x52

    Swarovski, the new Apple. Making you regret your new phone/optics almost the minute you get it out of the package. Just look at all the binos up for sale in here and on FB today.
  17. MogollonMan

    Harvester EVO Suppressor

    Not exactly. I am sure I will butcher this explaination, but there is a "loophole" (for lack of a better term) with regrads to co-trustees. When creating the NFA trust and purchasing the supressor, you want to make certain that you are the only individual listed on the trust as settlor or trustee (no co-trustees). It is fine to have beneficiciaries on there, they don't necessitate all the background stuff. Then you purchase the supressor. Once the supressor is approved and in your posession, you can do a simple addendum (simple one page document) and add co-trustees to trust after the fact. You do not have to submit fingerprints, photos, etc. to add co-trustees at this time. This new addendum must remain on hand with the trust. Should you purchase a second, third, fourth, etc. supressor down the road, you destroy that addendum, once again making you the sole trustee. Once the supressor is in your position, create a new addendum to add your co-trustees and place that new addendum in with your trust documents. I'll include a link to NFA Lawyers that explains this better than I could. They are a well known law firm that created my trust and the trusts of many others. In their package they include everything needed, addemdums for changes, etc. for the one time fee. I higly recommend this option. When I set mine up though them several years ago, it cost somewhere around $75-$100. Not certain of the current price. https://nfalawyers.com/how-to-make-changes-to-an-nfa-lawyers-gun-trust/ The addendum is something as simple as this:
  18. MogollonMan

    Harvester EVO Suppressor

    Seems like you all ore really over complicating the trust option. You can do an NFA trust without having to to go through the fingerprinting, pitures, etc. for beneficiaries, co-trustees, etc. It isn't that complicated and is a relatively cheap and easy process.
  19. MogollonMan

    SOLD - free shop lights

    Can I get in on the Darth Vader helmet?
  20. MogollonMan

    Auction tags

    The commission could care less about the opinions of hunters, they have shown that over and over again. They only listen to people and organization with deep pockets and the anti hunting community.
  21. MogollonMan

    Auction tag

    I think you mean "Does not" or "Doesn't". "Don't mean shoot in the woods" DOESN'T make a whole lot of sense. Also, while it might not mean "shoot in the woods," it can save you from looking like a fool in a written communication chat room.
  22. MogollonMan

    Auction tag

    Trphyhntr is dead on. Not only can people be hard to understand, but when the grammar issues get excessively egregious and/or repetative, your words can take on an entirely different meaning. Everyone makes occasional grammar errors, but for the most part, it really is not all that hard. If it is, maybe written communication and chat rooms aren't for you.